Safety in public: convey strength

Posted by chris20 @chris20, May 18 7:28am

I want to share some advice, knowing that free advice is usually worth what you pay for it:
When people get older, they slow down due to mobility issues and lack of concern for their own safety. I always believed that walking briskly and determinedly conveys strength and helps ward off potential predators. A somewhat valid excuse for
not seeming strong includes physical ailments, and yet I have seen people with canes appearing willing and able to whack someone with their cane if needed for self defense. Alertness and awareness of what's going on around you also make you look less vulnerable. If there is absolutely no way you can convey strength, then be accompanied by someone who does. I sometimes carry a rather heavy walking stick when walking with my wife who suffers from Alzheimer's, even though it's obvious I don't need it. And often I scowl and look cantankerous.😊

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Sounds like a very good idea for everyone!


I learned that when living as a woman alone in Chicago and San Francisco in my 20s (the 1980s). Stride purposefully, swing your arms, and look unapproachable. Don’t make eye contact or smile. Very interesting to consider as a 60-something with an impaired husband. Thanks for the reminder!

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