Severe Tortuous & Redundant Colon

Posted by julsnealey @julsnealey, Apr 10 11:41am

I had a colonoscopy for symptoms of unexpected weight loss, severe pain, bloating, early satiety and chronic vomiting with bowel movements. I have had these symptoms for years (15), but they have increased in frequency and severity. The doctor discovered severe tortuosity and redundant colon. He said he had to get help in moving the scope through manually the very tight turns and twists. My question is: What medications have proven successful to management? Best diet? Doctor said it was so bad that surgery may be the best course of action, but they try and avoid that for obvious reasons. Anyone have a success story?

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OMG!!! Have you sued your doctors yet?!! I am so sorry about your cancer and the treatment. You mentioned your muscle changes. I have been learning how they affect our BM's. I have smooth muscle weakness, almost no intestinal muscle movement. Mine is @ least somewhat caused from my HPTH and elevated calcium levels, for 5-7 yrs. My parathyroid glands are whacko, pushing calcium into my body when I don't need it. So, I have to have 3 1/2 of my parathyroid glands removed. No doctor ever mentioned anything about this to me and I should have been monitored for this since my celiac diagnosis. I have had CIC for 17 years. Small bowel partial blockages, 3 blockages in anus that required "digital removal ", with my finger. Been on every drug. My GI was terrific for my endoscopy that shocked me with a Celiac Disease diagnosis, I was and am asymptomatic. But when his narcissistic arrogant way of treatment was not working, he literally quit taking my calls/emails. For me, I eat a very very bland diet with little solid foods, drink meal replacement shakes (my daughter has issues too, she did all the research, so I trust the shakes). I use 3-6 capfuls of miralax to keep my 💩 runny mush-diarrhea. I was using Metamucil fiber daily, but it just makes me stopped up. I use it now, only 1-3x week, with extra miralax. I understand the pressure pain, it's terrible. It ranks up there with childbirth. Mine is usually air pressure, different than gas. I run to the toilet thinking it's 💩💩‼️, but there's a horrendous explosion of air, maybe some poop specks. I have had X-rays standing and laying of my colon every few months for 10+ yrs, my colon always (except 1x) has a moderate to heavy fecal load. I hope my story might be of some help to you. For the burning part I immediately sit on a heating pad or get in a hot bath with little water. I have also gotten over my anxiety about putting LOTS of Vaseline or hemorrhoid cream , with glove on, up my bum.

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Thank you. It is comforting to know that I am not alone in my suffering.


I'm reading a lot of good info on this site. I had a failed colooscopy, 2 failed barium enema procedures, severe rectal bleeding, failed rectal endoscopy, repeated endoscopy with mini-equipment and was then found to have tortuous colon (duh!). A prescribed high fiber diet resulted in more misery, 15 or more BM's a day. Carried a bedpan in the car which I used frequently. Had emergency surgery for intestinal volulous and blockage. Prescribed liquid diet gave me burning acidic diarrhea. I previously had aggressive radiation for a vaginal cancer and my rectum was burned and the muscles are impaired, some overly strong, some very weak. Low fiber diet seems helps to minimaze BM's but get a lot of pressure/discomfort. Doctors say there is nothing they can do because of massive internal scar tissue/adhesions. Online diets are conflicted. I need help!!!!!

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Hmmm. I have a difficult gut and eat a lot of vegetable soups and hot cereals. I like lots of liquids (hot drinks, water), as I think they help move things through my extra long colon. Dense foods in smaller amounts or none, as they constipate. And a host of other limitations food-wise must be followed too as I ruined a "born with" sensitive gut with junk food for too many years due to youth and ignorance.

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