Hiatal hernia and getting treatment at Mayo Clinic

Posted by elleheart @elleheart, Feb 16, 2022

Having struggled with a hiatal hernia for many years and now facing serious issues with it I went to see a surgeon at John’s Hopkins who seriously recommended surgery as my hernia is large. After much research I thought the Mayo Clinic would be the best place to have surgery and an experience practitioner would be best to do the job. Mayo seemed like the best choice as the surgery is no joke. I sent in all my records but found that the hospital was lax in getting back to me. As a nurse myself, for many years, I found this extremely disappointing. I essentially did all the calling to find out the status of my case and was told by one department that I couldn’t be seen there but could surely be seen in the esophageal clinic who could determine the next step in my case. Well no one in the esophageal clinic got back to me so I took it upon myself to call and find out about my case. The woman I spoke to stated my case had been refused and that I should seek treatment locally!! No cogent explanation for why my case was refused. I have excellent health insurance and I have tried all recommendations over the years to reduce the suffering I have experienced with this hernia. Nothing has helped except not eating. Not really a good approach to a health condition. At this point I am convinced that being seen at Mayo is like applying to an elite college. I also suspect having some kind of connection would help open the door for me. I am beyond disappointed as no one would opt to have this surgery if they did not need it. I am not impressed with the experience I had with Mayo it was unprofessional and left me with the feeling that you need “Ruby Shoes” to be seen there.

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Hi Cindy,

I understand your concerns as I was really suffering with my hernia. After much research, many endoscopies, discussions with my gastroenterologist along with talking to two people who had the surgery I decided not to have the surgery. The people who had the surgery had some complications and still needed medication. My gastroenterologist confirmed this as well. So I set out to find a way to reduce my symptoms:
1-No drinking fluids after 6pm/food as well-Can have small sips of tea or water
2.-Purchased a bed with a mattress that elevates so I am in a slightly semi Fowler position. You eventually get use to sleeping with the elevation
3.-Lost 10 lbs.
4.-Most important I discovered through research that gaviscon extra strength helped my gerd 100 percent. 2 tabs before bedtime with a glass of water and my symptoms improved greatly. Since gaviscon has an aluminum component I explored ordering Canadian gaviscon which does not have aluminum. I received it and it works very well with few to no side effects except a dry mouth in the a.m.
I was so relieved not to have to take Prilosec which gave me horrible side effects. I wished I was given this medication from the get go but no one ever prescribed it or discussed it. While I realize some people need the surgery I have been able to keep my symptoms at bay with the Gaviscon. I am careful not to overdue what I eat but honestly my diet is not that restrictive. I am hoping I can continue in this pattern as my gerd has improved drastically. I am glad I set about exploring options other then surgery or continuing on omeprazole. I am hoping I can keep this regimen without the need for medicine/surgery other then the Canadian Gaviscon. Intermittent fasting is also helpful. There are many ways to go about this but I usually have coffee in the am and don’t eat until 12:30 and stop all food intake after 6pm. Good-luck to you….Ellen

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Thank you. Can you tell me where purchased the Canadian Gaviscon?


I purchased it online. Google Canadian gaviscon. I sincerely hope you find relief! I am rooting for you!


I purchased it online. Google Canadian gaviscon. I sincerely hope you find relief! I am rooting for you!

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Thank you so much!


That is terribly disappointing to say the least. I would be very upset. Start filing complaints with the patient advocacy unit there.


@elleheart, if you wish to connect with others with hiatal hernia, I invite you to follow the Digestive Health group: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/digestive-gastrointestinal-problems/

Here are a couple of relevant discussions you may wish to join:
- Have hiatal hernia and can't take medications: Suggestions? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/hernia-hiatal/
- Hiatal Hernia. What helps? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/hiatal-hernia-what-helps-surgery-or-no/

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well I have a high you know hernia I was being tested when I had an MRI or CT scan they saw it but it's really big it's a large now it's 6 cm not sure but it's chest now so they put me back on some kind of pill for indigestion I'm supposed to take it two times a day I've taken it before for five time 5 years for ulcers I had but they've gone away I feel like I have a hard time breathing I'm ahead of a hard time holding food down certain foods make me vomit so hopefully I'll have the surgery soon but they said sometimes when you have it too soon date there doesn't get fixed right come right back so I'm not sure about that I'll let you guys know what happens thank you Debbie

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