Completed 5 years of anastrozole. Withdrawal symptoms? Side effects?

Posted by christinej @christinej, Jul 24, 2018

Monday, July 23rd, after consulting with Dr. Loprinzi, we decided to have me stop taking anastrozole. (Arimidex). It has been 5 years since I started the drug after breast cancer surgery and radiation. Has anyone stopped this drug and had any withdrawal symptoms? The nurse from Blue Group sent me an email today saying that there are no withdrawal symptoms after stopping this drug. Soooooooooooooo, is this all in my head? Definitely having some type of withdrawal.

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And, that sounds crazy. But I do it as well. However, some nights I try to get my sleep pattern back. Never works. My current hot flashes make me crazy. I guess I will live. Thank you for sharing.


I do meet with my oncologist aides twice a year. The last time I met with them I was fine. Just doing everything I can to ward away the side effects. However, during the past two months, I was unable to workout exercises. We had so much to do around the house for renovations. I asked my husband does working around the store while lifting boxes and doing other things constitute as exercise. He could tell I was getting frustrated with my obligations getting in the way. He gave me a pass. This week, I got two workouts in. I am back to square one. It's a struggle, but I will keep trying. These past two weeks I have been experiencing alot of hot flashes. I am not sure if it is the weather or just that I have not been working out like I usually do. I will figure it out.

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Trust me it is the weather I had internal hot flashes I would ask everyone is it hot in Here they would say no. With the extreme heat now you are not alone. I finished five years of anastrazole I am happy to report no more internal heat it is the weather now keep it going try walking around the house in air conditioning or in the mall good luck relief is just around the corner all meds have side effects yours are minor you can do this


I get the "flashes" some nite sweats, covers off/cover on...scar tissue is sometimes tingly!? they said radiation slows healing, this is crazy! Skin is less dry, and hair is getting thicker. Went from not feeling much to crying at commercials!? It just hit me, I am in menopause again! Hormone blocker shut off a lot, and now my body is working thru having some again. Still happy that I dont have to take the pill any more, joints less achy. Its only been 6 months...will see what else happens

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