Relapse of symptoms: How long can this go on?

Posted by shawnasierra @shawnasierra, Nov 9, 2022

I searched but came out with lots of comments but can’t find what I’m looking for.
I had Covid in may, September and again in October ( negative in between). I feel horrible for a few days to a week then get better. It’s been a constant cycle. Seems it just keeps relapsing. Any idea how long this can go on? Usually I get reflux which leads to cough. Pre and probiotics help some but it’s almost like clockwork. Search yields little though it seems people do have relapsing symptoms.

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Hello I’m new to this site so this may not be the best place to post, but have a very basic question I can’t seem to find an answer to, I first tested positive Nov 4, took full course of Paxlovid and did a 7 day stay home. Tested negative. 3 days later tested positive again and have light symptoms again. Was advised by my health insurance nurse line that I was fine to be out and about. 5 days still have some symptoms, tested positive again. Can’t seem to get an answer regarding am I possibly spreading COVID when I’m testing positive?


Hello I’m new to this site so this may not be the best place to post, but have a very basic question I can’t seem to find an answer to, I first tested positive Nov 4, took full course of Paxlovid and did a 7 day stay home. Tested negative. 3 days later tested positive again and have light symptoms again. Was advised by my health insurance nurse line that I was fine to be out and about. 5 days still have some symptoms, tested positive again. Can’t seem to get an answer regarding am I possibly spreading COVID when I’m testing positive?

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Hi @justhike, If you test positive for COVID-19, it is recommended that you stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home.

Here are full details from the CDC including what to do if you test positive and when you have symptoms.
- Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19


I'm fully up to date with vaccinations and boosters, I had a sneeze attack 12/23/2022 (that I thought was a relapse of 4 week earlier cold, testing negative then), tested positive 12/24/2022 , took the 5 day LAGEVRIO prescription that worked marvelously, I woke up this morning 1/2/2023 feeling better than ever, walked the dog, came back blowing my nose to clear my sinus again and that's been getting less and less, and I still test positive.
1) Does it make sense that virus is still associated with sinus mucous? Please confirm.
2) When will I test negative? I feel great.
3) I need to travel for business soon, so how do I proceed?
Thank you so much for hosting these open message chats between patients with provider mindful support.

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