Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Posted by Mamacita, Alumna Mentor @mamacita, Apr 29, 2018

Maybe you were really shy as a child. Perhaps you took home a huge stack of books from the school library, read them, and returned them the next day. Or did your best friend find you crying in your closet, unable to answer the question "Why?" At any rate, your life could be traced to the Self-Help section of the local bookstore. Unfortunately, most of the books were not much help. ADHD seemed to fit, at times. Your shrink said you might be Bi-Polar, although she wasn't really certain. All you knew was that you rarely fit in, anywhere. One day at work, it hit you square in the face: I don't speak these people's language! Really, it was like you were all playing this game, and everyone knew the rules but you. You couldn't tell a joke, and you never "got" any joke your co-worker tried to tell you. People started getting annoyed with you, because you had a memory like a steel trap. They didn't appreciate it when you called them on the carpet. Who knew? This was my life, and worse. I finally aced several tests that pointed me to the answer to my questions. The Autism Spectrum. Guess what? Little kids with Autism grow up to be Adults with Autism. Diagnosed late in life? This is the place for you!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autism (ASD) Support Group.

@auntieoakley , I love your user name! So happy to meet you here on Mayo Clinic Connect. From some of your writings on here, I can tell that you are a strong supporter of those who are going through some of life's greatest challenges. People who are able to do that have my sincere admiration. Thank you for all that you do. This is a wonderful place to be.

Have a great rest of the weekend .



@artscaping , @gingerw, Happy Sunday!

What's for lunch? At my house, growing up, it would be the best fried chicken you ever put in your mouth. With homemade biscuits, greens, and banana pudding for dessert.

My Mama really showed out on Sundays. My Dad would putter around in his garage. I would hang out with him, do my homework, sit in my mimosa tree and read.

We spent a lot of time outside. In the fall he would rake leaves and burn them. On Sunday night, we would have cheese toast for dinner while we watched the Wonderful World of Disney. I adored that show.

Funny the things you remember as a child.

I hope all of us here take a moment to remember those who made a positive impact in our lives.

Not all memories are so precious. For those we ask for healing. Grace and mercy, strength to grow and overcome.

There is still beauty in this world. If we need more of it in our lives we must make an effort to grasp it. Fight for it. Sit still for it. Embrace it.

Your friend and fellow traveler,


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@mamacita Today I am happily playing with fabric in my stash of textiles. rootling through and pulling likely combinations, for lap robes for the infusion center at my cancer clinic. I love colorplay.

Sundays were a big meal in early afternoon, then popcorn or some such later as we watched Ted Mack's Amateur Hour and Wonderful World of Disney. My dad would have spent the day doing some projects around the house, or perhaps some paperwork he brought home from his job.

You're right, the things we recall as a child. And if you have siblings, they recall the same events in a different light, having walked in different shoes.

Today I am playing with colors and watching Mother Nature as she starts her fall color change around here. There is much beauty.


Good Friday evening, my peeps. I hope everyone has had a good day.

Anyone read about our Miss Greta? She is only sixteen years old. She is making a life changing difference in our world. Sixteen. And Aspie.

We too can make a difference in our little corner of the world every day. We might not be in the running for the Nobel Peace Prize. Sometimes we are doing good to get the dishes done and maybe, if we are lucky, a shower.

But we can always say a prayer. Send love and positive energy. Study. Read. Learn. So that we can help each other along the way.

We are better together.
Mamacita Jane

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@mamacita Yes Miss Greta....has her stuff together. She is about to wake up a few folks. This is her earth to inherit and she wants us to leave it a lot better for her generation, I think she deserves just that and I know we can do better. Chris


Happy Saturday morning, me lovelies! I'm not going to keep you very long this morning.

I just wanted to remind you that you are welcome here. Come rest for awhile. Put your feet up. Just not on the table, please, because we do have a few rules around here, after all!

What is your beverage preference? Whether it is coffee, tea, or a mug of hot chocolate, we have a place set for you.

If you can go back in your imagination to days long gone, remember the soft, welcoming arms of a favored Granny or Auntie. Her dress was always clean and freshly pressed, and when she held you in her arms, you breathed in that lovely fragrance of starch and cotton.

Her apron was a different matter altogether. Covered with blackberry juice and bits of floured dough here and there...but you didn't mind. She was yours. And you were hers. The tears and heart aches of the week that passed melted away in the love that she gave.

That's what I have to fall back on. When the world fails me, I have that kind of love to keep me straight. It is only when I get caught up in the wearies of this world that I tend to lose sight of that perfect love.

