Switching sleep meds nightmare- Ambien vs. Amitriptyline

Posted by januaryjane @januaryjane, Dec 10, 2019

Ive had sleep problems for a long time, had 2 sleep studies that indicated nothing.
Just to get that out of the way...
I was previously on Amitriptyline for quite awhile, and this medicine proved to be the best for me out of 100 others. Within the past six months I got off the (aka)Elavil, and onto the highest dose of ambien er i can take. Ive taken it in the past.
I switched because all my gastro drs were complaining about the Amitriptyline, so I did this to shut them up.
There has been no change in my constipation issue. But I am dying of headaches and fatigue from crappy sleep!
Im just wondering if i should switch back. Although med change alone is hard for me and the withdrawals coming off the Amitriptyline were very difficult.
Just looking for any experience or advice. Thanks

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I think I know what you feel like. I was tested and came out severely sleep deprived. Its almost 4am here and I have been up all night, every night. Have you tried a cpap? I cannot tolerate meds so I tried it twice. For me though the air was going into my stomach, instead of my lungs,causing nausea and vomiting. For most people it does work great. I have been like this over past eight years. I do not sleep during the day, maybe doze 20min. Good luck @januaryjane!


I think I know what you feel like. I was tested and came out severely sleep deprived. Its almost 4am here and I have been up all night, every night. Have you tried a cpap? I cannot tolerate meds so I tried it twice. For me though the air was going into my stomach, instead of my lungs,causing nausea and vomiting. For most people it does work great. I have been like this over past eight years. I do not sleep during the day, maybe doze 20min. Good luck @januaryjane!

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No, no cpap machine. My studies didnt show any apnea. Sorry you are having sleep troubles as well. Ive had mine a long time, sometimes I have to remind myself how hard it is on my body and brain! I never sleep during the day either, unless im very sick. Have you tried ASMR? Sometimes I watch or listen to these videos and it helps me relax. Look on youtube


It's 2024 and I am going through this exact same issue. Been on AMIL for 15 years for insomnia and my GP switched me to ZOLPIDEM. Horrible headaches and CANNOT SLEEP! I want to break something. I will probably switch back this week.


I've had sleep problems for about 20 years.
Now I take 2 Tylenol PM one night & 2 ZzzQuil the next, along with a chewable Melatonin
which usually works. The best (for me) is Lorazepam (10mg I think), but one can get immune
to it as well as other sleep meds. I guess the best idea is just to experiment WITH A DOCTOR'S
ADVICE, til you find what works for you.

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