Has anyone had an insertable Cardiac Monitor?

Posted by jigglejaws94 @jigglejaws94, Oct 12, 2016

Just curious if anyone else has a Reveal LINQ implant ?? I had one inserted in July of this year to monitor my palpitations. I have had palpitations for years but earlier this year they changed (at least for a while) and I experienced shortness of breath and pain with the palpitations.

I just think this is really cool technology.

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Implantable heart monitor

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Hi @gc456742 @edda and @lioness, I moved the Medtronics discussion to this existing discussion called "Reveal LINQ Insertable Cardiac Monitor" so you can meet others talking about an insertable cardiac monitor. Click VIEW & REPLY in the email notification and you'll be able to read through the past comments and ask questions.

@gc456742 are you considering an insertable monitor for yourself? So far what are the pros and cons you're considering? What questions would you like to ask?


Implantable heart monitor

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I was told, that I would benefit from that. But I opted out, because I felt, that the doctor just wanted to make money!
He does have a contract hanging on his walls with a Pharmaceutical firm.
But that was years ago, and I am fine with my heart.


Implantable heart monitor

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I was told, that I would benefit from that. But I opted out, because I felt, that the doctor just wanted to make money!
He does have a contract hanging on his walls with a Pharmaceutical firm.
But that was years ago, and I am fine with my heart.

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@congratulations Edda


HELP. LOST MY PATIENT ASSISTANT IN RAINSTORM YESTERDAY. I managed to lose my Patient Assistant yesterday while out shopping and a visit to my local military hospital. Looked everywhere, but can not find it. Called Medtronic, but of course they are closed and Monday is holiday. Sure hope I can get replacement without having to remove the device in my chest (loop recorder). Are they replaceable?

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please disregard. found my device wedged in side of recliner!


HELP. LOST MY PATIENT ASSISTANT IN RAINSTORM YESTERDAY. I managed to lose my Patient Assistant yesterday while out shopping and a visit to my local military hospital. Looked everywhere, but can not find it. Called Medtronic, but of course they are closed and Monday is holiday. Sure hope I can get replacement without having to remove the device in my chest (loop recorder). Are they replaceable?


I have had mine now going on 3 years due to pvc. I was passing out right and left, but haven’t had an episode in a year now. How long do these things stay in? I was told you have to be a year free of incidents before removal but aren’t hey only good for 3 years? Help!

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battery is only good for up to 3 years, need to check with you doctor to see if need removal or ?


Hello, I have had my linq for 2 years now. I haven't had too many issues with it but a couple times that I tried to record an event, I was told that I was disconnected and nothing was recorded. The pain I have isn't picked up , and I'm told that it only picks up on certain things. I was told in the ER that my ekgs showed an abnormality, so when I called my dr office to ask if my recorder picked up on it, they said no. The one in the ER is a 12 lead so it will show more than the linq will. Very frustrating. I also have had pain with mine and when I work out it feels like its tearing tissue, muscle or something in my chest. Just wondering if anyone else has had issues working out, lifting weights with theirs.

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I've also had mine for two years. If it had been better explained to me how it works and the limitations -- I probably would not have gotten it inserted. I too have had pain in my chest where it is inserted. I was told this would last up to the first year allowing for the nerves to heal -- but it still bothers me from time to time and I also get that tearing feeling and it can be quite painful and uncomfortable. I don't lift weights but if I am doing lifting around the house or certain activities -- it seems to irritate the area. I'm sorry to hear that the events that you hoped to have recorded -- were not picked up. In March of this year, I had my parameters adjusted. Previously, it was not picking up anything unless my heart rate was below 45 or over 145 (I think) -- anyway, I got the upper limit put down to 120. I was under the impression when I got this thing that I would essentially have a 3-year, 24/7 heart monitor that would pick up all of my arrhythmias. Not true. I was told at my 2nd year appointment that it doesn't pick up on PVCs, PACs, and the like. It can detect atrial fibrillation. Darn -- if I had understood this, I would have foregone the procedure -- as it was quite expensive. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was having racing of my heart at night. I did contact my cardio office and it was all caught -- but had the parameters not been adjusted, it would not have been.


Hello, I have had my linq for 2 years now. I haven't had too many issues with it but a couple times that I tried to record an event, I was told that I was disconnected and nothing was recorded. The pain I have isn't picked up , and I'm told that it only picks up on certain things. I was told in the ER that my ekgs showed an abnormality, so when I called my dr office to ask if my recorder picked up on it, they said no. The one in the ER is a 12 lead so it will show more than the linq will. Very frustrating. I also have had pain with mine and when I work out it feels like its tearing tissue, muscle or something in my chest. Just wondering if anyone else has had issues working out, lifting weights with theirs.

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