Repairing Tricuspid valve

Posted by suzucarranza @suzucarranza, Jun 8, 2024

i have already had a mitro valve heart repair. I now have a leaking tricuspid valve . I was wondering if anyone knew much about having that repaired ,especially after already having open heart surgery for mitro valve. I am 76. Thanks

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If you are in reasonably good condition, and can be expected to live for at least another five years, I think the case can be made to operate on you....from my point of view. I would be a patient, like you, and I would work hard to find a surgeon of some repute who feels he/she can do the repair on someone with your medical circumstances and age.

Open heart surgery is routine, even on elderly patients, but a lot depends on how they look, how they talk, how they respond to pointed and sometimes complex questions (will they profit from this intervention, and can they look after themselves if nobody is around when trying to heal?), and also on the confidence and experience of the person being asked for the intervention.

These days, 76 is not old. It is elderly, but at least half of the world's adults live to about 75-80 years of age with a good diet, exercise, and a family physician who is on the ball. And, of course, some personal relationships and social interaction with caring friends and relatives.

Bottom line: make your case. You've done well with one repair already, and why not take a stab at another repair for the other main valve?

By the way, it is 'mitral' valve, not 'mitro'. You might be thinking of 'nitro' for those with angina, a whole nuther heart problem. 🙂

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