Relapse of symptoms: How long can this go on?

Posted by shawnasierra @shawnasierra, Nov 9, 2022

I searched but came out with lots of comments but can’t find what I’m looking for.
I had Covid in may, September and again in October ( negative in between). I feel horrible for a few days to a week then get better. It’s been a constant cycle. Seems it just keeps relapsing. Any idea how long this can go on? Usually I get reflux which leads to cough. Pre and probiotics help some but it’s almost like clockwork. Search yields little though it seems people do have relapsing symptoms.

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@shawnasierra, does @ldropps experience shared here sound similar?
- Stalled Long COVID Recovery: What helps you get back on track?


@shawnasierra, does @ldropps experience shared here sound similar?
- Stalled Long COVID Recovery: What helps you get back on track?

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I’m not sure. It’s frustrating. My doctor doesn’t have a clue. I had mono as a teen so I’m thinking that could play a part. I don’t have insurance now until I find another job as I had to leave my last job.


Have you had bloodwork to check your immune system (gamma globulin) titers? IgM? My IgM has been almost nonexistent for decades, which means I never get over certain diseases and need to be on meds for prolonged periods to wear out infections. I am also an 8 year Hizentra patient which replaces IgG mainly, which helps to protect me somewhat from getting infections.



I've really struggled with the cycle. Part of my problem is when I feel better I slack off and don't do my Mayo Clinic exercises.

I also had to go back on the Ritalin. Mayo doesn't recommend it, but it's the only thing that makes me feel somewhat like myself.

Also, I need to be very strict with my sleep schedule. Staying up even an hour later makes me crash for days.

I hope you have better days. I've attached my exercises.

Shared files

Head to Toe Stretches (1) (Head-to-Toe-Stretches-1.pdf)


I too, got several time of relapse of Covid symptoms. Please share info about which doctor we should see or which drug we should take as soon as it is available. Very much appreciation.


I suffer from the same thing every week or so I relapse and go backwards but I've been taking steroids whenever I have a relapse for a few days and then it gets better


I read a comment or two last week that suggested light exercise for 15 mins and a short nap in am and pm.
I tried to excercise. It was very light and only 10 mins, but I became so much sicker!!
I’m so frustrated and sad!!
I can only do light house cleaning for about 1/2 hr and then I can’t do anything else the rest of the day.
Any suggestions or encouraging words. 😞


Listen to your body. Something is wrong. You have an underlying illness that needs to be diagnosed. I feel for you and hope you get accurate diagnosis and support and healing soon.


Listen to your body. Something is wrong. You have an underlying illness that needs to be diagnosed. I feel for you and hope you get accurate diagnosis and support and healing soon.

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Hi Gillysmom-
I have been checked out by my GP just a couple of mths ago. She had me do some blood work and a lung test. Everything came out fine.
I just can’t think of what else could be wrong.


I read a comment or two last week that suggested light exercise for 15 mins and a short nap in am and pm.
I tried to excercise. It was very light and only 10 mins, but I became so much sicker!!
I’m so frustrated and sad!!
I can only do light house cleaning for about 1/2 hr and then I can’t do anything else the rest of the day.
Any suggestions or encouraging words. 😞

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No, DO NOT exercise. Your body is trying to recover and you WILL deplete yourself by exercising more. I had healed myself completely then brought my heart palpitations back by swimming. ANY type of over-extending the body (even emotionally) can take you backwards again with long-haul.

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