Sign up today for Dr. Metersky’s talk on hemoptysis (blood in sputum)

Posted by becleartoday @becleartoday, Aug 7, 2023

Let’s learn more about hemoptysis from Dr. Metersky .

This Tuesday, August 8th at 2 pm ET.

Linda Esposito

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

Is there a way to view this afterward? I just opened the email and am too late to register.


Unfortunately, not. But there’s always next year!


I get this occasionally, it's not a worry for me with all my spitting up, vomiting from esophagus cancer, dysphagia and such. Use to vomit blood from my lungs. Once I filled 6 ounces of a 12 ounce bottle with pure blood and passed out from breathing issues


Unfortunately, not. But there’s always next year!

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So sorry I thought you were asking about the World bronchiectasis conference. Yes, Dr. Metersky‘s talk will be recorded and available in about a month. I will let everyone know. Sorry for the confusion, Linda.


Great! Thanks for the update.


So sorry I thought you were asking about the World bronchiectasis conference. Yes, Dr. Metersky‘s talk will be recorded and available in about a month. I will let everyone know. Sorry for the confusion, Linda.

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Thank you for posting a link to the recording of Dr.Metersky’s talk on hemoptysis when it becomes available. I’m interested in this as I’ve had episodic periods of hemoptysis , particularly over the last two years with this mac/ aspergillosis infection. I’ve googled around and found some interesting articles but it’s always nice to know more:)


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