Steroid Induced Hypertension

Posted by jenlombardo @jenlombardo, Nov 20, 2022

I have Multiple Sclerosis. Had allergic reaction from MS infusion and needed three days IV SOLUMEDROL 1 gram. It stopped pseudo relapse and attack. Since then I’ve had high Bp, high heart rate up to 125, and palpitations with chest tightness. Went to ER ekg good, no clots and no damage said heart is strong. Hypothesis is steroid induced hypertension that will eventually clear in weeks months? Cardiologist in hospital started me on Coreg 3.25 twice a day. Only took it twice but Bp is now low and I’m getting dizzy 108/78. I am already dizzy from lesion on cerebellum and this making it worse. It has slowed palpitations. Two questions: do I have to wean off coreg if I stop after only taking it twice? Any thought on how long the steroids need to clear and reverse this high blood pressure? Thank you! I’m 51, normal weight, no other health issues and never had heart issues before steroid infusion.

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Hello, @jenlombardo and welcome to Mayo Connect. As a frequent user of steroids for inflammation and lung infections, I have always been aware that these medications can increase both blood pressure and blood sugar. 1g doses for an allergic reaction are a hard, sudden hit to your body, so I'm not surprised that you reacted. The good news is that there is no underlying heart issue for you.

It always does a number on my heart rate, sending my resting rates as high as 125-140, but it never occurred to check my BP when that happened. Duh, me! When I go off the steroids, it takes a month or 6 weeks for my heart rate to normalize.

If you blood pressure is already normalizing, it's time to ask your doc to taper/stop the meds. Have you been checking it regularly now? Have you discussed next steps with your doc?


Hello, @jenlombardo and welcome to Mayo Connect. As a frequent user of steroids for inflammation and lung infections, I have always been aware that these medications can increase both blood pressure and blood sugar. 1g doses for an allergic reaction are a hard, sudden hit to your body, so I'm not surprised that you reacted. The good news is that there is no underlying heart issue for you.

It always does a number on my heart rate, sending my resting rates as high as 125-140, but it never occurred to check my BP when that happened. Duh, me! When I go off the steroids, it takes a month or 6 weeks for my heart rate to normalize.

If you blood pressure is already normalizing, it's time to ask your doc to taper/stop the meds. Have you been checking it regularly now? Have you discussed next steps with your doc?

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Thank you so much for responding Sue and I’m sorry you also deal with steroid heart issues as well! I tried Coreg beta blocker last night and then this morning and when sitting my Bp is very low. Without beta blocker resting it’s 134/85 and after moving around cooking I take it right away and it’s 150/100. Monday will be three weeks after infusion so I’m hoping this will end soon. Good to hear yours did in a month as well. I hate feeling like this!

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