Has anyone had an insertable Cardiac Monitor?

Posted by jigglejaws94 @jigglejaws94, Oct 12, 2016

Just curious if anyone else has a Reveal LINQ implant ?? I had one inserted in July of this year to monitor my palpitations. I have had palpitations for years but earlier this year they changed (at least for a while) and I experienced shortness of breath and pain with the palpitations.

I just think this is really cool technology.

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I hope you have a regular cardio or doctor that you are following up with. They are the best ones to ask about this. I imagine it is pretty scary. I have PAC's quite frequently and take a extended release Beta Blocker. It does help some but i still get them.


I have had mine now going on 3 years due to pvc. I was passing out right and left, but haven’t had an episode in a year now. How long do these things stay in? I was told you have to be a year free of incidents before removal but aren’t hey only good for 3 years? Help!


lasst august my wife had one implanted, seems to be doing a good job. the problem we are having now is we found the price the hospital is asking us to play seems rather exorbent, when the procedure could have well been done in a Doctorrs office and reading in the Star Tribune, the cost to hospitals seems to be a lot lower. The Hospital stand a surgery is a surgery is a surgery. A scapel , an implant under the skin, lanacaine, no hospital people in the room, no that is not a surgery.

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I discovered that the costs of my procedure in UKC Ljubljana were 4.400€, payed by obligatory insurance : shower, operating room and three doctors (a cardiologist and two registrars), local anaesthesia and instructions. Getting instructions during the procedure is really not a good idea. That is why I didn't understand much. The cardiologist was talking something about seven minutes, that is why I understood even less. My first control after the procedure is going to be on 2nd July and I am afraid the doctor shall cream at me again that I am a crazy woman because I made some marks before fainting and then I didn't actually faint. Maybe it is better to pay more and get a better attitude and surveillance.


Hello, I wanted to let you know I've had my reveal link for almost three years, there was only slight discomfort at first then over a few days time I forgot it was even in my body! Hope your procedure goes well! Take care!

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Nice to hear from somebody who knows Slovenija. I am OK now with ICM but I have terrible time weaning mysef off Nexium I have been taking for 15 years. It seems that nexium is the source of my problem with faintings. It's the sixth week now and it seems to me that I shall succed. However, the first days od depriving nexium were awful with lots of heart events. And I also experience funny events with ICM: during storms with lots of lightings my heart becomes crazy as if ICM would serve as aerial. Is it possible?


This was the cost of my recent implant on 8 March, 2018. This includes an Echo that was done prior to implant. Could be done in Doctors office or clinic, but mine was done in Cath lab.


Curious if anyone who has this system is having problems with the automatic transmissions to cardiologist office. Had mine since 11/27/17 and it has not yet transmitted automatically to my cardiologist. I was alerted by my cardio that it had not transmitted at all the first month I had it. I sent a manual transmission and worked fine. Called the troubleshooting number and they were absolutely NO help. Two months now and it has still not transmitted automatically. Have been sending manual transmission every four or five day. Called troubleshooting again recently, talked to two different people, and still no help, just double talk. I do believe they get these young people on the phones off the street. Just hoping they don't get paid for their lack of services.

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My cardio doc has 2 technicians that are experienced in this area. I will see them on 22 March and ask them your question. Just curious, do you have it pointed at foot of bed, and what is your signal strength, shows on display?


Can anyone tell me how much does the ICM and its insertion cost in the USA?

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Mine was done in Pensacola, Florida at Baptist Hospital on 8 March 2018. Cost is almost $ 30,000. But it was done in Heart Cath lab, which drives up the cost. Should be done in outpatient setting, which is what my cardiologist EP stated. Simple procedure, local anthestic, went home in less than one hour. No pain, dressing came off on 11th, and Sterri strips came off yesterday. Works great. Battery life is good for years. Made by Medtronic, called the Reveal. Do Google search. Love Slovenia


the price of this procedure could be greatly reduced, having the procedure done in the Doctors office. The hospital my wife used just has a check off number that a surgery is a surgery is a surgery, their cost for the procedures just under $6000. , they provideed a receptionist who put a band on her wrist, an office, a scapel, linocaine, glue. They had none of their people in the room, those present My Wife and I, her doctor, two reps from Medtron, took around 20 minutes, how does that amount to that amount? This country is never going to see afordable health care, if this is the accepted norm.


@jigglejaws94 I had never heard of this before, but I looked it up on "google" and it does sound like an interesting tool Please share, if you want to, how this works.

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Go to this website: http://www.oliversegal.com/heart-conditions/reveal-linq-device/ Go to the section - What do I do if I have symptoms? and within that paragraph, it says: "When placed over the Reveal Linq device and the button pressed, it triggers the device to store the previous 7.5-15 minutes of your heart rhythm and mark the place on the heart record when your fainting or other symptoms occurred. "


@jigglejaws94 I had never heard of this before, but I looked it up on "google" and it does sound like an interesting tool Please share, if you want to, how this works.

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The Medtronic rep, a retired RN told me that the patient assistant would mark 20 minutes prior to the event and the event itself, although I can't not find this in my manual. Will check with maker to see if this is accurate.

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