Soreness and stiffness 10 months post TKR

Posted by cindymattern @cindymattern, Jul 24, 2023

I am now 10 months out after a right TKR...At 3 months I had about 115 range of motion and felt pretty good and was dismissed from PT. I went back at about 8 months as I felt I was getting more stiff and sore and still had the tight band feeling and feel like things are pulling. I did have significant arthritis prior to my surgery and do have arthritis in several areas. Of course my surgeon says everything is fine and my X-ray looks good. He won't see me till September which is my one year appointment. Should I be concerned. I'm still in PT, doing some myofascial release and some strengthening again. I also suffer from lower back pain and some IT band issues since the replacement. Any suggestions would be greatly suggested. I know they say a year or more but I'm so over this...I recently walked 18,000 steps at Universal but was very sore in the evening and used my knee sleeve due to walking so much. I do most everything except getting up off the floor but by late afternoon am really sore. ROM is still 115 if I use a band but it hurts but I can pull it. Can't take nsaids...currently on 900mg Gabapentil and Tylenol.

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Hi, I am 9 and 10 months out from two successful TKRs. My story and history is very similar to yours. I continue to experience stiffness and soreness, daily and am active. It is not debilitating, annoying yes.

I spoke to my surgeon's Nurse Practioner about this just yesterday. She stated this is a condition to be expected, more ongoing than not. Recommending to continue strengthening stretches first thing in a.m.. , brief icing/elevate, as needed, and Tylenol, GABEPENTIN.
I see my surgeon for my annual in a few months. I will ask more then. Note: I had expected TKR to relieve all my symptoms, although overzealous in my expectations I am still thrilled with the outcome.

I wish you improved wellness in your journey


Hi, I am 9 and 10 months out from two successful TKRs. My story and history is very similar to yours. I continue to experience stiffness and soreness, daily and am active. It is not debilitating, annoying yes.

I spoke to my surgeon's Nurse Practioner about this just yesterday. She stated this is a condition to be expected, more ongoing than not. Recommending to continue strengthening stretches first thing in a.m.. , brief icing/elevate, as needed, and Tylenol, GABEPENTIN.
I see my surgeon for my annual in a few months. I will ask more then. Note: I had expected TKR to relieve all my symptoms, although overzealous in my expectations I am still thrilled with the outcome.

I wish you improved wellness in your journey

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Thank you...I am very overzealous as well. May I ask how much Gabapentin you take. I actually went totally off it prior to surgery because of the pain meds as I didn't want to take both. I'm back on my usual 900 at bedtime. I've wondered I should space out and take 300mg 3x a day instead of all at night.


I've just had my 8 month post-TKR anniversary. Yes, I still have some stiffness and soreness, varying from day to day and with activity level.
I am taking MSM and Wobenzym N, both OTC, and cannabis. I also use a Pulsed Magnetic Therapy "donut" (Amazon) daily for tissue/nerve stimulation and regeneration. I take hot baths and do self-massage.
Never heard of Gabapentin except on this forum so looked it up.
This from Mayo Clinic website: "Gabapentin may cause vision changes, clumsiness, unsteadiness, dizziness, drowsiness, sleepiness, or trouble with thinking."
This from the NHS website: Feeling sleepy, tired or dizzy, Feeling sick (nausea), Being sick (vomiting), Diarrhea, Mood changes, Swollen arms and legs, Blurred vision, Dry mouth.
Here is a Jane Brody NY Times article from 2019,


Good with stiffness mine started on day one that was 7 years ago 8vdocs took x rays and told me how good they looked whent to pain management Do ..c and he gave me $130 cream did no good went to new doc and went for shots 3 around each knee told me could take up to 10 days to improve been 20 days and all they did was make the knees stiffer .going back in a couple of weeks don't know what for,have in assisted living for almost 2 years when I first got here and broke my tibbeya(bone just below my hip) been in wheel chair since.good luck.l am 92 can"t see to well hope you can make it all out


