Started chemo for pancreatic cancer and already want to quit

Posted by tnt69 @tnt69, Oct 27, 2023

My sister started her 1st round of chemo on October 25th, had very bad side effects and does not want to continue it, I'm not sure I want her to suffer so much just to add a little extra time of being miserable most of the time, please help somebody.

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How did the appointments go, @tnt69? How’s your sister doing? How are YOU doing?

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my sister decided she wasn't going do the treatment anymore,she was all ready to do it at mayo clinic and backed out at the very last minute, saying she wanted quality of life instead of quantity,which the family is ok with since she was so sick after the first treatment, plus the more research we have done it really doesn't seem really worth it to most of the family for extra time, the only thing she would have done differently would have been to not have ever done the first treatment, as all of her hair has fallen out as a result from the chemo , now she has certainly not given up by any means, she's gonna focus on getting her blood sugar under control, and she has started eating a lot healthier, and taking lots of supplements and they must be working because she feels the best she has felt since her diagnosis, her stress level has also much improved just from making the toughest decision of her life , thank you for reaching out and checking on
her,god bless


my sister decided she wasn't going do the treatment anymore,she was all ready to do it at mayo clinic and backed out at the very last minute, saying she wanted quality of life instead of quantity,which the family is ok with since she was so sick after the first treatment, plus the more research we have done it really doesn't seem really worth it to most of the family for extra time, the only thing she would have done differently would have been to not have ever done the first treatment, as all of her hair has fallen out as a result from the chemo , now she has certainly not given up by any means, she's gonna focus on getting her blood sugar under control, and she has started eating a lot healthier, and taking lots of supplements and they must be working because she feels the best she has felt since her diagnosis, her stress level has also much improved just from making the toughest decision of her life , thank you for reaching out and checking on
her,god bless

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Hello @tnt69

You must feel relieved that your sister made a decision like this on her own. It is good that her family was able to be supportive of her at this time. I'm glad that she is eating better now and feeling better. I hope that her quality of life continues to improve.

I'd love to hear updates from you, when it's convenient.


Hello @tnt69

You must feel relieved that your sister made a decision like this on her own. It is good that her family was able to be supportive of her at this time. I'm glad that she is eating better now and feeling better. I hope that her quality of life continues to improve.

I'd love to hear updates from you, when it's convenient.

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thank you for your feedback I will keep you posted,and yes she made the decision on her own and seems relieved and not so stressed


How did the appointments go, @tnt69? How’s your sister doing? How are YOU doing?

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we are both doing well, and my sister seems a lot more happy since her decision


my sister decided she wasn't going do the treatment anymore,she was all ready to do it at mayo clinic and backed out at the very last minute, saying she wanted quality of life instead of quantity,which the family is ok with since she was so sick after the first treatment, plus the more research we have done it really doesn't seem really worth it to most of the family for extra time, the only thing she would have done differently would have been to not have ever done the first treatment, as all of her hair has fallen out as a result from the chemo , now she has certainly not given up by any means, she's gonna focus on getting her blood sugar under control, and she has started eating a lot healthier, and taking lots of supplements and they must be working because she feels the best she has felt since her diagnosis, her stress level has also much improved just from making the toughest decision of her life , thank you for reaching out and checking on
her,god bless

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I'm familiar with this feeling of making the decision that is "right". My father also chose quality over quality. It felt right for him and our family too.

Do you have information about hospice care should it be requested or needed?


I'm familiar with this feeling of making the decision that is "right". My father also chose quality over quality. It felt right for him and our family too.

Do you have information about hospice care should it be requested or needed?

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I don't have any hospice information yet,hopefully she can do it from home, it's a touchy situation to bring up for me because I am still somewhat in disbelief that this is really happening to her, she was diagnosed in June and I still have trouble even thinking about any of this stuff knowing that we will lose her soon, which I will be devastated. my sister is such a wonderful, thoughtful,caring person,this world needs a few more of her,but instead we will lose her to this terrible,unfair disease. she did do just the 1 round of chemo and it stole all of her hair, the 1 thing she didn't want to happen. (she is a cosmetologist and has done hair for almost 40 years). on a positive note she is taking it better than any of us thought she would, and has actually came up with great ideas like somehow attaching hair from a wig to a cute hat that she likes and it looks amazing. I will miss her dearly, sorry I just realized that I am just going on and on. and yes any hospice information would be much appreciated. god bless and thank you for your feedback.


I also made the decision to forgo treatment. I had a wonderful year of travel, family get togethers, putting my affairs in order. All with the support of my family. It has now raised its ugly head. I’m on hospice now. But at 83 I am ready for what’s ahead. Family is everything.


I also made the decision to forgo treatment. I had a wonderful year of travel, family get togethers, putting my affairs in order. All with the support of my family. It has now raised its ugly head. I’m on hospice now. But at 83 I am ready for what’s ahead. Family is everything.

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Hello @brookie82,

I appreciate you sharing your experience with others. You have made some courageous decisions and seem to be at peace with those decisions. You and your family are fortunate to be able to face this together.

Was there anything in particular that helped you with your decision?


I don't have any hospice information yet,hopefully she can do it from home, it's a touchy situation to bring up for me because I am still somewhat in disbelief that this is really happening to her, she was diagnosed in June and I still have trouble even thinking about any of this stuff knowing that we will lose her soon, which I will be devastated. my sister is such a wonderful, thoughtful,caring person,this world needs a few more of her,but instead we will lose her to this terrible,unfair disease. she did do just the 1 round of chemo and it stole all of her hair, the 1 thing she didn't want to happen. (she is a cosmetologist and has done hair for almost 40 years). on a positive note she is taking it better than any of us thought she would, and has actually came up with great ideas like somehow attaching hair from a wig to a cute hat that she likes and it looks amazing. I will miss her dearly, sorry I just realized that I am just going on and on. and yes any hospice information would be much appreciated. god bless and thank you for your feedback.

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Please know, @tnt69, that you never need to apologize for, "I just realized that I am just going on and on." You are in a stressful situation, and we all have been there. Continue to post and let us encourage you as best we can.


Hello @brookie82,

I appreciate you sharing your experience with others. You have made some courageous decisions and seem to be at peace with those decisions. You and your family are fortunate to be able to face this together.

Was there anything in particular that helped you with your decision?

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Yes, my age. Also I have first hand knowledge of the Whipple (my friend experienced it) and the nine months of chemo and radiation. I just knew I would be so ill from side affects. I’m Diabetic also. I made the right decision for me.

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