Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Posted by LindaF @fessmom, Jun 29, 2017

My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight is a seemingly invisible "switch" that goes on and off in my brain. When it's "on" I am in the zone and can avoid the most decadent temptations and will exercise faithfully. But, about a year to 15 months into my healthy lifestyle, the switch turns to "off" and I lose focus and revert to my bad habits of poor food choices (both in what I eat and how much I eat) and I become more sedentary. I am at that point now and I feel a slow panic building as the number on the scale inches upward. I know what I should do, but I am at a loss as to how to get my mojo back. Suggestions, anyone!?

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@christinelouise, I want to invite you to meet others who are encouraging and supporting each other. Would you be interested to join us? I am interested in learning what you found successful for yourself over the past 10 weeks that helped you to achieve weight loss success.

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Yes I would be interested in joining you.
My last 10 weeks have been fantastic due to divine intervention.
If you would like to hear more about this, let me know.
Thank you for the invitation.


Yes I would be interested in joining you.
My last 10 weeks have been fantastic due to divine intervention.
If you would like to hear more about this, let me know.
Thank you for the invitation.

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@christinelouise, I am happy that you came to join us!
Are you experiencing any health benefits from your weight loss? I know that you said that a pending surgery is your motivation, but please share how much you have lost and what is your successful strategy?

I see that you have posted your contact information, and I have requested for a moderator to remove it for your protection from any unwanted messages or scams because this is a public forum. We do have a Private Message option (envelope top right) for sharing when needed.


Thank you.

I've lost 35#s since April 18.
I usually lose and then gain back 25 - 50 #s a year.
The weight comes on when I am depressed. Over the last 25 yrs., I've spent more months depressed than not each year. But I have hope for this year.
God directly intervened on April 18th. I told my husband I had given up. I told him and my psychiatrist that on that day at an appointment. I was very serious, not suicidal but I had lost all hope. (I would never commit suicide and so that to my loving parents).
My daughter called an texted and hour later. I hadn't heard from her for 7 months and had no way to contact her. It was a tremendous sign to me that God was pulling me out.
Since then I have surrounded myself with a lot of support both professional and social.
I don't know if depression will hit me again or not.
Those around me will intervene on my behalf and I'm confident that a blue day won't turn into months in bed.
I eat healthy and I exercise regularly. I go to a professional appt. once a week and people close to me now know what I struggle with.
Like I said, life is amazing and I find that everyday God just wants me to totally dependant on Him. He is truly my best friend. He let's me know that in infinite ways.
God bless everyone.


Thank you.

I've lost 35#s since April 18.
I usually lose and then gain back 25 - 50 #s a year.
The weight comes on when I am depressed. Over the last 25 yrs., I've spent more months depressed than not each year. But I have hope for this year.
God directly intervened on April 18th. I told my husband I had given up. I told him and my psychiatrist that on that day at an appointment. I was very serious, not suicidal but I had lost all hope. (I would never commit suicide and so that to my loving parents).
My daughter called an texted and hour later. I hadn't heard from her for 7 months and had no way to contact her. It was a tremendous sign to me that God was pulling me out.
Since then I have surrounded myself with a lot of support both professional and social.
I don't know if depression will hit me again or not.
Those around me will intervene on my behalf and I'm confident that a blue day won't turn into months in bed.
I eat healthy and I exercise regularly. I go to a professional appt. once a week and people close to me now know what I struggle with.
Like I said, life is amazing and I find that everyday God just wants me to totally dependant on Him. He is truly my best friend. He let's me know that in infinite ways.
God bless everyone.

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@christinelouise, Thank you for sharing this deeply personal intervention. You have a powerful faith and inner strength that serve yourself and those who are around you. (and that includes me).
I am happy for you. 35 lbs is a big deal! Are your doctors noticing?
You say that now you eat healthy and exercise regularly. Was this a big change in behavior for you? What kind of eating and exercise changes have you found to be the most helpful?


Thank you.

I've lost 35#s since April 18.
I usually lose and then gain back 25 - 50 #s a year.
The weight comes on when I am depressed. Over the last 25 yrs., I've spent more months depressed than not each year. But I have hope for this year.
God directly intervened on April 18th. I told my husband I had given up. I told him and my psychiatrist that on that day at an appointment. I was very serious, not suicidal but I had lost all hope. (I would never commit suicide and so that to my loving parents).
My daughter called an texted and hour later. I hadn't heard from her for 7 months and had no way to contact her. It was a tremendous sign to me that God was pulling me out.
Since then I have surrounded myself with a lot of support both professional and social.
I don't know if depression will hit me again or not.
Those around me will intervene on my behalf and I'm confident that a blue day won't turn into months in bed.
I eat healthy and I exercise regularly. I go to a professional appt. once a week and people close to me now know what I struggle with.
Like I said, life is amazing and I find that everyday God just wants me to totally dependant on Him. He is truly my best friend. He let's me know that in infinite ways.
God bless everyone.

