Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Posted by Mamacita, Alumna Mentor @mamacita, Apr 29, 2018

Maybe you were really shy as a child. Perhaps you took home a huge stack of books from the school library, read them, and returned them the next day. Or did your best friend find you crying in your closet, unable to answer the question "Why?" At any rate, your life could be traced to the Self-Help section of the local bookstore. Unfortunately, most of the books were not much help. ADHD seemed to fit, at times. Your shrink said you might be Bi-Polar, although she wasn't really certain. All you knew was that you rarely fit in, anywhere. One day at work, it hit you square in the face: I don't speak these people's language! Really, it was like you were all playing this game, and everyone knew the rules but you. You couldn't tell a joke, and you never "got" any joke your co-worker tried to tell you. People started getting annoyed with you, because you had a memory like a steel trap. They didn't appreciate it when you called them on the carpet. Who knew? This was my life, and worse. I finally aced several tests that pointed me to the answer to my questions. The Autism Spectrum. Guess what? Little kids with Autism grow up to be Adults with Autism. Diagnosed late in life? This is the place for you!

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@hopeful33250 , that's the sad thing to me. I know that I picked up on good vibesfrom almost every single person. But everything changed when their "leader" returned. Maybe she wanted to keep it a denominational thing. That's actually even more small minded.

I am part of a non profit called Changed Ministries. We don't have a problem with anyone's religion or lack thereof. That's my normal. We just enjoy helping people.Everyone is welcome.

Another reason why I must be from another planet.

See you later. Love and light.
Mamacita Jane

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@mamacita I have read your posts here on the situation with the caregiver support meeting and their denial of your wisdom. While I cannot truly speak for them, it sounds to me that someone or some members felt uncomfortable with the positivity and problem solving you could bring to the table, that it would take some of the shining light away from them. They felt jealous and suddenly threatened. The best way to stop that was to eliminate the threat [you, in this case]. It hurts, and hurts mightily, that you are not able to give of yourself to a group/situation from which you expect nothing except the opportunity to help make a difference. As auties, we feel so deeply. Here we all are, right by your side, and boosting you up, letting you know you're important to us.


@mamacita I have read your posts here on the situation with the caregiver support meeting and their denial of your wisdom. While I cannot truly speak for them, it sounds to me that someone or some members felt uncomfortable with the positivity and problem solving you could bring to the table, that it would take some of the shining light away from them. They felt jealous and suddenly threatened. The best way to stop that was to eliminate the threat [you, in this case]. It hurts, and hurts mightily, that you are not able to give of yourself to a group/situation from which you expect nothing except the opportunity to help make a difference. As auties, we feel so deeply. Here we all are, right by your side, and boosting you up, letting you know you're important to us.

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@gingerw , you hit the nail on the head. I try to contain myself. But at the same time I follow orders from a boss who believes we should share his love and light, not being concerned about the consequences. That He will take care of the results.

I had no idea that my attempt at just being a part of a group would result in such a downward spiral.

If the ones who felt threatened by my positivity only knew where my help came from, they would see that my joy came ftom surviving years of living in darkness.

When one has been set free from captivity, gratitude is evident. I suppose that frightens some. And puzzles the others.

If I had just not been so friendly, or nice, or hopeful, or positive, or .....

But then, if I had done that, I would not have been myself. I would have been what we Auties call masking. Pretending to be someone we are not just to get along. To "pass" as Neurotypical.

I'm too old for that. But I have to figure out how to prevent this same kind of thing from happening in the future.

Duct tape. That's it.Cheaper than wiring my jaws shut.

Oy vey. On a lighter note. Anyone read Do Less? I hear it's really a good book. Maybe I should take its advice!

Love and light,

Mamacita Jane


P.S.@gingerw, you have no idea what it means to me to have your support, and that of the other members of Connect.

I know it might seem silly to someone, reading my deepest thoughts on a subject that some would say should have ended back in high school.

But, see, that's the thing. It didn't end with high school.

I'm really still that geeky bookworm from high school. Just with more experience under my belt. And wrinkles.

Good night. Thanks for all your good words. They help.

Mamacita Jane


Sitting here in the den with my feet propped up. Good day it is our day of rest. No work for me!

There is a Powwow in the next county over today and tomorrow. Hoping I can drag my carcass over there tomorrow.

My Dad (mostly Cherokee, Choctaw) handcrafted Native American flutes when I was a kid. I don't have any of them . Deep regret. Maybe I can pick one up at the pow wow tomorrow. Nice addition to my Native American memorabilia. Nice remembrance of my Dad, the best father anyone could ever have.

Sir Arthur decided to pay me a visit several weeks ago. He hasn't left yet. I am on a walker now, to steady my balance and hopefully prevent falls. Most of the time, nothing allieviates the pain. I wouldn't care so much, but it makes me feel like I don't get enough done.

I try to balance things out. Space out my active times with rest. Maybe hubby and I can get started on our PT next week. We have to start somewhere!

My next door neighbor, Senor Angel, was a polio survivor. He is on crutches outside every day, watering the flower beds, raking the yard, picking up trash. He loves to sit outside and read the newspaper. We get two copies of Time magazine every week. So I give him one of ours.

Random thoughts. So much life to live. Pain and mistakes notwithstanding. Hey, my Grandaughter is crawling. If that doesn't lift your spirits nothing will!

Love and peace on this beautiful day to you all. Thank you for every single thing you do. All of you.

