Repatha and side effects

Posted by donlynn @donlynn, 3 days ago

Did anyone here have to stop Repatha injections due to side effects?

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Yep! Repatha did not work very well reducing my LDL, and I finally connected side effects, I believe after injection #9.


I’m due to start it. What were your reactions?


Repatha lowered my LDL to an astonishing degree and I’ve never encountered any side effects.


Repatha worked well for me with no side effects.


I have been on Repatha for more than 9 years and have been on it since the early stages it has been a life saver literally and I have not had any side effects I am aware of. I could not take any of the Statin class of drugs due to horrible muscle spasm thru my hole body and bad joint pain. I also have multiple heart issues. As I said this has been a game changer for me.


I’m due to start it. What were your reactions?

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I love this medication. It lowered my LDL down to 14! The day after I inject I am a little bit tired, if I ever get a low back ache once in a while I just take a dons pill and it is gone in 20 minutes it has been a wonderful medication for me. A little nose, drip, and some sinus congestion and that’s it.


Another successful user here. Repatha lowered my LDL from 109 to the 14-17 range. Been about 18 months with no ill effects at all


This is very encouraging to me. I have been suffering what seems to be a sinus infection for 11 weeks and my doctors have told me to wait until it resolves to start injections of Repatha. I had a CT scan of sinuses this morning so I hope to get this finally resolved so I can proceed. I absolutely could not tolerate statin therapy.


This is very encouraging to me. I have been suffering what seems to be a sinus infection for 11 weeks and my doctors have told me to wait until it resolves to start injections of Repatha. I had a CT scan of sinuses this morning so I hope to get this finally resolved so I can proceed. I absolutely could not tolerate statin therapy.

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It does sound to work for a lot of people, definitely worth trying. I got this pain in my right side, eventually startled awake thinking, “I forgot to breathe” (which of course doesn’t happen). Then, must have been something esophageal because I remember hunting for something real peppermint for relief. I’m probably weird 🙂


I cannot take statins, tried every kind, every dose. Tried Repatha TWO times. I wanted it to work for me, but, again, the pain reduced my quality of life too much to continue. I just heard about Nexleton for those that can’t tolerate statins. The list of side effects is long and scary. I have been trying these drugs for 30 years and feel like a poster child for horrible side effects that sometimes take months to get over. It feels like I am wrecking my body with these medication “trials.” I am sad and at a loss. My doctor has convinced me that I am dying of CAD, but the only time I feel like I am dying is when I take these medications. I am so worn out.

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