Small Fiber Neuropathy discouraged

Posted by graysea @graysea, Jul 14, 2022

I had minimal health issues until the fall of 2019. My general practioner dc'd a medication cold turkey. This caused small fiber neuropathy. It took two years to diagnose and treat. I spent two years in my husbands arms screaming and crying. In February of 2021 my neurologist placed me on 40 mg of prednisone. I reacted poorly, without pain relief. He was ruling out poly rheumatatica. In June the dictor removed Gabapentin from my allergy list . The nurse stated I would not have the same response. I did. It was hell. By this time the neurologist was uncomfortable taporing me off of prednisone. I have been taporing for slmost a year. The tapor is hell. Im currently on 6 mg. I am currently being treated for pain. The prednisone tapor is suppose to last until Dec. I lost almost everything in the last 3 years. I keep on trying. I wont stop trying to feel better.

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From what I have read, few have troubles taporing from gabapentin. The taper schedules seem brief. No articles on ill effects. I was on 1200mg for a year. I tapored off in 6 weeks. It was a nightmare. I apologize for taking peoples time. I didn't realize that I was an odd duck. I am only on 3 med now, Ill go off of prednisone then be on two. I guess Im on another brefly for a withdrawal movement disorder. My situation was bad but I can't find evidence that this is common. I thought someone else would have gone through what I have gone through but that is rare.

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Thank you for listening to me. I dont know if the link went through. It feels good not to be alone.


My family have sought out the internet regarding Gabapentin withdrawal. This should be easy. Yet why am I sweating, vomiting, heart races, cant sleep, spikes of pain etc. This is my second tapor and its the same thing. My doctor says 100 mg a week. Why do internet searches say I can come off of this in a week?

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I chang3d doctors and he decreased my gabapentin without telling me. I had a 3 month refill and didn't know I was taking to much for about a month now toward the end I'm very short. To be honest he won't help me so I'm having to go outside for a little help if you know what I mean. I have a friend who has a friend who helped me with some klo****ins. I hate to do this but felt like death. Sometimes doctors are not very compassionate when it comes to pain. Especially after the opiod epidemic. But, they really need to be realistic.


I chang3d doctors and he decreased my gabapentin without telling me. I had a 3 month refill and didn't know I was taking to much for about a month now toward the end I'm very short. To be honest he won't help me so I'm having to go outside for a little help if you know what I mean. I have a friend who has a friend who helped me with some klo****ins. I hate to do this but felt like death. Sometimes doctors are not very compassionate when it comes to pain. Especially after the opiod epidemic. But, they really need to be realistic.

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I am so sorry you are struggling. I would advise you reurn to your doctor and plan a tapor .Even with a planned tapor, I have had some horrible horrible consequences. My doctor tapored me from 1200 mg. It has been a nightmare and may have caused permanent damage. Or try another doctor that maybe more compassionate to your needs.


I am so sorry you are struggling. I would advise you reurn to your doctor and plan a tapor .Even with a planned tapor, I have had some horrible horrible consequences. My doctor tapored me from 1200 mg. It has been a nightmare and may have caused permanent damage. Or try another doctor that maybe more compassionate to your needs.

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i would like to add i have been prescribed Gabapentin 1800 ml per day as have spinal nerve problems am 45 first yr was ok bit groggy at first but ok hr after .1 yr later started getting bad tinnitus ear and sinus infection bad bitter taste very bad dizziness as is falling against bedroom wall this has went on since april 22 now Oct 22 now down to 900 ml on my own accord i do feel withdrawal but will say its better than the way i was feeling ,so strange that over a yr of nothing then bang all theses side affects i thought was ill also had nasal drip acid reflux and feeling suicidal in morning all ready on mental health act in uk so suicidal thoughts not good


i would like to add i have been prescribed Gabapentin 1800 ml per day as have spinal nerve problems am 45 first yr was ok bit groggy at first but ok hr after .1 yr later started getting bad tinnitus ear and sinus infection bad bitter taste very bad dizziness as is falling against bedroom wall this has went on since april 22 now Oct 22 now down to 900 ml on my own accord i do feel withdrawal but will say its better than the way i was feeling ,so strange that over a yr of nothing then bang all theses side affects i thought was ill also had nasal drip acid reflux and feeling suicidal in morning all ready on mental health act in uk so suicidal thoughts not good

