Should I worry about a high Calcium score

Posted by paul63 @paul63, Jun 15, 2023

Should I be worried about my 600 CAC score, which apparently means I’ve arteries of an 85 year old yet I feel 35. I’m 60, very fit, always kept fit (triathlete), eat very well, avoid processed foods, low carb (target 100g/day), avoid sugar & grains, quality beef, salmon, organic veggies etc. BMI is good, Not diabetic, not on any
meds, my RHR is in the 40’s and 5 days a week I’ll push it into the 150’s during training sessions, had a stress test a year ago, passed with flying colors.
I took the CAC test as I’ve always had slightly high LDL 150, but low TG 70 and high HDL 70 & my doc has been trying to convince me to take statins for a few years, so I agreed with the test.
I now read about the statin paradox (statins cause increase in calcification in blood vessels, but lower plaque, however it seems the jury is out on if statins are a good idea or not, hence the paradox). So not sure whether to take a statin.
Dr says its genetic, my father had a triple bypass at 75.
I do have an appt to see a cardiologist in the fall.
I have decided to hold off on the statin until after I see the cardiologist, hoping he can offer other options perhaps to assess the arteries in 3D to check for build up.
Are high CAC scores really something to be overly concerned about?

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Welcome to the board--in theory as I am sure you have read already, anything above Zero is not optimal on the CAC. Based on the CAC score you provided you are in the higher risk category for a heart attack---like many of us here are. It sounds like you have a very healthy lifestyle and also like many of us have the genetic disposition for high cholesterol...or at least the bad stuff. Stressing over anything does not help a situation or your health---but per the medical text book you are higher risk. It is best to talk to your physician about the pro's and con's of statins. I favor them...I think in the long run they help, especially if you have known disease---which it appears your CAC score indicates....all of this is my humble opinion. My father had a heart attack when he was about 60...with triple bypass due to symptoms about 5 years later. He passed away 14 years ago in high eighties, but was never on a statin...they were only coming out on the market. My gut is...if he had a statin, it would have prevented the progression of the disease. Good luck to you.


I feel your pain. I have a score of 396. Although my score of 396 seems low, as the book I am reading says (“How to beat the heart attack gene) any plaque is bad as it can break off and cause undesirable results. I started a statin and I am not liking the side effects. I strongly recommend you read the book. It has certainly opened my eyes. As they say in the book having a little plaque is like being a little bit pregnant.
The statin paradox is baffling to me. How can one type of pill have so much controversy. Is it good, is it bad, is it helpful for everyone?


I think my score was 575 and I'm on Zetia, 20mg Lipator generic form and 2 baby aspirin a week.
I exercise and try to eat right. That's my plan, I'm not going to worry about it unless I have symptoms or my Dr. orders a new test.


So, Paul, you say your doc has recommended statins "...for several years ..." but you only recently got CAC results?

And, you note you are fit, a triathelete taking no meds? This sounds far outside the norm for recommending statins. Here's a calculator ...!/calculate/estimate/

Doesn't LDL of 150 and HDL of 70 mean your total cholesterol is high?

I would get Advanced Lipids panel done - Cardio IQ is one company name.

Stress test with echo might be good idea.



Welcome to the board--in theory as I am sure you have read already, anything above Zero is not optimal on the CAC. Based on the CAC score you provided you are in the higher risk category for a heart attack---like many of us here are. It sounds like you have a very healthy lifestyle and also like many of us have the genetic disposition for high cholesterol...or at least the bad stuff. Stressing over anything does not help a situation or your health---but per the medical text book you are higher risk. It is best to talk to your physician about the pro's and con's of statins. I favor them...I think in the long run they help, especially if you have known disease---which it appears your CAC score indicates....all of this is my humble opinion. My father had a heart attack when he was about 60...with triple bypass due to symptoms about 5 years later. He passed away 14 years ago in high eighties, but was never on a statin...they were only coming out on the market. My gut is...if he had a statin, it would have prevented the progression of the disease. Good luck to you.

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Thanks for the reply, my Dad did have a statin since his early 60’s but still need the bypass, so did the statins help or not, I’m unsure. He’s 82 now and still plays golf so the bypass surgery has definitely helped. Maybe statins just push surgery back a few years (but is that a good thing as youth and fitness can only help one recover from surgery)


So, Paul, you say your doc has recommended statins "...for several years ..." but you only recently got CAC results?

And, you note you are fit, a triathelete taking no meds? This sounds far outside the norm for recommending statins. Here's a calculator ...!/calculate/estimate/

Doesn't LDL of 150 and HDL of 70 mean your total cholesterol is high?

I would get Advanced Lipids panel done - Cardio IQ is one company name.

Stress test with echo might be good idea.

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Total cholesterol is not overly high, around 240 I think from memory, but ratio was always below 4. High HDL and low TG is also a good marker, so they are the reasons i never wanted to take a statin.


Hmmm …

So since I am not a medical professional, I can only provide an opinion based on what I have read.

My reading says 240 total cholesterol is considered high - and LDL of 150 is high - so this may be why your doc is recommending statins.

I understand your focus on the ratio, but you should definitely delve further - I would start with a cardio IQ panel.


Thanks for the reply, my Dad did have a statin since his early 60’s but still need the bypass, so did the statins help or not, I’m unsure. He’s 82 now and still plays golf so the bypass surgery has definitely helped. Maybe statins just push surgery back a few years (but is that a good thing as youth and fitness can only help one recover from surgery)

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I think everyone is different---also probably depends on the type of statin and dose. I know individuals who take a statin and they think that is the cure to eat anything they want....I can only dream =:). I think taking the statin with a change in diet and moderate exercise goes a long way. I read several times a statistic that "only" about 10% of individuals with CAD get Bypass. Keep in mind---literature dictates that bypass and stents for the most part don't improve overall survival, but it improves symptoms if they come about. My father had symptoms---but he also had a major heart attack. Eventually his SOB got to be too much and went for surgery. He survived another 17+ years after that. My two cents for what it is worth...keep things in moderation and be consistent. I HATE exercise, but I force myself to ensure I get mine in rain or shine....just keep moving! We all have vices...I enjoy a cocktail or two...but I'm not downing a bottle of scotch every night. I love my PCP and Cardiologist...that makes a big difference.


I think my score was 575 and I'm on Zetia, 20mg Lipator generic form and 2 baby aspirin a week.
I exercise and try to eat right. That's my plan, I'm not going to worry about it unless I have symptoms or my Dr. orders a new test.

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Had you been on the statin before the CAC score was done (if so how long) or was the CAC score the reason u chose to go on statins?



I think everyone is different---also probably depends on the type of statin and dose. I know individuals who take a statin and they think that is the cure to eat anything they want....I can only dream =:). I think taking the statin with a change in diet and moderate exercise goes a long way. I read several times a statistic that "only" about 10% of individuals with CAD get Bypass. Keep in mind---literature dictates that bypass and stents for the most part don't improve overall survival, but it improves symptoms if they come about. My father had symptoms---but he also had a major heart attack. Eventually his SOB got to be too much and went for surgery. He survived another 17+ years after that. My two cents for what it is worth...keep things in moderation and be consistent. I HATE exercise, but I force myself to ensure I get mine in rain or shine....just keep moving! We all have vices...I enjoy a cocktail or two...but I'm not downing a bottle of scotch every night. I love my PCP and Cardiologist...that makes a big difference.

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Thanks for the advice…I agree gotta keep moving, & enjoy life, I’ll have a beer or 3 also. I did use an online risk calculator and even with the high CAC score my 10 year risk of heart attack was only 7.5%, so more than 10:1 that I wont, pretty good odds!

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