Slight hemoptysis - wonder what others do

Posted by wsbme74 @wsbme74, Jun 11 7:12am

Hi. I have asthma and mild Bronchiectasis, diagnosed with the latter last year. I have had small spots of blood when clearly fighting an infection on a couple of occasions. However, the last couple of days, I have had a couple of bright red blood spots (not large, but always alarming!) in my clear mucus. I don't have a cough or fever. Noticing a little chest tightness but not a lot. I usually neb with levalbutirol followed by either 3% or 7% saline (usually a mix to get to about 5% as best tolerated) in the morning plus aerobika and breathing exercises and then aerobika and postural drainage in the evening. I sometimes neb in the evening as well - if I am fighting something or have been around potential germs, which I did twice this weekend.

I have held off using the saline over the last 24-hours as don't wish to aggravate the situation. But, of course, I also don't want to make things worse by not doing airway clearance! My pulmonologist isn't the most-versed in Bronchiectasis nor readily-available. But in Maine, they are all in short supply!

Just wondering what others do or have been instructed to do with any signs of hemoptysis when it's a small amount. Thanks!

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The .9% saline might be as effective as the 5% combined you use and less irritating to your lungs.
Also, if you take NAC, please be aware that this may trigger bronchial bleeding.
Best wishes for great health!


Thank you so much! I think it makes sense to move to .9% for now. That's also really good to know about NAC. I had actually tried to take it in powder form at I believe 600mg dissolved in a drink and it definitely started to trigger coughing and lung "twitchiness" for me so I had to stop.
I really appreciate your insight!


Good to know it’s possible the NAC causes the twitching in lungs


Not to worry about a small amount of blood in mucus. My pulmonologist says it is like a scab coming off when you cough up some blood,


Hi all,
I agree coughing up blood is scary. Recently over three days I took photos of it and sent them to my Respiratory Specialist Nurse UK NHS.
We agreed to start the rescue Ciprofloxacin and to treat the episode as a ‘flare up’ of Bronchiectasis inflammation and infection.
Sputum sent to path and Chest CT scan soon.
It’s my first year of Be, NTM Mac Avium/chimera. I’m avoiding the big 3 and hope the NTM behaves itself and remains in two small nodules in the left lung.
I did take manuka honey when I had pseudomonas and now take Organic Greek honey and Abbott Encore which has helped me gain weight and have more energy. Maybe it all helps, who knows.
Great to have this forum for info and support. Many thanks to all.
Sr P


Good to know it’s possible the NAC causes the twitching in lungs

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It can cause bleeding too, in my case.


The .9% saline might be as effective as the 5% combined you use and less irritating to your lungs.
Also, if you take NAC, please be aware that this may trigger bronchial bleeding.
Best wishes for great health!

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Yes, NAC trigger bronchial bleeding in my case. Were you the same?


Yes, NAC trigger bronchial bleeding in my case. Were you the same?

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Yes, I tried it once. But it was also after a bronchoscopy which made me bleed on and off for 2 months. Toward the end of the 2 months, I tried the NAC, and found a little bit of blood in my sputum. I looked it up, and read that NAC may trigger bronchial bleeding, so I stopped right there. Instead, I take Pterostilbene, it is antimicrobial and I remember reading positive ly about it on the NIH website for the lungs. It does not make me bleed and it seems to help, in particular for exercise. I also take Glutathione, which does not trigger bronchial bleeding and which also helps me. I think NAC is a precursor of glutathione. Best wishes for great health.


Yes, NAC trigger bronchial bleeding in my case. Were you the same?

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Frequently cough blood. I used NAC because others on this site have good results from it. Saying it brings up mucus. My Drs say there isn’t enough data to support using it.

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