What did you do to help radiation burn?

Posted by cadunkin @cadunkin, Oct 24, 2022

After lumpectomy & lymph node removal (margins & nodes showed no cancer) I had 15 rounds or radiation in 3 weeks. At the end of treatment two weeks ago I developed a rash on my chest from the radiation. It’s very red & itches like crazy, which makes it hard to sleep. I’m using over the counter cortisone cream & Aquaphor for the dryness. Has anyone had success with other ways to treat this while waiting for it to heal? This site has helped me tremendously so thank you to everyone!

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Hi all, I'm just past the 6 month point post radiation. I had 5 days of radiation twice a day. Now, as time as passed - my skin has darkened around the treatment area and towards my back. Bras and tight clothing itches.

Is there anything I can do to promote healing of this area? I used mederma cream for the first 6 months but my breast surgeon said that won't help at this point.

What can help heal these burn marks? Suggestions much appreciated - thank you!


Hi all, I'm just past the 6 month point post radiation. I had 5 days of radiation twice a day. Now, as time as passed - my skin has darkened around the treatment area and towards my back. Bras and tight clothing itches.

Is there anything I can do to promote healing of this area? I used mederma cream for the first 6 months but my breast surgeon said that won't help at this point.

What can help heal these burn marks? Suggestions much appreciated - thank you!

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I used pure Aloe and cocoa butter.
Everyone has different things that work. This worked very well for me. I would put the Aloe on first and the cocoa butter helped with the dry and peeling skin. I used it right after radiation and then in the morning a nd at night. The cocoa butter was Palmer with vitamin e and the Aloe was Lily of the Desert Aloe Gel.
You can get both on Amazon.
Hope this helps.


Hi all, I'm just past the 6 month point post radiation. I had 5 days of radiation twice a day. Now, as time as passed - my skin has darkened around the treatment area and towards my back. Bras and tight clothing itches.

Is there anything I can do to promote healing of this area? I used mederma cream for the first 6 months but my breast surgeon said that won't help at this point.

What can help heal these burn marks? Suggestions much appreciated - thank you!

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A breast sling and/or strapless cushion to fit inside your bra made by ComfortSlings might give you some relief. It will certainly alleviate any irritation you might incur from accumulated perspiration beneath your breast. The company sells both slings, with cushions on adjustable straps that tuck beneath the breast, and cushions without the straps to tuck inside your bra cup. They are most effective if they are used from the onset of radiotherapy, but they really are game changers at any time in protecting and soothing the skin beneath your breasts. http://www.ComfortSlings.com Good luck!


Hi all, I'm just past the 6 month point post radiation. I had 5 days of radiation twice a day. Now, as time as passed - my skin has darkened around the treatment area and towards my back. Bras and tight clothing itches.

Is there anything I can do to promote healing of this area? I used mederma cream for the first 6 months but my breast surgeon said that won't help at this point.

What can help heal these burn marks? Suggestions much appreciated - thank you!

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@meghan13, I hope you saw the helpful posts from @tapgirl and @hopeful64. I moved your question about treatment for radiation burn to this existing discussion:
- What did you do to help radiation burn?

I did this so you can read previous posts and connect easily with others who had radiation for breast cancer.


My radiologist didn't prescribe anything to prevent the burn. I used fresh Aloe Vera from my garden, the one with lots of thorns. I cleaned it well and put it in refrigerator to keep it cool. I applied Aloe Vera immediately after each session. No burn. A week after the last session (20 sessions) the blisters appeared under my nipple and my breast became swollen. Maybe I should have continued using Aloe Vera for another week after the last session. Maybe the effects of radiation doesn't go way when the radiation stops. I read somewhere that the apoptosis continues few months after radiation therapy. That explains why my breast was swollen and tender for months after.

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I used aloe vera too. Got a leaf, ( no thorns on mine, I bought it in the grocer). I scored it and applied every 20 mins. I would go topless at home with the gel on. If you cant do that, buy silk tank top or loose blouse. Used if you must. It will get gelly.
At night, Lily of the Desert 99% Aloe Gel. Wear a silky nylon top. The LOD gel dries ok, but wear the top to protect your sheets.
Use the LOD gel if you dont have an aloe leaf.
I had no burn, my skin is like a babies. All my drs were surprised.
Key is: start day 1 for 30-42 days. And apply often.


Hi all, I'm just past the 6 month point post radiation. I had 5 days of radiation twice a day. Now, as time as passed - my skin has darkened around the treatment area and towards my back. Bras and tight clothing itches.

Is there anything I can do to promote healing of this area? I used mederma cream for the first 6 months but my breast surgeon said that won't help at this point.

What can help heal these burn marks? Suggestions much appreciated - thank you!

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I used calendula cream purchased on Amazon and should still be using it because the skin is still very dry 4 years later but not itchy. Dry skin can itch though. Regular lotion is not sufficient for me. The dark skin faded away in about 6-9 months on its own and became normal color again. I used silvadene burn cream when the burns were stage 2 (37 treatments) but since you’re healed you won’t need that now. You may always need extra moisturizing in that area but that’s easy. Best of luck to you.


@meghan13, I hope you saw the helpful posts from @tapgirl and @hopeful64. I moved your question about treatment for radiation burn to this existing discussion:
- What did you do to help radiation burn?

I did this so you can read previous posts and connect easily with others who had radiation for breast cancer.

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My doctor gave me a prescription for the Burns and also a petroleum jelly cream. I had to put the petroleum jelly on twice a day and the prescription on once a day don’t have the names of them, but you should ask your doctor. I think it’s ridiculous when they don’t give you something to help you knowing that you’re gonna probably have Burns. They also gave me a heart pillow that was stuffed and had a shoulder strap so that I could put it under my arm to help me sleep after surgery. I thought it was brilliant. 🤗


My friend used everyday during radiation treatment Aloe vera.

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El aloe vera pasado directamente sobre la parte radiada es lo que me recomendó.el Radiólogo Abrir la hoja de aloe vera pasarla la mayor cantidad de veces. De no tener aloe vera también se puede usar alguna crema que lo tenga. Creo que cualquier otra crema liviana es efectiva. Pero hay que acordarse de pasarse la crema enseguida de la radiación .Es lo más efectivo. Tener esa parte siempre húmeda con crema es importante La irritación en la piel es molesta y dolorosa. Pero bueno es el precio que se paga para tener más seguridad de éxito después de la operación. Decibí los rayos hace más de 20 años En algún momento pensé que que pasando la crema de vez en cuando ya solucionaba todo. Pero inclusive por descuidarme tuve que parar unos días el tratamiento porque tenía muy irritada la piel, casi lastimada.


I would speak to the radiation team, your oncologist or other physician & definitely would not use over the counter meds. I hope your ordeal with itchiness ends soon.


Answered your question but it didn't post under your question. Sorry, had another thought but it went out of my head. Travails of an 84 year old 🤪

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