What are standard test used for diagnosing renal cell carcinoma?

Posted by twobeb87 @twobeb87, Jun 30, 2023

What is the preferred or standard for diagnosing renal cell carcinoma? I’ve read so many places that a ct scan with contrast is sufficient. I’ve read a biopsy. I’ve read an ultrasound. I’ve read a PET scan? Any advice on which is more accurate or needed for a diagnosis. Thank you. - Confused/frustrated

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Is it weird that I am only meeting with a urologist? If the radiologist thought the ct scan showed rcc, wouldn’t an oncologist be included in the first consultation too?


Is it weird that I am only meeting with a urologist? If the radiologist thought the ct scan showed rcc, wouldn’t an oncologist be included in the first consultation too?

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You are in control of what doctors you choose to see. I consulted a 2nd urologist AND a nephrologist when I got my cancer diagnosis. I’m glad I did. It’s always good to get a second, or even a third opinion. And DON’T worry about offending your current doctor. They should welcome a second opinion.


You are in control of what doctors you choose to see. I consulted a 2nd urologist AND a nephrologist when I got my cancer diagnosis. I’m glad I did. It’s always good to get a second, or even a third opinion. And DON’T worry about offending your current doctor. They should welcome a second opinion.

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I requested a referral to oncology for a 2nd opinion. The urologist seems focused only on the kidney and it’s removal. Which isn’t a bad direction, but there are other suspicious masses, outside of the kidney.


I requested a referral to oncology for a 2nd opinion. The urologist seems focused only on the kidney and it’s removal. Which isn’t a bad direction, but there are other suspicious masses, outside of the kidney.

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Very smart (and proactive) to do that! My first urologist was ready to schedule the surgery to take my kidney out. It was all TOO fast so I requested to see another urologist (in the same practice). The 2nd opinion dr said NO to taking my kidney out and he ended up lasering the tumor out. It’s ALWAYS good to get a second, and even a third opinion. I consulted a nephrologist too who completely agreed with the second opinion urologist. Your getting an oncologist involved is the right move. I hope you can get an appointment ASAP.


I recently had an abdominal CT scan with contrast, for a 7.1 x 6.5 x 6.5cm mass. The CT scan report states:
1. There is a large mass in the lower pole of the left kidney. This has the typical appearance of a renal cell carcinoma.
2. Interval decrease in size of the nodule in the left lower lobe.
3. Dilatation of the common common bile duct with abrupt transition in the head of the pancreas. Further evaluation is recommended.
4. Additional findings as described above.

Is this a diagnosis of RCC or enough evidence of RCC? This mass was discovered after a biopsy on the left lobe of my left lung (mass was non-malignant).

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They will figure it out with you. I had many of those tests and my RCC was inside the kidney at 3.3 cm but thankful it was stage 1. Fortunate they had to take the whole kidney for peace of mind because of location of the lesion. However my message and support is that the doctors all team up and guild the proper plan for you. Have faith you are with the best of the best!


Everyone’s journey is different. September 29 an ultrasound on my kidney’s found a 4.2 cm mass. Report said “Suspicious for renal cell carcinoma.” October 12 - MRI. Confirmed mass in kidney with central location. October 17 consult with firstUrologist. Recommended partial nephrectomy. October 20 - CT of chest to rule out lung metastasis. December 5 - second urologist consult. His opinion was radical nephrectomy secondary to location of tumor. Tumor in center of kidney next to renal artery. December 21- had third opinion from different urologist. Recommendation was partial nephrectomy. All three said the same thing that 90% old renal growths/mass/tumors are cancerous and needs to be removed. None of the three pushed for a biopsy of my kidney. All three suggested and or stated that they were not fully reliable. I decided to have the radical nephrectomy based on the information I received. I chose to have the “cancer” removed and entire kidney resected. January 12 - radical nephrectomy was done. Out of hospital in less than 24 hours from surgery and am progressing well, except for high blood pressure. January 19 - I receive the pathology report and the tumor was non-cancerous, it was deemed a “oncocytoma” a rare benign tumor. I had diagnostic tests, three separate urology consults, a nephrology consult and I made my decision. The “best laid plans of mice and men.” I now have one working kidney, right kidney removed and the tumor was found to be non-cancerous. WOW! Now of all things I have guilt, with knowing I do not have cancer. Why me? The statistics to have what I have are overwhelmingly rare. Blessings to all as you navigate this maze of treatment. Blessings to all to find strength. Blessings to all to find peace.


Everyone’s journey is different. September 29 an ultrasound on my kidney’s found a 4.2 cm mass. Report said “Suspicious for renal cell carcinoma.” October 12 - MRI. Confirmed mass in kidney with central location. October 17 consult with firstUrologist. Recommended partial nephrectomy. October 20 - CT of chest to rule out lung metastasis. December 5 - second urologist consult. His opinion was radical nephrectomy secondary to location of tumor. Tumor in center of kidney next to renal artery. December 21- had third opinion from different urologist. Recommendation was partial nephrectomy. All three said the same thing that 90% old renal growths/mass/tumors are cancerous and needs to be removed. None of the three pushed for a biopsy of my kidney. All three suggested and or stated that they were not fully reliable. I decided to have the radical nephrectomy based on the information I received. I chose to have the “cancer” removed and entire kidney resected. January 12 - radical nephrectomy was done. Out of hospital in less than 24 hours from surgery and am progressing well, except for high blood pressure. January 19 - I receive the pathology report and the tumor was non-cancerous, it was deemed a “oncocytoma” a rare benign tumor. I had diagnostic tests, three separate urology consults, a nephrology consult and I made my decision. The “best laid plans of mice and men.” I now have one working kidney, right kidney removed and the tumor was found to be non-cancerous. WOW! Now of all things I have guilt, with knowing I do not have cancer. Why me? The statistics to have what I have are overwhelmingly rare. Blessings to all as you navigate this maze of treatment. Blessings to all to find strength. Blessings to all to find peace.

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After surviving esophageal cancer treatment, they found tumor on my left kidney via scans. Biopsy showed it was renal cell carsonoma and they did surgery to just remove tumor as they caught it early enough. Now both kidneys are still working fine and no followup required.


I had a CT scan and after about 2 years they remove the mass than did a biopsy. Found out that it was carcinoma

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