Speech & cognitive therapy helped me

Posted by ericy210 @ericy210, Oct 22, 2023

I’ve had long Covid since May 2022. I attended 12 sessions at the Shirley Ryan Ability Center in Chicago.
The very modern floor that housed speech therapy has a waiting area for people undergoing occupation therapy- learning how to walk after a leg amputation, learning how to turn a doorknob, and physically twisted and contorted, but they were all working towards a recovery.
When I got to the speech therapist, she said , “you’re the same as the other patients out there. You likely will not return to your old self. But we will work on developing new abilities and tools so you can live the life you want.”
That was eye opening. I did every damn thing they taught me and still do. For me, it was breathing, thinking and speaking more deliberately, and slowing down overall.
Brain fog was killing me. I didn’t realize speech therapy begins with the brain’s ability to process information then verbally communicate and
It’s less difficult to speak clearly and avoid out-of-breath stuttering and trying to squeeze thoughts out. It got really bad a few months ago.
That, along with medication to help me focus, pacing, and diet has moved me in a better direction.

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