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@christinelouse Your story is wonderfully inspirational. Never give up. Does your daughter know what a Godsend she was?
I feel very strongly that my liver transplant, coming when it did, was thanks to the huge number of people praying for me. I know for some people it's hard to "believe", but I wonder how a person cannot.

Great weight loss too! Did you have a particular strategy to lose the weight? I have also lost a lot of weight but I struggle daily to keep it off.


Thank you.

I've lost 35#s since April 18.
I usually lose and then gain back 25 - 50 #s a year.
The weight comes on when I am depressed. Over the last 25 yrs., I've spent more months depressed than not each year. But I have hope for this year.
God directly intervened on April 18th. I told my husband I had given up. I told him and my psychiatrist that on that day at an appointment. I was very serious, not suicidal but I had lost all hope. (I would never commit suicide and so that to my loving parents).
My daughter called an texted and hour later. I hadn't heard from her for 7 months and had no way to contact her. It was a tremendous sign to me that God was pulling me out.
Since then I have surrounded myself with a lot of support both professional and social.
I don't know if depression will hit me again or not.
Those around me will intervene on my behalf and I'm confident that a blue day won't turn into months in bed.
I eat healthy and I exercise regularly. I go to a professional appt. once a week and people close to me now know what I struggle with.
Like I said, life is amazing and I find that everyday God just wants me to totally dependant on Him. He is truly my best friend. He let's me know that in infinite ways.
God bless everyone.

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Hello Christine,

I would also like to say thank you and congratulations on this wonderful change in your life! So many positive things have occurred. You must be very grateful. I would like to invite you to another Connect discussion group. The title of the discussion group is "The Importance of Focusing on Postive with Depression and Anxiety." I think you will find the members there have something to share that you can appreciate.

Here is the link to their discussion,

I would also like to tag Members, @stsopoci, @elwooodsdad, and @savana1 to post with you as well.


@christinelouise, Thank you for sharing this deeply personal intervention. You have a powerful faith and inner strength that serve yourself and those who are around you. (and that includes me).
I am happy for you. 35 lbs is a big deal! Are your doctors noticing?
You say that now you eat healthy and exercise regularly. Was this a big change in behavior for you? What kind of eating and exercise changes have you found to be the most helpful?

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My nutritionist at Mayo suggested a 1400 calorie day. I probably average 1500. Also I swim at least 3 times a week for about 40min each time. Little over a 1/2 mile. I also walk one time per week for an hour.
I have a regular morning schedule which includes devotions with my husband. That time together also involves reading A Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.
An ongoing spiritual goal is to spend more and more time with Jesus.
I also pray for people during swimming. I know that God desires all of me and I ask myself what are my desires. Often they aren't eternal things. But I gave a lot if joy on my life and I know that comes from him.
God is a God of detail so I try to be really specific in my prayers.
He knows my desires but in asking him, I also realize my desires.
Lots of info but I want to share the spiritual truths I've experienced.



Hello Christine,

I would also like to say thank you and congratulations on this wonderful change in your life! So many positive things have occurred. You must be very grateful. I would like to invite you to another Connect discussion group. The title of the discussion group is "The Importance of Focusing on Postive with Depression and Anxiety." I think you will find the members there have something to share that you can appreciate.

Here is the link to their discussion,

I would also like to tag Members, @stsopoci, @elwooodsdad, and @savana1 to post with you as well.

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Okay thanks.

In reply to @christinelouise "Okay thanks." + (show)

Okay thanks.

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@christinelouise, I want to tell you that i thought of you last week while I was hiking up a long uphill trail in the Great Smokey Mountains!
I remember reading that you like to meditate while you swim laps. While I was climbing and huff/puffing going uphill, I found myself concentrating (perhaps meditating) on songs. Last week week it was the steady background melodies of the Pachelbel's Canon in D, and the Bach Gounod Ave Maria. They were painfully slow, but I made it to where I was headed.

How are you doing? Are you still swimming?


@rosemarya Jumping in here . Funny story about meditating I was in a MRI last week ,so noisy so I was drumming the beat of the noise with my fingers.

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