Has anyone had an insertable Cardiac Monitor?

Posted by jigglejaws94 @jigglejaws94, Oct 12, 2016

Just curious if anyone else has a Reveal LINQ implant ?? I had one inserted in July of this year to monitor my palpitations. I have had palpitations for years but earlier this year they changed (at least for a while) and I experienced shortness of breath and pain with the palpitations.

I just think this is really cool technology.

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This is great news, @crashnam! I moved your message to this discussion so that you can meet other members who also have/had a heart monitor implant. I'd also like to invite @regeanna @traceysmith to join this conversation and share their experiences with this device.

How are you feeling, Larry? Are you able to continue day-to-day activities?

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I get that, Larry. The mind does indeed work in curious ways.


This is great news, @crashnam! I moved your message to this discussion so that you can meet other members who also have/had a heart monitor implant. I'd also like to invite @regeanna @traceysmith to join this conversation and share their experiences with this device.

How are you feeling, Larry? Are you able to continue day-to-day activities?

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Hi Colleen. Thanks for the information. I will look into it. At this point however, I don't know what good it would do. In a way, I kind of hope that smoking is causing some of the palpitations. If I quit and nothing changes, that would be a real let down for me. The mind works in curious ways. I am the type that looks at all kinds of different scenarios for everything, while trying to reason them out one by one. However, many times when I think I have solved something, or come close, the bottom falls out. Again, thanks for the info.


Recently had a heart monitor implant (11/27). Monitors the heart for up to three years. Much better than wearing a holter monitor every so often.

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Hey Jiggle, since you have seen one of my posts (below), I guess you have the answer. All I can do is add that no matter what sensations I explain to the Cardiologists they don't seem to understand. Intermittent AFIB started about four years ago, anywhere from 5-12 hours (180-200 BPM). When it would let up I would feel great, with the exception of several tolerable PVC's during the day. After awhile, the AFIB started coming more frequently (every 2-3 weeks), and the PVC's have gotten progressively more "weird." I will get every type of skip, flutter, jump, pause, etc. that you can possibly think of or feel. Recently, the AFIB has had longer intervals in between episodes, which is a good thing, but the palps feel worse (go figure). Also, some days I keep going in and out of AFIB for short durations with weird palps before and after for awhile. I can have several hours sometimes during the day and feel pretty good then suddenly out of nowhere I will feel down and out with all these symptoms. Considering ablation, but want everything fine-tuned before that happens. Have worn several holter monitors which have shown variations of palps from hundreds a day to thousands a day and of course I feel every one of them. Have had 3 or 4 ultrasounds and a recent nuclear stress test and everything looks okay. So, bottom line, there is something wrong somewhere and I'm just trying to pinpoint the problem. I do a lot of research and read a lot of testimonials, but I use common sense when I ingest the information. Just want to get my confidence back. I can live with all the palps I used to have before they started getting worse. If I could get back to that point I would be satisfied.


This is great news, @crashnam! I moved your message to this discussion so that you can meet other members who also have/had a heart monitor implant. I'd also like to invite @regeanna @traceysmith to join this conversation and share their experiences with this device.

How are you feeling, Larry? Are you able to continue day-to-day activities?

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Hi Larry, you mention that you haven't had the willpower to quit smoking. It's tough and I am definitely not here to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. But, I want to let you know about BecomeAnEX - a proven quit plan guided at your own pace and online community support. You can read more about getting support here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/smoking-quitting/


Recently had a heart monitor implant (11/27). Monitors the heart for up to three years. Much better than wearing a holter monitor every so often.

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I had near syncopal episodes and my doctor was checking for afib since I have congestive heart failure, that's how I ended up with a reveal loop recorder.


Recently had a heart monitor implant (11/27). Monitors the heart for up to three years. Much better than wearing a holter monitor every so often.

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Larry -- I'm curious. Why did you have this placed? I've had mine for almost 1.5 years now -- no major events have occurred. Ah-- I see the thread below with this answer.


I had a reveal loop recorder, and I had no events until about a year later. I had complete heart block which would have never been diagnosed without the reveal loop recorder. I'm thankful to God first and foremost and then to my excellent cardiologist who recommended it. This has been a life saving device!


This is great news, @crashnam! I moved your message to this discussion so that you can meet other members who also have/had a heart monitor implant. I'd also like to invite @regeanna @traceysmith to join this conversation and share their experiences with this device.

How are you feeling, Larry? Are you able to continue day-to-day activities?

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It sends the information direct at a specified time at night which is programmed into the system. Mine in particular starts transmitting at midnight.


This is great news, @crashnam! I moved your message to this discussion so that you can meet other members who also have/had a heart monitor implant. I'd also like to invite @regeanna @traceysmith to join this conversation and share their experiences with this device.

How are you feeling, Larry? Are you able to continue day-to-day activities?

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Larry @crashnam

Glad to hear that you have a new tool at your disposal, Larry. Does this implantable device send information to your doctor directly or do you have to go in and have it read periodically?



This is great news, @crashnam! I moved your message to this discussion so that you can meet other members who also have/had a heart monitor implant. I'd also like to invite @regeanna @traceysmith to join this conversation and share their experiences with this device.

How are you feeling, Larry? Are you able to continue day-to-day activities?

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Hi Kanaaz. Implant went fine. My days have been fair to good for about 6 months. As you may recall I have both intermittent AFIB and PVC's. The PVC's are actually much more bothersome and worrisome than the AFIB. Some days I pretty much just push myself to do things even though the PVC's with all their skips, jumps and hesitations will be driving my crazy. Some days my heart will feel weak, and sensitive like a hair trigger and the slightest move sets off the PVC's and occasional AFIB. Other days, my heart will feel normal, with a normal beat, but still will have the PVC's. Just can't figure it out. Bowled in a league for 40 years, but decided not to bowl this year. Hopefully can get things straightened out so I can feel confident to bowl again. Still smoke and drink black coffee everyday. Just haven't had the willpower to stop for a while to see if it cuts down on any of my symptoms. It's a nervous habit, and of course PVC's and AFIB make me nervous. Thanks for your concern.

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