I've just had my 8 month post-TKR anniversary. Yes, I still have some stiffness and soreness, varying from day to day and with activity level.
I am taking MSM and Wobenzym N, both OTC, and cannabis. I also use a Pulsed Magnetic Therapy "donut" (Amazon) daily for tissue/nerve stimulation and regeneration. I take hot baths and do self-massage.
Never heard of Gabapentin except on this forum so looked it up.
This from Mayo Clinic website: "Gabapentin may cause vision changes, clumsiness, unsteadiness, dizziness, drowsiness, sleepiness, or trouble with thinking."
This from the NHS website: Feeling sleepy, tired or dizzy, Feeling sick (nausea), Being sick (vomiting), Diarrhea, Mood changes, Swollen arms and legs, Blurred vision, Dry mouth.
Here is a Jane Brody NY Times article from 2019,

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Unfortunately all medication has side effects and what works for one does not for another. I've only experienced being sleepy but I take it at night for that reason. It has taken care of the nerve pain I experience from my neck, sciatica in my back and has helped with the knee pain. It has seriously been a God send for me. However it really does not help with swelling much and I can't take nsaids.


I am 13 months out from TKR surgery and still have some stiffness around my knee. Taking ibuprofen and Tylenol as needed. I have heard some say it will eventually go away, others say it won't. I am hopeful that it will. I notice soreness in my knee mostly when I overuse it. But other times I forget about the TKR altogether. I guess it just takes time. Regarding the Gabapentin, I took it a few years ago for pain in my leg and it helped a little but not enough to be worth the brain fog and memory loss that came with it. That drug is not for everyone and, based on my experience, I cannot recommend it.


Good with stiffness mine started on day one that was 7 years ago 8vdocs took x rays and told me how good they looked whent to pain management Do ..c and he gave me $130 cream did no good went to new doc and went for shots 3 around each knee told me could take up to 10 days to improve been 20 days and all they did was make the knees stiffer .going back in a couple of weeks don't know what for,have in assisted living for almost 2 years when I first got here and broke my tibbeya(bone just below my hip) been in wheel chair since.good luck.l am 92 can"t see to well hope you can make it all out

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So sorry to hear you have had such rough time of it ..,, I know I have read the shots can make you stiffer…. I know in my own experience steroids makes my knee so stiff …..move as much as you can even just exercise sitting in wheel chair will help …just keep moving that knee ….ice is very helpful also helps with pain ….try some knee compression sleeves,can also try massaging your knee especially when tight …..hope you find something that helps with some of your pain…..


So sorry to hear you have had such rough time of it ..,, I know I have read the shots can make you stiffer…. I know in my own experience steroids makes my knee so stiff …..move as much as you can even just exercise sitting in wheel chair will help …just keep moving that knee ….ice is very helpful also helps with pain ….try some knee compression sleeves,can also try massaging your knee especially when tight …..hope you find something that helps with some of your pain…..

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thanks....cortisone actually makes it feel amazing and always did a few days after injections I used to get. I probably overdo as I mow grass, walk lots and there's nothing I"m not doing except getting off the floor. I will try my knee sleeve tomorrow but wearing it when it's 90-100 out is really hot if I have to be outside.


You note that you are doing "some strengthening again" - which tells me you stopped.

I'm curious - what was your exercise regimen pre-surgery to strengthen the knee as much as possible before surgery? And what has been your exercise regimen post surgery? When you refer to strengthening, what exercises were you doing?

I hear many complaints from TKR patients that their new knees are noisy and stiff. I have been in the gym 6 or 7 days a week since knee replacement. I have no noise coming from my knees and my legs and knees feel better than they have in 30 years (I'm 68 y/o.). I work hard on my quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes and I do stretching for my legs everyday.

What have you done and what do you do? That's probably where your answer lies.


For all the people on here complaining about pain and stiffness, how much work did you put into your recovery (not to mention exercises prior to surgery - and yes, you can do exercises that avoid all or most pain prior to surgery)?

My surgeon told me a successful recovery from TKR is 10% the work/skill of the surgeon and 90% the work/commitment of the patient.

There is no silver bullet here, no magic pill. If you want a happy TKR recovery you have to work for it.

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