Research Study for MAC Patients Enrolling Now

Posted by Jo Ann K @jkiemen, Aug 23, 2023

I was hoping that you all might also look at the Clinical Trial called MACrO2. I joined the study at Mayo in Rochester. This looks promising but needs participants. This is a medication called Epetraborole. Many Pulmonologists are not aware of this study.

There are study centers all over the US, Australia, Japan and Korea.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

@jkiemen Thank you for the heads up!
This study is combining a new drug, epatraborole, and a new device referred to only as the "PRO instrument" in treating difficult cases of MAC.

If anyone is involved in this study, please share your experience with us!
To anyone interested, please read the study information, eligibility criteria and exclusion criteria in the link provided. Then, contact the person listed as the study contact. Both a phone number and email are provided. We cannot help you get enrolled - you need to get in touch yourself.

And we can await the results!


I have MAC and bronchiectasis and some asthma. I have been prescribed Stiolto. Just started after using Breztri. The Breztri made my heart fluttery so I don't want to keep taking. Is anyone using alternative treatments?


Thank you, Jo Ann, for participating in this study! In the next five years, we should have more treatment choices because of people like you!

With deep appreciation,
Linda Esposito

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