Routine CT Scan 12 years after RCC-Tumor Lower Left Lung - Nvr Smoked

Posted by douglasfeb15 @douglasfeb15, Oct 31, 2022

Just found out today. I have a tumor with "tendrils" growing in my left lung. Doc says it is on the lower-outer-rear of the lung. Says that may be a good thing because easier to operate on it. It is 3 cm on the part they can see. Found it on an abdominal CT follow up to RCC 12 years ago. Getting the full CT later this week or early next. I have never smoked a day in my life. I am trying to keep it together, for my wife and kids. I am 55 with 4 grown kids and 5 grands. I have lived through open heart surgery, Right Partial Nephrectomy, Gall Bladder Removal, and I plan on getting through this. But I really need people to talk to. I don't want to make my wife of 25 years even more nervous so I am playing the part of non-chalant. But I am freaking out on the inside. There are so many things I want to do before I die. I am just not ready.

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Can you please tell me about the surgery?
I am having my lower right lobe removed on Nov 21.

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I had my middle and lower lobe of my right lung removed this past July. The chest tube is the worst part you will deal with after surgery. It stays in for about 2 days. I remember waking up after surgery noticing a sharp pain in my shoulder and thought why is my shoulder hurting?! The tube is placed in your back from your shoulder to the bottom of your lung to remove fluid. They will try the best they can to manage your pain. Where are you having the surgery at? Mine was at Mayo and it was done via VATS which is 3 small incisions. I only had pain with my incisions up to 3 weeks. I used a heating pad which made it feel more comfortable. The recliner was my best friend. I found it difficult to lay in my bed at first. Any other questions please ask. You will do great and find such relief that the cancer is removed after surgery!


Can you please tell me about the surgery?
I am having my lower right lobe removed on Nov 21.

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I had my left upper lobe removed a year ago today and have to say it wasn’t bad at all. IV Toradol and Oxycodone helped a lot. The only real acute pain I had was after they removed the chest tube. They left the pigtail in and I think it was just the position of that tube. I was in the hospital for only 2 nights and was able to host Thanksgiving dinner a little over a week later. I made a couple dishes but others did most of the work. Good luck with your surgery!


I had my middle and lower lobe of my right lung removed this past July. The chest tube is the worst part you will deal with after surgery. It stays in for about 2 days. I remember waking up after surgery noticing a sharp pain in my shoulder and thought why is my shoulder hurting?! The tube is placed in your back from your shoulder to the bottom of your lung to remove fluid. They will try the best they can to manage your pain. Where are you having the surgery at? Mine was at Mayo and it was done via VATS which is 3 small incisions. I only had pain with my incisions up to 3 weeks. I used a heating pad which made it feel more comfortable. The recliner was my best friend. I found it difficult to lay in my bed at first. Any other questions please ask. You will do great and find such relief that the cancer is removed after surgery!

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Thank you very much!
I am having it done at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.
I do have a lot of family support.

Someone will be with me all the time. My son-in-law is an interventional radiologist there.

I’m dreading the chest tube more than anything! 😩

Did you come back to your room with a catheter?


I had my middle and lower lobe of my right lung removed this past July. The chest tube is the worst part you will deal with after surgery. It stays in for about 2 days. I remember waking up after surgery noticing a sharp pain in my shoulder and thought why is my shoulder hurting?! The tube is placed in your back from your shoulder to the bottom of your lung to remove fluid. They will try the best they can to manage your pain. Where are you having the surgery at? Mine was at Mayo and it was done via VATS which is 3 small incisions. I only had pain with my incisions up to 3 weeks. I used a heating pad which made it feel more comfortable. The recliner was my best friend. I found it difficult to lay in my bed at first. Any other questions please ask. You will do great and find such relief that the cancer is removed after surgery!

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am having it done at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.
I do have a lot of family support.

Someone will be with me all the time. My son-in-law is an interventional radiologist there.

I’m dreading the chest tube more than anything! 😩

Did you come back to your room with a catheter?


Definitely was a painful recovery. As difficult as it will be. Moving is key. They will want you to get out of bed on day two. Just take your time. The chest tube was difficult. You will need to do breathing exercises. Those are crucial to recovery as well.

Most of all. Prayer.

Will your surgery be robotic ?

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Yes, it will be robotic.
Doc said it would be painful!


Can you please tell me about the surgery?
I am having my lower right lobe removed on Nov 21.

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Hello @mcohan
I had the right lower lobe of my lung removed last November (the day before Thanksgiving) at the Mayo hospital in Phoenix I order to remove an adenocarcinoma tumor. All in all the surgical recovery was not too bad (it was a video assisted surgery). I had two incisions on my right side and they utilized a nerve block procedure which I believe really decreased any pain. I had a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving, was released on Friday and off of the pain meds a few days later. The chest tube was removed while in the hospital without any anesthesia. However, keep in mind that everyone is different in regards to the procedures used and their recovery process. I would suggest that you ask your surgeon (or their assistance) to walk you through what procedures they are going to use and what the recovery process is likely to be like. Knowing what to expect takes away a lot of the anxiety.

Good luck and have a successful recovery!


Hello @mcohan
I had the right lower lobe of my lung removed last November (the day before Thanksgiving) at the Mayo hospital in Phoenix I order to remove an adenocarcinoma tumor. All in all the surgical recovery was not too bad (it was a video assisted surgery). I had two incisions on my right side and they utilized a nerve block procedure which I believe really decreased any pain. I had a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving, was released on Friday and off of the pain meds a few days later. The chest tube was removed while in the hospital without any anesthesia. However, keep in mind that everyone is different in regards to the procedures used and their recovery process. I would suggest that you ask your surgeon (or their assistance) to walk you through what procedures they are going to use and what the recovery process is likely to be like. Knowing what to expect takes away a lot of the anxiety.

Good luck and have a successful recovery!

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Thank you so much!
My surgery is next week. November 21
I would love to get out on Thanksgiving or the day after.
Did you have a catheter after surgery or were you able to go to the bathroom with help?
I am having mine done at Emory University Hospital n Atlanta.


Thank you so much!
My surgery is next week. November 21
I would love to get out on Thanksgiving or the day after.
Did you have a catheter after surgery or were you able to go to the bathroom with help?
I am having mine done at Emory University Hospital n Atlanta.

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My catheter was placed in the OR after they put me to sleep and they removed it before I woke up so I did not have to deal with it after the fact!


Thank you so much!
My surgery is next week. November 21
I would love to get out on Thanksgiving or the day after.
Did you have a catheter after surgery or were you able to go to the bathroom with help?
I am having mine done at Emory University Hospital n Atlanta.

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Hi, mcohan… urinary catheter for me. I found that the sooner I could try to get back to somewhat normal activities (shaving for instance) the better I felt. Being aggressive on the breathing exercises is initially hard but they really do help in the healing process.


Thank you very much!
I am having it done at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.
I do have a lot of family support.

Someone will be with me all the time. My son-in-law is an interventional radiologist there.

I’m dreading the chest tube more than anything! 😩

Did you come back to your room with a catheter?

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No catheter and the chest tube wasn’t bad at all. Just had to sleep on my back but with the pain meds wasn’t difficult. Just have to be careful getting up to bathroom. I was up walking in the hall with the chest tube and IV pole the evening of the surgery. I was 72 when I had my surgery so not a youngster. You will be surprised at how quickly you bounce back. Good luck!

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