Keep looking up. Keep checking in here and other places on Connect. There is a place for you. I am sure of it. Reach out to the wonderful folks at Connect. They don't give up. They will open that door and tell you with a smile, "Come on in and stay awhile. "

I like that. I think you will too.If you didn't have that Granny or Auntie in your childhood, you can borrow mine.
Love and hugs,
Mamacita Jane

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@mamacita, Oh my goodness, it is great to have you back. Talk about writing style.....and genuine sure
have it all. Thank you! Chris


@Chris Trout, Volunteer Mentor, your words put me to shame. If only I could say the things I feel and know in rhe way that I "think" I should.

Most of us are our own worst critic, or so they say. I just know that if I don't speak when the spirit moves, I might not have another chance. That moment in time is gone forever, except in a memory.

With my recurring conditions that I try to defeat every day, there have been far too many days and nights of feeling less than. All because I was too afraid to try.

These days, I would much rather try and fall flat on my face in front of God and everybody, than to sit here waiting for the pain or anxiety to diminish.

Thank you for your good words of kindness and encouragement. I look forward to seeing you here and there on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Love and light,



@mamacita Today I am happily playing with fabric in my stash of textiles. rootling through and pulling likely combinations, for lap robes for the infusion center at my cancer clinic. I love colorplay.

Sundays were a big meal in early afternoon, then popcorn or some such later as we watched Ted Mack's Amateur Hour and Wonderful World of Disney. My dad would have spent the day doing some projects around the house, or perhaps some paperwork he brought home from his job.

You're right, the things we recall as a child. And if you have siblings, they recall the same events in a different light, having walked in different shoes.

Today I am playing with colors and watching Mother Nature as she starts her fall color change around here. There is much beauty.

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Well,@ginger, Volunteer Mentor. ..You never cease to amaze me. Playing with your colors, much like our Creator played with colors when He/They designed the changes of aeasons.

Playing with color is something that makes us happy. As children, we always thrilled at the beginning of a new school year, in receiving that brand new box of crayons.

As we got older, somewhere along the way, it became "immature" or even "childish ."

I recommend that we get over that foolishness and go crazy with color in whatever way suits our fancy. My painting will likely never win any awards. But if it helps free my spirit at all, then it needs to be part of my self care plan.

Love learning more about you and the things you do to free your spirit.

Love and light,


Well,@ginger, Volunteer Mentor. ..You never cease to amaze me. Playing with your colors, much like our Creator played with colors when He/They designed the changes of aeasons.

Playing with color is something that makes us happy. As children, we always thrilled at the beginning of a new school year, in receiving that brand new box of crayons.

As we got older, somewhere along the way, it became "immature" or even "childish ."

I recommend that we get over that foolishness and go crazy with color in whatever way suits our fancy. My painting will likely never win any awards. But if it helps free my spirit at all, then it needs to be part of my self care plan.

Love learning more about you and the things you do to free your spirit.

Love and light,

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@mamacita I love color! Any grouping of things will get me gobsmacked and lost. The paint aisle in a big box store, all the lovely paint chips! A fabric or yarn store. The multitude shades of green on a grove of trees, then add in the blooms or fruit in those trees. For a couple years I worked in a commercial sewing thread company, in the garment district of Los Angeles. We had aisles and cartons of sewing thread on cones. I got real good at matching thread for fabric that the people came in with. The detail and close observation sleeves right in with being an autie.

Have a marvelous Monday,


@mamacita I love color! Any grouping of things will get me gobsmacked and lost. The paint aisle in a big box store, all the lovely paint chips! A fabric or yarn store. The multitude shades of green on a grove of trees, then add in the blooms or fruit in those trees. For a couple years I worked in a commercial sewing thread company, in the garment district of Los Angeles. We had aisles and cartons of sewing thread on cones. I got real good at matching thread for fabric that the people came in with. The detail and close observation sleeves right in with being an autie.

Have a marvelous Monday,

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@gingerw, Gaaahhhh...I go crazy at the paint color aisle at Lowes! I love all the colors!
Love and light!



Ahoy, mateys, Mamacita here. I've been taking my own advice, and resting. Getting used to new medicine. Reading good books, painting, puttering around the house. I have not forgotten about you. Keep up the good spirits. Journal, study, research, work out at the gym or go for a walk. Swim laps at the pool, read to the neighbor kids, or rake leaves. Meditate or pray, listen to inspiring music, or make some of your own. Enjoy this life we are given. Be confident in knowing who you are. You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars . You have a right to be here. Taken from Desiderata, which was read at my wedding 45 years ago come November.

Sending love,and light your way.

Mamacita Jane


@mamacita Thank you for reminding me of my “happy place.”

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Hi, @downtowntiger - wondered if you'd share a little about the happy place that @mamacita's post reminded you of?

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