Swallowing pills: Tips for helping dementia patients take them

Posted by billiekip @billiekip, Aug 28, 2024

ALZ patients often find swallowing pills difficult..especially big vitamin pills. I discovered gummy vitamins which have been a huge hit with my husband. He balked at taking pills before bed, but I realize now, it was the honking size of the vitamin pill that was the hurdle. Taking pills at the same time as your spouse is good too because it reminds them of how to do it. When a person has no memory, everything is brand new including taking pills.

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Dear @billiekip

—- ALZ Patients vs TBI Members to Eat & Swallow? —-
It’s not only ALZ patients, but maybe older folks in the 80s+ and defiantly (sp?) some TBI members loses their memory now, this second, or their past. Some are short-memory members which could be right-now or a few seconds/minutes who’s hungry more often than others.

—- How about Me? —-
Me, a TBI member from a bicycle accident 12 years ago, I lost a lot of my past memory. Sometimes I eat more than before & eating faster than my wife. I usually get supper-full after that. Others of TBI members eat then eating again.

—- How about Eating & Swallowing? —-
How about eating and swallowing vitamins - chewing like candy (it took me a few minutes to find the word of spelling of “chewing” - nothing easy). It’s to easy of chewing with good tastes of chewable vitamins. I do it, but I’m OK . Losing the memory that some people of ALZ patients & TBI members don’t think or can’t remember of just what you did - of chewing vitamins.

—- How about Kids? And Pray for Them… —-
And yes, I’m so sorry for little kids that was not born with “normal” minds. My wife, who works at public schools in our city, knows “problems” of some students like: a 300lbs kid that eats over & over ‘cause her brain doesn’t work to the part of eating & filling & tastes.

Greg D. @greg1956


My MIL (severe Alzheimer's) sometimes gets suspicious of the pills she has to take, although they've been the same pills for many years. So I have to reassure her they're "doctor's order" and stand by her while she swallows them all.
Due to her lack of mobility, going to the bathroom can be difficult. My solution so far have been fiber gummies. She likes those.


This may sound/seem weird, but….
I take all my pills with a shot of whipped cream. Just put pills in mouth, stick nozzle in mouth, then shoot the cream in… then swallow all in one easy step.
Has worked well for years!!


My MIL (severe Alzheimer's) sometimes gets suspicious of the pills she has to take, although they've been the same pills for many years. So I have to reassure her they're "doctor's order" and stand by her while she swallows them all.
Due to her lack of mobility, going to the bathroom can be difficult. My solution so far have been fiber gummies. She likes those.

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I used to crush some of mom's tablets and mix with her favorite yogurt, never had a problem.


I used to crush some of mom's tablets and mix with her favorite yogurt, never had a problem.

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@nathandavid I’m glad that solution worked for you and your mom. I would caution, though, that you talk with your doctor or pharmacist before you try it again. Crushing medications can totally change the way they act in the body. For instance, a heart pill might last only two hours instead of 8; A pain pill may give all of the medication at once, which can be serious. Check with your doctor or local pharmacist to find out which pill you can crush and which, not. You can still put the whole pill in applesauce or yogurt! That’s what I did for quite awhile when I returned home from the hospital.
This message isn’t meant solely for you @nathandavid. Your question was just the perfect one to express my message on medication safety! Everyone, who manages medication for themselves or others, should carefully read the label on the medication container! Safety first!


Well my mother used to always give us pills and have us drink from a soda bottle to swallow them. It has worked for me all of my life when I had a problem with swallowing pills. Drinking from a soda bottle seemed to get my throat into the right position. It's worth a try.



My husband started 3 days ago refusing. People have a rite to refuse. I will let MD know


My MIL (severe Alzheimer's) sometimes gets suspicious of the pills she has to take, although they've been the same pills for many years. So I have to reassure her they're "doctor's order" and stand by her while she swallows them all.
Due to her lack of mobility, going to the bathroom can be difficult. My solution so far have been fiber gummies. She likes those.

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My husband started questioning what pills are for. And has taken many for years. Who made them.


My husband started questioning what pills are for. And has taken many for years. Who made them.

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My husband stopped taking his medicine 5 days ago. They have a right to refuse. There's no way to force them to do anything.


We found the thick and easy juice cups on Amazon a good way for Dad to swallow pills. The consistency is like nectar. You can get a variety pack.

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