Sibo treatment Rifaxamin and Neomycin

Posted by azj @azj, Oct 1, 2022

I have been diagnosed with SIBO and am being advised to take Rifaxamin 3x a day and Neomycin 2x a day for 14 days. I have many concerns about the Neomycin due to the ototoxicity. I have a bit of tinnitus already the think that may make me more vulnerable to a possible problem. The idea of taking something that might hurt my hearing even more is concerning. Any thoughts about the Neomycin in this context? I would like to hear about the research and if genetics can be determined to see if this would be safe for me to take.
Also, does anyone have any recommendations for a Dr. at Mayo/ Scottsdale who treats SIBO? I would like to coordinate care with my other doctors at Mayo as I think this is going to be essential to getting a handle on this.
Much gratitude in advance for this supportive community.
Take care,

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I will not take neomycin either. Unfortunately the studies show most SIBO comes back after taking these.
Extreme bloating and feeling horrible are most peoples concerns and symptoms while on them .
Everyone says get to the root. That could be so many things you don’t have control over like repeated antibiotics etc.
a functional Dr wants extreme strict diet to starve the SIBO but a registered dietician will tell you you are restricting too many calories, nutrition and it will come back .
Two GIs say too many false positives even in a hospital lab test for accurate SIBO results.
Some say hit with probiotics some say very little effect.
Then throw in the acid problem and they all want you to take PPI and the long term effects are horrible and very hard to get off of.
If I knew Mayo had the answer I would be there tomorrow. I haven’t read anyones success from them .
I wish I knew.
Keep asking keep pushing you are your best advocate. If you don’t call for apt they assume you feel great!
Not enough good doctors I called my GI and next apt is in February .. 4 months out!!!


Question. Did you get SIBO from IBS or a colectomy? I had a sub total colectomy 7 months ago and am just starting to have symptoms.
I am so happy for you that you have a good team at Mayo. I was considering that option, too.


I took neomycin 2/day for 28 days and it is what finally removed my SIBO after fighting it for over 2.5 years. I would do it again in a heartbeat given how bad my quality of life was. No kidney or hearing damage, but of course your experience could always be different. I would ask your doctor/pharmacist for clarification on what the documented rate of hearing/kidney damage is, what steps you should take to minimize it, and what extenuating factors increase or decrease your chances. Only then are you in a position to make "informed consent".


Question. Did you get SIBO from IBS or a colectomy? I had a sub total colectomy 7 months ago and am just starting to have symptoms.
I am so happy for you that you have a good team at Mayo. I was considering that option, too.

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No, I don't know why I have it. Thanks for asking though.
Wishing you well.


I have taken xifian 6 times never helped.
Afraid to treat with neomycin due to liver and hearing loss possibilities.
Keep asking questions and keep changing to a dr that listens and cares .


Sadly, my insurance has denied the Xifaxin... Has anyone been able to figure out a workaround for this situation?
Thanks in advance.


Sadly, my insurance has denied the Xifaxin... Has anyone been able to figure out a workaround for this situation?
Thanks in advance.

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I was prescribed but didn’t take it due to cost. I have been working with a nutritionist. Good luck.


I was prescribed but didn’t take it due to cost. I have been working with a nutritionist. Good luck.

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Would you mind sharing a bit about how the nutritionist is approaching this? And thank you.


She suggested a low fodmap diet. It does help. It’s not too hard to live with.


Sadly, my insurance has denied the Xifaxin... Has anyone been able to figure out a workaround for this situation?
Thanks in advance.

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Bausch Health, the maker of Xifaxan has a patient assistance program. I have not tried it yet but my doctor sent me the paperwork. you can download the forms from Bausch. Good luck to you......
Go to

I too have been denied, after many years of being covered with a huge co -pay.
The sad part is that it is available in other countries for pennies on the dollar, compared to what they want us to pay.

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