Severe leg cramps: How do you relax severe leg cramps?

Posted by Dawn, Alumni Mentor @dawn_giacabazi, Jun 25, 2016

Please someone tell me the trick to relax severe leg cramps????
Lord, they are lasting 1-2 hours, debilitating pain. Can't walk them off. Starting behind the knees down to my toes. Some curl my toes some point them. Tried stretching, bio feedback relaxation. NO HELP!! HELP!

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@workswithclay29 If your lumbar issues are from bulging discs or from desiccated discs, the child's pose may help. I had the radio frequency ablation (RFA) done on my cervical discs about three months ago and had a lot of nerve pain as a result. Not so sure I would do that again. I hope Child's pose provides you with some relief and maybe you won't need the RFA. Always looking for the least invasive resolution to pain issues.

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@degarden_girl How long did the nerve pain last after the RFA? I have bulging discs with arthritis, Steroid injections did not work and I was getting concerned about too much medication in the body. Was to sore and worn out to do my exercise routine last night but will do the yoga today! Only mild cramps last night and no nausea so perhaps just the prospect of relief was a panacea which of course will not last. Thank you again for keeping me posted!


@workswithclay29 Hi, I had the RFA in my cervical spine and the physiatrist who administered the treatment said I would experience the feeling of sunburn for a couple of days. Instead, I experienced nerve pain across my upper back and down the arm on the opposite side of the injections. It has been about 3 months since I had the treatment and I still feel some surface numbness and deeper tenderness but the extreme nerve pain has dissipated. But the neck pain for which I was being treated is not much better.

HOWEVER, my brother in law was experiencing extreme leg pain and he had the RFA in his lumbar spine, had no problems with the procedure and leg pain has been resolved. So, I don't know if my problem was with the location of the RFA or the doctor who administered the procedure. I won't be going back to that doctor again and at some time, may see my brother in law's physiatrist.

But you say that steriod injections didn't work. Both my brother in law and I were first given steroid injections and only if they worked even briefly would the physiatrist know if the RFA would work. We both had some temporary relief from the steroid so proceeded with the RFA.

You may find doing the "active child's pose" just before bed will give you relief as it may give you some space around the nerve which is causing the pain. Might help, can't hurt.

If you haven't done this already, you might consider getting some physical therapy to strengthen your core muscles which help hold your spine in place. I have been doing these exercises for a couple of years and I have found I have mostly good nights without any cramping. Every so often I have a bad night so must be pinching something.

I wish you good luck in having some relief from your leg cramps. They are just awful.


Forgive me if this is redundant from a previous post: I have found that a daily (or every other day) soak in 4 ounces of magnesium oil in one inch of warm water is very helpful for leg cramps.


Try using Irish Spring Original soap to relieve leg cramps. Just rub it on the affected area. Also some people put it under the lower bed sheet. It also works to relieve arthritic pain.


Thank you for this tip. I am not familiar with Theraworx but have both drug stores here in KY. Thank you again>

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I heard this was great. Haven't used it yet, but it's my back up. The guy at the pharmacy told me they can barely keep it in stock !


@workswithclay29 - someone also suggested Hylands Leg Cramp pills - I get them at the natural food store. You just dissolve them under your tongue - sounds a little 'hocus-pocus' but you never know when something might help. Your cramps sound so severe. I have used tonic water for years (you get used to the taste), (and I also add a little vodka), but I do think there is something to the tonic remedy (actually - it's quinine).

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I can't stand the taste of tonic water - though I tried it when my doctor quit prescribing quinine pills because of the FDA. My cramps came back, so I found another doctor to prescribe the quinine. I agree, a topical med seems like it wouldn't work, but I'd try ANYTHING to get rid of the cramps.


@dawn_giacabazi since you,ve tried everything that has been suggested have you ever had x-rays ?or ultrasound to the legs ?possibly might be DVT have you talked with your Dr? If not I think I would remember we are our own best advocates we know our body better then anyone else These are just food for thought for you to consider


Try using Irish Spring Original soap to relieve leg cramps. Just rub it on the affected area. Also some people put it under the lower bed sheet. It also works to relieve arthritic pain.

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@ladybug I heard this abojt soap long ago but never tried it thanks I,ll f ve it ago as my whole skeletal structure has arthritis in it.


@karenatmayo I agree I use Epsom salts to soak its magnesium salts I can't get in tub anymore but wring out a washcloth and apply several times till cloth is cold each time works


@ladybug I heard this abojt soap long ago but never tried it thanks I,ll f ve it ago as my whole skeletal structure has arthritis in it.

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I have arthritis in my left shoulder and the pain radiates down my arm. The Irish Spring Original soap relieves it temporarily. I don't know of any other soap that does this and have no ideas why this soap is different. If you try it, I hope it give you some relief.

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