Sudden severe dizziness when standing up

Posted by smoke1009 @smoke1009, Oct 20, 2022

(I am translating this using Google Translate, so I apologize if any grammatical errors are found.)

Something that I have never experienced, however I am experiencing it now, is what is mentioned in the title, very strong dizziness when standing up suddenly or doing any movement that implies 'getting up' I get dizzy to the point of seeing black for a few seconds and my heart it speeds up, the funny thing is that even when I do intense exercise I don't feel any of this, only when I stand up abruptly. Well, I went to the doctor for these symptoms, in addition to feeling tired and sleepy throughout the day, so the doctor asked me for a blood test to rule out any diabetes, thyroid, or anemia problem. Everything went well, it turns out that I had nothing, and in the end it just stayed that way, that everything was fine; A month has passed and I'm still having the same problems; Does anyone know what it could be?
I await someone's response, thanks in advance.

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Hi @smoke1009, I've had that happen too, some times more than others. It's called orthostatic hypotension caused by a drop in blood pressure because blood pools in the legs. Some recommendations to manage it are check sll medications, get adequate fluids, rise slowly and try clenching your leg muscles to drive blood back up to the heart before standing, avoid sitting or standing in one place for too long. Exercise in the morning to get your flowing. If it's severe, get it checked by your doctor (which you already did). I got this from Harvard Health Publishing. I noticed it happened more when I put my feet up. Please take precautions so you don't pass out. If it's really bad there are medications that can treat it. I wish you the best.


It sounds like
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
Also called: POTS

However in just guessing and you need to ask your doctor.

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