RLS Dead End?

Posted by akhw @akhw, Mar 18, 2023

My husband’s RLS has ‘progressed’ to both legs, day and night. He has tried all of the approved drugs for RLS at increasing doses prescribed by a neurologist, as well as cannabis. He has been taking oxycodone for about a year. (The RLS Foundation has stated that opioids are the preferred treatment after Gabapentin & pregabalin). Heated leg massagers, walking, sports massager, Irish Springs at the bottom of the bed….his frustration & hopelessness level has peaked.

Any coping recommendations when all has failed?

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I'm going to inquire to the powers that be about Magnesium supplements for my occasional (but very annoying nontheless) RLS. Mine isn't just the legs tho. It's whole body mild electric shock (for lack of a better term).
Good luck.


Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Eat well




I'm so sorry. I just read that 3 tablespoons of dill pickle juice can stop RLS from a pharmacist. Also, Flexeril (a prescription muscle relaxant 5 mg) was what I took for mine and it has completely gone away and I am no longer having to take Flexeril. God Bless.


I'm going to inquire to the powers that be about Magnesium supplements for my occasional (but very annoying nontheless) RLS. Mine isn't just the legs tho. It's whole body mild electric shock (for lack of a better term).
Good luck.

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Low B12 can cause that "electric shock" feeling that you are describing. Have you had that checked lately? Magnesium is great, BUT, you have to not take too much as it can cause diarrhea. Have you tried soaking in the tub in epsom salt? God Bless.


I do take a B complex supplement. I will look into the other things you mentioned as I will be starting chemo again as soon as the oncologists set the treatments up. The steroids they add give me insomnia and RLS.
Thank you for your response,


I'm so sorry. I just read that 3 tablespoons of dill pickle juice can stop RLS from a pharmacist. Also, Flexeril (a prescription muscle relaxant 5 mg) was what I took for mine and it has completely gone away and I am no longer having to take Flexeril. God Bless.

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We’ll check into the Flexeril. We’ve tried all of the approved medications…& ended up with augmentation on the dopamine agonists. Calm Magnesium supplement seemed to help for a while. Ferritin/iron infusion brought his ferritin levels into the range ‘recommended’ by the RLS Foundation. Tonic water, Irish Springs at the foot of the bed….. Flexeril is something to pursue.


I do take a B complex supplement. I will look into the other things you mentioned as I will be starting chemo again as soon as the oncologists set the treatments up. The steroids they add give me insomnia and RLS.
Thank you for your response,

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I found the B Complex does not have enough B12 in it to get your B12 within normal range. I had to do the injections and take the subligual B12. I felt like electricity was going off in my arms and legs that kept me awake at night. I had symtpoms of peripheral neuropathy - a lot of diabetics have this. I was not diabetic. My B12 was extremely low. The sublingual B12 & Injections got my B12 back up and the symptoms went away. Praying for you!


We’ll check into the Flexeril. We’ve tried all of the approved medications…& ended up with augmentation on the dopamine agonists. Calm Magnesium supplement seemed to help for a while. Ferritin/iron infusion brought his ferritin levels into the range ‘recommended’ by the RLS Foundation. Tonic water, Irish Springs at the foot of the bed….. Flexeril is something to pursue.

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God Bless You both. I hope he gets relief soon. The pickle juice sounds far fetched, but, you never know. I have had leg cramps before and got up and eaten a plain tablespoon of mustard and the cramps went away. Sometimes the home remedies do work. IF his legs hurt, have you tried the Voltaren gel? Its wonderful for pain and is over the counter now. Ask doctor before he tries it.


Seems like we’ve tried everything else…pickle juice today.


My doctor gave me a prescription of
pramipexole 0.5mg for RLS. It's no
cure, but does give some relief.
It especially helps east the pain in
the legs when sleeping.

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