Mamacita Jane


Sitting here in the den with my feet propped up. Good day it is our day of rest. No work for me!

There is a Powwow in the next county over today and tomorrow. Hoping I can drag my carcass over there tomorrow.

My Dad (mostly Cherokee, Choctaw) handcrafted Native American flutes when I was a kid. I don't have any of them . Deep regret. Maybe I can pick one up at the pow wow tomorrow. Nice addition to my Native American memorabilia. Nice remembrance of my Dad, the best father anyone could ever have.

Sir Arthur decided to pay me a visit several weeks ago. He hasn't left yet. I am on a walker now, to steady my balance and hopefully prevent falls. Most of the time, nothing allieviates the pain. I wouldn't care so much, but it makes me feel like I don't get enough done.

I try to balance things out. Space out my active times with rest. Maybe hubby and I can get started on our PT next week. We have to start somewhere!

My next door neighbor, Senor Angel, was a polio survivor. He is on crutches outside every day, watering the flower beds, raking the yard, picking up trash. He loves to sit outside and read the newspaper. We get two copies of Time magazine every week. So I give him one of ours.

Random thoughts. So much life to live. Pain and mistakes notwithstanding. Hey, my Grandaughter is crawling. If that doesn't lift your spirits nothing will!

Love and peace on this beautiful day to you all. Thank you for every single thing you do. All of you.

Mamacita Jane

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Thanks for sharing your day and "random thoughts" @mamacita! How kind of you to get two copies of Time magazine so that you can share one with Senor Angel.


Sitting here in the den with my feet propped up. Good day it is our day of rest. No work for me!

There is a Powwow in the next county over today and tomorrow. Hoping I can drag my carcass over there tomorrow.

My Dad (mostly Cherokee, Choctaw) handcrafted Native American flutes when I was a kid. I don't have any of them . Deep regret. Maybe I can pick one up at the pow wow tomorrow. Nice addition to my Native American memorabilia. Nice remembrance of my Dad, the best father anyone could ever have.

Sir Arthur decided to pay me a visit several weeks ago. He hasn't left yet. I am on a walker now, to steady my balance and hopefully prevent falls. Most of the time, nothing allieviates the pain. I wouldn't care so much, but it makes me feel like I don't get enough done.

I try to balance things out. Space out my active times with rest. Maybe hubby and I can get started on our PT next week. We have to start somewhere!

My next door neighbor, Senor Angel, was a polio survivor. He is on crutches outside every day, watering the flower beds, raking the yard, picking up trash. He loves to sit outside and read the newspaper. We get two copies of Time magazine every week. So I give him one of ours.

Random thoughts. So much life to live. Pain and mistakes notwithstanding. Hey, my Grandaughter is crawling. If that doesn't lift your spirits nothing will!

Love and peace on this beautiful day to you all. Thank you for every single thing you do. All of you.

Mamacita Jane

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@mamacita - I'm very sorry to hear about this exclusion and pain you've endured. You are indeed a gem, and appreciated by many here on Connect. You are very real about life's challenges and how they affect you, yet you also consistently carry a sparkle of optimism.

Is Sir Arthur arthritis?


Sitting here in the den with my feet propped up. Good day it is our day of rest. No work for me!

There is a Powwow in the next county over today and tomorrow. Hoping I can drag my carcass over there tomorrow.

My Dad (mostly Cherokee, Choctaw) handcrafted Native American flutes when I was a kid. I don't have any of them . Deep regret. Maybe I can pick one up at the pow wow tomorrow. Nice addition to my Native American memorabilia. Nice remembrance of my Dad, the best father anyone could ever have.

Sir Arthur decided to pay me a visit several weeks ago. He hasn't left yet. I am on a walker now, to steady my balance and hopefully prevent falls. Most of the time, nothing allieviates the pain. I wouldn't care so much, but it makes me feel like I don't get enough done.

I try to balance things out. Space out my active times with rest. Maybe hubby and I can get started on our PT next week. We have to start somewhere!

My next door neighbor, Senor Angel, was a polio survivor. He is on crutches outside every day, watering the flower beds, raking the yard, picking up trash. He loves to sit outside and read the newspaper. We get two copies of Time magazine every week. So I give him one of ours.

Random thoughts. So much life to live. Pain and mistakes notwithstanding. Hey, my Grandaughter is crawling. If that doesn't lift your spirits nothing will!

Love and peace on this beautiful day to you all. Thank you for every single thing you do. All of you.

Mamacita Jane

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bear huggies and now you look after you and hubbie but make sure u need to sayno unless its family or grandkids or your coffee and art or wine and art classes


@mamacita - I'm very sorry to hear about this exclusion and pain you've endured. You are indeed a gem, and appreciated by many here on Connect. You are very real about life's challenges and how they affect you, yet you also consistently carry a sparkle of optimism.

Is Sir Arthur arthritis?

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I have almost joined Mamacita I have cellulitis from my lymphademea and just spent 5 hours getting to work


@mamacita - I'm very sorry to hear about this exclusion and pain you've endured. You are indeed a gem, and appreciated by many here on Connect. You are very real about life's challenges and how they affect you, yet you also consistently carry a sparkle of optimism.

Is Sir Arthur arthritis?

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I was so cranky to hear this bastardry and snobbery arrogant bitches that excluded you grrr


Yes, @lisalucier, Sir Arthur is my affectionate term for the jointrobber.


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