Susceptibility to Stress and Depression

Posted by jimgallatin2 @jimgallatin2, Sep 10, 2023

I have had long Covid for over a year, experiencing most of the symptoms noted by the CDC - coming, going, returning, and evolving. Today I experience headaches, tinnitus, abdominal pain, periodic exhaustion, reduced immunity to infections, and major swings in food preferences. Doctors have examined and scanned me from head to toe without finding anything. I am in good physical shape. I have developed coping mechanisms for the physical symptoms, and I am grateful my condition is so mild. But ...

Typical disagreements with my wife (married 46 years) now cause my symptoms to flare up significantly, as if my tolerance for stress has severely eroded in spite of a long career (now retired) during which I thrived in extremely stressful situations. While my cognitive functions are working well (I study quantum mechanics), my emotions have become more changeable, and I mentally tire faster. I struggle to deal with the welter of mundane adjustments that make a household work. My wife says I am not the positive person I used to be and I am depressed. I feel as if long Covid has reduced my emotional immune system.

To cope so far I listen to humorous media, favorite music, and old shows, and read more uplifting material about humanity and its achievements. I help old friends with far worse ailments and issues than mine. I am going to try adding more daily structure such as improved sleep hygiene and a better diet.

I would very much appreciate hearing from others going through similar issues and how they have coped.

Many thanks,


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Thank you for your comments. I have directly relate to everything you posted! I too have had a change to my emotional health since contracting COVID last June. It abruptly caused significant depression and insomnia among other psych effects. I would love the opportunity to speak with you more about this so that we can support each other.


Hello jfgrt44,

The bad news is that my family and I are now dealing with more serious health issues than mine and I am focusing on those 100%.

The goods news is that the symptoms I described seem to have been successfully treated. I wrote a subsequent post about that which you might find useful but somehow wasn't included in this thread. Here it is:

"Over a year into post-Covid I became susceptible to severe emotional stress, borderline depression. After reading various early studies and recognizing that alcohol (a stimulant of serotonin and dopamine) provided temporary relief, I started taking prescription drugs and supplements, exercising and being outdoors to significantly increase my uptake and retention of serotonin and dopamine. This has meant daily workouts, long dog walks, turmeric tablets, probiotic tablets and drinks, magnesium and fish oil supplements, lots of leafy greens for dinner, and prescription serotonin reuptake inhibitors and dopamine agonists. These measures have not completely eliminated the tinnitus and headaches, but have - for now - completely restored my emotional stability under stress. Truly wonderful."

By way of background, I tried this regime only after EEGs, extensive neuropsychological exams, CAT scans, sleep tests, and on and on. Thankfully, the results of those tests were all more than satisfactory. So I was declared quite mentally fit and forced to resort to my own research as described in my other post.

As of today my emotional state has settled, and the tinnitus and headaches have almost completely disappeared. I continue to take the supplements and prescriptions, and engage in physical activities that boost or help retain seratonin and dopamine. I have continued to eat a particularly healthy diet, with the side benefit of losing a good bit of weight.

Finally, experts agree on at least one thing when facing such issues: "socialize, socialize, socialize". I have regular breakfasts, lunches, or dinners with family members and friends.

I hope this is helpful.


Hello jfgrt44,

The bad news is that my family and I are now dealing with more serious health issues than mine and I am focusing on those 100%.

The goods news is that the symptoms I described seem to have been successfully treated. I wrote a subsequent post about that which you might find useful but somehow wasn't included in this thread. Here it is:

"Over a year into post-Covid I became susceptible to severe emotional stress, borderline depression. After reading various early studies and recognizing that alcohol (a stimulant of serotonin and dopamine) provided temporary relief, I started taking prescription drugs and supplements, exercising and being outdoors to significantly increase my uptake and retention of serotonin and dopamine. This has meant daily workouts, long dog walks, turmeric tablets, probiotic tablets and drinks, magnesium and fish oil supplements, lots of leafy greens for dinner, and prescription serotonin reuptake inhibitors and dopamine agonists. These measures have not completely eliminated the tinnitus and headaches, but have - for now - completely restored my emotional stability under stress. Truly wonderful."

By way of background, I tried this regime only after EEGs, extensive neuropsychological exams, CAT scans, sleep tests, and on and on. Thankfully, the results of those tests were all more than satisfactory. So I was declared quite mentally fit and forced to resort to my own research as described in my other post.

As of today my emotional state has settled, and the tinnitus and headaches have almost completely disappeared. I continue to take the supplements and prescriptions, and engage in physical activities that boost or help retain seratonin and dopamine. I have continued to eat a particularly healthy diet, with the side benefit of losing a good bit of weight.

Finally, experts agree on at least one thing when facing such issues: "socialize, socialize, socialize". I have regular breakfasts, lunches, or dinners with family members and friends.

I hope this is helpful.

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Just adding my 2 cents that after my mental health took a nosedive post-COVID, after also undergoing everything from brain scans to vestibular physical therapy for vertigo (it didn’t help), 8 months later, I ended up being prescribed Wellbutrin and my mental health improved significantly. (Up until the LC-induced vertigo, I had also exercised regularly and ate a really healthy diet). I read about how cases of psychosis in otherwise mentally healthy people skyrocketed after these people had covid - based on my personal experience and those of others, I truly think it attacks the brain in ways scientists haven’t even scratched the surface of.


As promised, I am reporting back after my Tilt Table Test. It brought back my Covid symptoms (blurriness, dizzy, some nausea, weak tingling legs and feet, and SOB), was not fun but didn't have probes attached to my legs. Took me all day to recover. I do not have POTS (good news) but given my symptoms, the suggestion was to drink more fluids and add more salt to my diet. Surprise, surprise - not anything earth shattering, just like the other "medical experts" comment.

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It’s so disappointing to go through tests, procedures, and in my case some surgeries, yet, get no help and perhaps get worse.

I had moderate cataracts removed to try to help with light sensitivity...made it worse, plus now I wear glasses! I had Eustachian tube balloon inflation for ear pressure, made it worse!
So, I’ve come to the conclusion the “experts” know nothing.

I’ ve said this before on other threads....If my body doesn’t figure this out, nobody else can.

I am constantly researching for myself, and trying various vitamins, supplements, therapies I see online. Nothing has made a difference for me.
I struggle on.

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