Significant bleeding from penis. No pain.

Posted by hopeimok @hopeimok, Jul 18, 2021

Warning - This is pretty gross stuff.

I woke up this morning to somewhat bloody underwear. A few hours later, my underwear was pretty soaked in blood. When I investigated my underwear further, I saw a very small, membranous looking string of some sort. Very similar to when a woman menstruates.

I'm not experiencing any pain. This is not occurring during urination or ejaculation. I have not experienced an injury of any sort. No rough sex or any trauma. I did not feel or notice the bleeding taking place.

Something similar actually happened to me about 11 years ago when I was 24 (before I had health insurance - a very unhelpful doctor checked my colon, which was fine. no other tests).

I'll talk with my doctor tomorrow, but I'm curious if the community has any ideas. Most of what I see online does not really fit these specific symptoms (usually involves urination, trauma, pain, etc.).

Any ideas?

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I also had a pheochromasytoma, which is a tumor on the adrenal glad and it is rare. I am a number of years out from that cancer.


Strange question here, but do you eat lots of fish?


I also would like to add this is a first in all my life. There is no pain or any discharge no bleeding at all I can ejaculate fine with out blood I can pee fine no blood only when it came to intercourse with someone else ?

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Omg! This sounds exactly like my life at the moment. I have been going through this for two months now. Had every test under the sun. It only bleeds when there is pressure put on the erect penis. No blood ever from ejaculation or urine. Every time I try to have vagunal sex it’s like the pressure will causes it to bleed almost instant. Any help would be great


I am having a very similar issue, but I think I see some connections to my behavior.
I am 64 and started strength training about a year ago. I have dropped quite a bit of weight and have made very good progress strength wise. I do weight training on Mondays and Fridays and (what I call cardio) on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. It seems that I have the blood appear sometimes the day after one of my cardio days if it gets pretty extreme. I feel no pain. It has nothing to do with urine or semen. I have experienced none of the described causes or exhibit any of the symptoms of most of the sites talking about blood from the penis...

I am thinking that it is either a burst capillary either in the urethra or somehow blood is getting into my bladder and draining. It definitely has something to do with my cardio days..

Cardio days usually consist of 20-30 minutes on the elliptical followed by a bunch of core exercises... flat planks, side planks, leg crosses, sprinter crunches... and by then I'm pretty spent...

There is not a lot of blood and it is usually very dark red.

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Did you ever get an answer. Funny, but I was on the elliptical for my normal hour. It's becoming very difficult to do now. I get home and drink a very large protein drink (normal for me) or about 70oz. 1/2 later of course I urinate very dark yellow. Then I notice dried blood on my penis. I check shorts I worked out in and apparently I was leaking while on the elliptical! Cardio!! That's why your post rang a bell.


i have the same issue. but i can't tell exactly if it's coming from the Urethra tube. or from the glands. i wear urine pads. and it's always got blood on it. about the size of a small pea up to about the size of a .50 cent piece. this happens after laying down from a nap or after bedtime. that part don't hurt. but the glands have a terrible itching. i see my Urologist on 7/22. it's been going on for more than a month. any thoughts. danny5

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Did the urologist help you? Answer? No man want's to see blood coming from there and I seen it today for the first time after cardio. No pain, but blood leaking.


Did the urologist help you? Answer? No man want's to see blood coming from there and I seen it today for the first time after cardio. No pain, but blood leaking.

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YOU guys, i don't do cardio or exercises at all. but just touching it to wash. there is blood. quite a bit. IDKY.. and the Urologist still don't know why. that's what makes it scary.


YOU guys, i don't do cardio or exercises at all. but just touching it to wash. there is blood. quite a bit. IDKY.. and the Urologist still don't know why. that's what makes it scary.

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Thanks for the reply, Danny. You would think doctors would know about this. Can't be the first time they've encountered this. No discomfort at all! Thanks again for responding. Take care!


Thanks for the reply, Danny. You would think doctors would know about this. Can't be the first time they've encountered this. No discomfort at all! Thanks again for responding. Take care!

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@buddy12, the only discomfort i feel is at the point of the soapy washcloth as it touches the penis head. then the blood begins. until i rinse the blood and soap off. i use men's under guard's because of the blood. when i change it. you would think that i was a woman on her period. but not always. freaky.

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