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What has your neurologist said about all those strange digestive effects? Have you had a new MRI of your neck/spine? Also mindfulness has really helped me with my outlook on life, just doing 10 minutes of very light exercising and doing something fun each day. Pain limits my fun activity so I measure what I can do and it might just be inviting a friend to watch a movie at my house, or gardening if I’m feeling better. Good luck and hang in there…you’re not alone!


i would like to add i have been prescribed Gabapentin 1800 ml per day as have spinal nerve problems am 45 first yr was ok bit groggy at first but ok hr after .1 yr later started getting bad tinnitus ear and sinus infection bad bitter taste very bad dizziness as is falling against bedroom wall this has went on since april 22 now Oct 22 now down to 900 ml on my own accord i do feel withdrawal but will say its better than the way i was feeling ,so strange that over a yr of nothing then bang all theses side affects i thought was ill also had nasal drip acid reflux and feeling suicidal in morning all ready on mental health act in uk so suicidal thoughts not good

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They should take it off the market?


i would like to add i have been prescribed Gabapentin 1800 ml per day as have spinal nerve problems am 45 first yr was ok bit groggy at first but ok hr after .1 yr later started getting bad tinnitus ear and sinus infection bad bitter taste very bad dizziness as is falling against bedroom wall this has went on since april 22 now Oct 22 now down to 900 ml on my own accord i do feel withdrawal but will say its better than the way i was feeling ,so strange that over a yr of nothing then bang all theses side affects i thought was ill also had nasal drip acid reflux and feeling suicidal in morning all ready on mental health act in uk so suicidal thoughts not good

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@kerdo1888, it is best to let your doctor know about your tapering schedule. Withdrawal effects are real. How are you doing today?


Is there any way to determine the difference between PN pain and other ailments? I know I have it in my feet, big time! As other ailments get my attention as I age, I cannot decide what is PN and what is something else. So far, no solutions from my Doctors. When my vision seems to be failing (when it was fine), is it PN? When my body has pain here and there, is it PN? When I have intermittent, inexplicable pain in my jaw, having a dentist fill, pull, do a root canal and there is still pain now and it PN pain ? My left hand has pins and needles, but not my right, and I am right handed, is it PN? It is very difficult for me to figure out what to try to give medical attention to. I know if it is PN, no cure, I wish I could tell so I could treat whatever else it is. Does anyone else have this problem?


Is there any way to determine the difference between PN pain and other ailments? I know I have it in my feet, big time! As other ailments get my attention as I age, I cannot decide what is PN and what is something else. So far, no solutions from my Doctors. When my vision seems to be failing (when it was fine), is it PN? When my body has pain here and there, is it PN? When I have intermittent, inexplicable pain in my jaw, having a dentist fill, pull, do a root canal and there is still pain now and it PN pain ? My left hand has pins and needles, but not my right, and I am right handed, is it PN? It is very difficult for me to figure out what to try to give medical attention to. I know if it is PN, no cure, I wish I could tell so I could treat whatever else it is. Does anyone else have this problem?

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@fala, That seems to be the question a lot of people have asked or have thought about once they are diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. Just thinking out loud here... I'm certainly not an expert but my thoughts are maybe, maybe not, could be, I don't think so, what else could it be -- it's confusing and something that you have to work with your medical care team to figure out.

In the past when I've had different symptoms, I don't think about them as being part of my PN. They might be but my main concern is to get relief for the symptoms, PN or not. I'm hoping you find some relief for your pain soon.


@fala, That seems to be the question a lot of people have asked or have thought about once they are diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. Just thinking out loud here... I'm certainly not an expert but my thoughts are maybe, maybe not, could be, I don't think so, what else could it be -- it's confusing and something that you have to work with your medical care team to figure out.

In the past when I've had different symptoms, I don't think about them as being part of my PN. They might be but my main concern is to get relief for the symptoms, PN or not. I'm hoping you find some relief for your pain soon.

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Well, John. You have given me the feedback I needed. That makes sense!
Thanks for your thoughtful response. I hesitated complaining about so many different ailments, but you understood and apparently it is not uncommon. When you said, " I don't think about them as being part of my PN. they might be, but my main concern is to get relief for the symptoms, PN or not." That is what I am going to focus on from now on...pain relief, no matter the cause. I am going to stop trying to figuring out if it is PN or not. It gives me an odd sense of relief to feel I don't have to figure it out! Your understanding and sympathetic response (to so many of us), is very helpful! We are all here for a reason, and you are always there to help. I appreciate you, and thank you.

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