Anyone taking Keppra for seizures?

Posted by motobee @motobee, Jul 12, 2024

Anyone else on Keppra for seizures? 'I take it twice a day and so far no negative reactions.

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Hi @baa
I have not heard from you for a while. How have you been doing?
Kind regards,
Chris (@santosha)

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So far, so good, thank you.


So far, so good, thank you.

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Hi @baabaa @motobee
Good Morning!
Is @motobee the same person as @baa? I got confused! Perhaps I need more coffee, just got up 🙂
Since my last reply to you last year, some things have changed. I have had two tonic-clonic seizures at the end of December (too much stress with the health of both my parents) and ended up at the hospital because of status epilepticus. I have been put on Keppra, starting with 500 mg twice a day and having many side-effects. But my doctor has been doing a great fine-tuning process and today I am on 150 mg twice a day and no seizures, Thank God!!!
I tell you I was so afraid to be taking this AED based on many comments I have heard about Keppra. But with my current dosage, it has been the AED I have tried that has harmed me the least. Perhaps because my current doctor is doing this fine-tuning process that other doctors did not do. He says that every person is unique, and what is the ideal dosage for one might not be for others. He has been respecting my sensitivity to medications greatly.
What has been your current Lamictal dosage and what was the last dosage of Keppra you took?
Wishing you a lovely weekend!
Chris (@santosha)


Thank you , First time on Keppra for a tonic colonic seizure from out of no where... Please tell me what you mean by taking Keppra can be challenging ???? If I went off it I might have another seizure..

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What they meant is that to discontinue a seizure medicine you have to gradually ween off of it Not suddenly stop cold turkey. I had a single tonic clonic seizure about a year and a half ago and a smaller seizure about 10 months ago. Initially doctor put me on 500ml Keppra 2x per day. The only side effect I got from Keppra is diarrhea everyday for a year and a half. I reduced that down to 250ml 2x per day last year and now have reduced even further to 125ml in am and 250ml in pm. No issues so far and next step is 125ml am and pm probably in a month and on from there. God Bless
ray hippele


I take Zopiclone for sleep--- it that different than what you take... the brand name is Imovane.
Do you recommend my taking a melatonin chewable along with my Imovane as you say it helps a bit more.I know what you mean about prescription meds. but what else can we do when issues arise..??? thanks.

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Have you tried anything different since we last communicated?


I've been on Lamictal and Trileptal for about 20 years with no side effects. I went through a period of depression early on which is a possible side effect of Lamictal but so is being diagnosed with epilepsy. It went away after 6 months. I was put on an Prozac for about a month back then and my seizures increased. My neurologist told me antidepressants can lower the effectiveness of seizure medication in some people.

My seizures came back after a bad fall in October 2023, generic Keppra was added to my seizure meds about 4 weeks ago, today I'm experiencing severe leg pain which is one of the possible side effects of Keppra.

Time to try something new.

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I've never heard about antidepressant's effects. This is an example of why we are here, e.g. to learn from each other. Thank you.


Hi, @royanthony - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thanks for sharing your experience with taking levetiracetam (Keppra).

You mentioned trouble sleeping connected to this medication. Has your doctor had any suggestions about how to counteract this sleep issue?

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Hi Lisa, we've communicated back to December 24th of last year regarding sleep. So, this is just an update. My insurance company finally agreed to partially pay for Ambien, the Brand name of Zolpidem, which I've been taking for years. I got a call from my pharmacist asking if I really want to make the change? Ambien cost is $120 for 30 tablets which includes my co-pay. With Zolpidem, I pay $11.18 with tax for 30 tablets. So, I guess it's still the Z for me. I hope you enjoy your weekend.

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