Small Fiber Neuropathy

Posted by kfrenc04 @kfrenc04, Feb 10, 2022

Are there any treatments available or trials for Small Fiber Neuropathy? My symptoms get worse every day. Thank you

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In reply to @virginiashort "It’s prescription" + (show)

It’s prescription

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It's the same as cymbalta


I agree....what can we do to decrease the PAIN?????

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Cold air cold water and ice packs. Other than that your Dr will have to find the source of your symptoms.


Hi @johnbishop I was diagnosed by a second doctor more than 16 years ago. (The first doctor did some really painful electrical shots to my feet and legs. He could not diagnose it.) The second doctor told me usually it takes several doctors to finally diagnose a patient. He said I had small fiber neuropathy and there was no cure. The neuropathy started small in both feet. Over time it progressively spread to the entire feet. Now it is spread to the ankle. 11 days ago I stopped statins after I did some research (again!) on neuropathy. Apparently, the brand I was on can cause neuropathy. I have been off statins for 11 days now. I have noticed less tingling in my legs. I really believe the statins were a side effect that added to the problem. I was diagnosed by a second doctor more than 16 years ago. (The first doctor did some really painful electrical shots to my feet and legs. He could not diagnose it.) The second doctor told me usually it takes several doctors to finally diagnose a patient. He said I had small fiber neuropathy and there was no cure. The neuropathy started small in both feet. Over time it progressively spread to the entire feet. How it is spread to the ankle. 11 days ago I stopped statins after I did some research (again!) on neuropathy. Apparently, the brand I was on can cause neuropathy. I have been off statins for 11 days now. I have noticed less tingling in my legs. I really believe the statins were a side effect that added to the problem.

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What was the name of the statins you were on? I have been on them for years .


What was the name of the statins you were on? I have been on them for years .

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simvastatin........ google the effects. Not a happy ending for me. Started with 10 mg and for the past 10 years 20 mg. Now I am trying to eat more plant base foods. I have been drinking apple cider vinegar every 3 days, tumeric very other day and lemon water every day.


Cold air cold water and ice packs. Other than that your Dr will have to find the source of your symptoms.

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The source of my pain has been diagnosed as nondiabetic neuropathy. Cold is good but not of much help. I really need medical help. It is extremely disabling. thanks for the suggestion however. Is there a study out there for this condition or any medical solutions that could just tune out the nerve endi8ngs in my feet and lower legs?


The source of my pain has been diagnosed as nondiabetic neuropathy. Cold is good but not of much help. I really need medical help. It is extremely disabling. thanks for the suggestion however. Is there a study out there for this condition or any medical solutions that could just tune out the nerve endi8ngs in my feet and lower legs?

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You can go to your neurologist and have them test your large fiber nerves if that shows nothing insist that they do the skin biopsy for Small Fiber Neuropathy. One of them I can almost guarantee will show that you have specific Neuropathy. From there have your Dr refer you to a hemotologist for signs of any blood or bone disorders once they look at your test they can determine if you are to be treated by them or by a endocrinologist, a rheumatologist, your regular Dr or by your neurologist. You will need many different specialist to see what is the cause.


Why is there nothing that helps with SFN? This is ridiculous……. I truly do not understand.


Hi, I am trying numerous things.I have had burning feet for years, but it suddenly changed recently and now I get tingling, stinging in legs buttocks( never had that).I am like many, not bad during the day but getting a good nights sleep is tough. I think we all need hope.
I do meditation/hypnosis for pain and relaxation every day,( important to find a voice you like before buying). I walk with subliminal music on for letting go and positivity. I have been on a few drugs ( we are all different, drugs will work for some and not others) just started on Gabapetin, early days, only 200mg at the moment, add to that a small does of CBD at night orally and rub some CBD into areas of concern.I also use a tens machine and put it on my feet, walk around with it on. Excercise is an important part and good food.I stopped drinking a year ago.My Neuropathy is of unknown cause, I am not diabetic, havent been exposed to toxins I have been pretty healthy all my life.Good luck everyone , keep at it


What was the name of the statins you were on? I have been on them for years .

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I was wondering myself if my 25 years of being on Metaprolol might be causing or contributing to my strange neurologcal symptoms.
I just had a small nerve fiber biopsy done yesterday at USF in Tampa FL after I pushed my neurologist from Tampa to finally request this biospy be done. After seeing this neurologist for over one year and only learning about this small fiber biopsy on this Mayo blog I then requested my neurologist to do this biopsy as a process of elimination. He said he did NOT do this test and had to refer me out to a neurologist that did.


The source of my pain has been diagnosed as nondiabetic neuropathy. Cold is good but not of much help. I really need medical help. It is extremely disabling. thanks for the suggestion however. Is there a study out there for this condition or any medical solutions that could just tune out the nerve endi8ngs in my feet and lower legs?

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I would think you could get better relief, if you get on the right medication. From what you've said, I have similar neuropathy in the same areas as you. After a long drawn out process of discovery, when I started on taking amitriptyline I began to get relief. The process always starts with a small dose to see if tolerated well. I started that way and the dose was increased until I got substantial relief. I'm taking it now and have for years. Other medications were tried first and they did nothing for me - so I would say, I think you could be doing better if you get the right medication.

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