Strokes in children

Posted by meggotty @meggotty, Mar 31, 2017

my friend's granddaughter had a stroke and children's hospital says it's "very rare" and currently doing genetic testing. does anyone know about this childhood rarity?

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Hello @meggotty, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! Thank you for posting your question here. Our community is built on talking with other members who are potentially going through a similar diagnosis. We also have a group for caregivers if you wouldn't mind sharing this link with your friend

While we wait for other members to join this conversation please take a look at this Mayo Clinic page on Strokes You will also see there is a clickable link in the top right corner to our appointment line as well.

Please keep us updated on this little girl. Sending well wishes her way.


Hi @meggotty,

I just wanted to follow up, and enquire about your friend's granddaughter; how is she doing?

I also thought your friend may wish to view this Mayo Clinic story about 10 year old girl, who was rushed to Mayo Clinic for emergency treatment of a brain hemorrhage.
Caroline's courage after stroke:

We look forward to hearing from you.

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