Sexual side effects

Posted by forrestj @forrestj, Jun 4, 2023

I have been dealing with anxiety and depression for years off and on and was prescribed Zoloft years ago. The Zoloft caused erectile problems and delayed ejaculation problems so I weaned myself off of it and no more anxiety meds for me. It came to a point a few months ago where I couldn't deal with it anymore and asked my doctor for a script. He prescribed Lexapro. I took the Lexapro for a little while and of course the sexual side effects came back so I stopped taking the Lexapro and haven't addressed it with my doctor at all. My question is there anything on here that knows of a medication that doesn't cause "those" side effects? Is anyone aware of any natural alternative anti anxiety course? Thanks for listening. It's kind of an embarrassing topic..

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I'm sorry to hear you suffering from ED the same as I due to meds to keep us levelheaded and alive. Along with my anti-depressant I take a fistful of blood pressure meds. I've spoken to numerous doctors; GP, nephrologist, urologist, pharmacist to resolve this issue. Nothing short of stopping select meds will resolve mine; Venlafaxine HCL (anti-depressant) and Amlodipine (BP Med). The urologist suggested an internal pump! He states they have a very good reliability record. He actually saw male cadavers in med school that had pumps that still functioned as designed. What I'm trying first is limiting my Venlafaxine HCL and Amlodipine intake. I only take when the dark clouds get thick and/or my BP gets excessively high. The jury is out on this personal approach, but thus far shows promise for me. Best of luck!


A very important topic, I agree. My experience:
After beginning an SSRI, years ago, erectile problems were less intense, but delayed ejaculation was very intense. After all, at first you can't tell if they're delayed or just unattainable.

My experience was that using erotic videos and persisting, the ejaculation turned out to be attainable. Then, over time it became less and less delayed, until back to normal.

I might mention my wife was aware of how worried I was, and was not unaware of the above. I think the videos helped because of their impersonal nature. After all, it's not easy for a spouse to witness and share in those particular difficulties.


I think I said something about magnesium, in a previous comment. Just now I stumbled upon this:

I think I may have also mentioned that low vitamin D, as well as too high, can influence mental health.


There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Being able to get an erection is part of a healthy male’s physiology. I have been on a very heavy cocktail of meds for a long time, 450 of Venlafaxine, 450 of Wellbutrin, 900 of Lithium and any other drug they through at me. The drugs started around 43 and I’m 60. At first no problem, by age age 45 the sexual side effects started.

My doctor tried me on every ED med he had in the tool kit and they all made me sick, he never suggested taking them with food. Both my wife and I grew frustrated, she was supportive but l new it was difficult for her.

This is where it all goes sideways. My doc would not help me reduce so I did it myself. Of course I went too fast. During my so called tapering I went through a period were I could get a sustain an erection but could not ejaculate. I had reached about half my usual does in one month on all my meds.

That’s when I completely decompensated. I end up divorced from my wife of twenty years, estranged from my children, broke and in prison. Please do not stop cold turkey. If you doc won’t help find another but please don’t just stop! If no one will help, then maybe you shouldn’t stop.

After my ten years of slow walking through hell I found a book “Brain Energy” it changed everything. I begin researching my conditions; how could I have nothing had for 43 years and then all of a sudden end up on the level of meds that I was and still am to a large degree on. So I began digging, here is what I found.

Virtually all psych meds at high enough doses cause sexual side effects.
Virtually all psych meds block testosterone or converts it to estrogen.
Low testosterone causes sexual health problems and can led to or further depression.

The information is everywhere, why didn’t my docs recognize this horrible feed back loop? Was it negligence or do they simply not care? I’m believe most docs care, rather they do not have the time and don’t understand they need researchers on staff or under contract.

As luck would have it my doctors had just change. The two new docs who are both women and willing to listen; make whatever assumption you’d like about that. I presented my finds along with my recommendations and both found them reasonable and we have proceeded. I am off of five meds two psych meds and three that manage side effects. My primary care doc has given me testosterone cream to help my body while I slowly ween of the worst offenders. I have started decreasing Venlafaxine with no ill effects. Seraqual and Lorazepamare are all ready gone. I intend on decreasing until I can’t go any further or they’re all gone.

Couple of important points; I took ownership of my illness and went looking for answers. I took the time to education my providers. I drastically changed my diet. And I increased my exercise. They test my blood about every two weeks.

I feel mentally the best I have in my entire life. I am finally addressing a myriad of neglected physical health problems. I’ve reached out to my children and I am starting a new company (that’s what I do).

Do your home work, be your own healthcare coordinator. Get better. It ain’t easy but it sure beets living in hell.

I wish everyone easy travels. Remember you are loved!


I exercise every day. Not much but enough to get the blood moving. Never heard of magnesium being used for this purpose. I'll look into it and my PCP prescribed a course of vitamin d for me past two months.

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I have had 2 major episodes with The neuropathy I had my vitamin D, magnesium and potassium crash at the same time. That damn near killed me or so it felt. Make sure they do a thorough blood screen as the potassium can be as harmful as the others. Because of my neuropathy and the amount of Gabapentin and morphine that I take for that ad well as chronic pain. I take in the neighborhood of 36 pills a day. I'm a vet with ptsd as well so as you can imagine ED was and can be a constant problem. As cheesy as this may sound a huge help is a understanding loving partne. We have been married 15 years and together 25. When we discuss hey we are having sex tonight I will back off as much as I can from the pain meds and utilize my mood enhancing medication (divaprolex in conjunction with my zoloft) as the mental state is a big part of ED. My Dr and I figured out if I double dose my "Viagra" and actually the side affect is awesome with pop up elections over next 49 hours

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