What did you do to help radiation burn?

Posted by cadunkin @cadunkin, Oct 24, 2022

After lumpectomy & lymph node removal (margins & nodes showed no cancer) I had 15 rounds or radiation in 3 weeks. At the end of treatment two weeks ago I developed a rash on my chest from the radiation. It’s very red & itches like crazy, which makes it hard to sleep. I’m using over the counter cortisone cream & Aquaphor for the dryness. Has anyone had success with other ways to treat this while waiting for it to heal? This site has helped me tremendously so thank you to everyone!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

I started using Aquaphor cream, then Miaderm, then Aloe Gel, then DOMEBORO compresses and finally found some relief with ALOCANE with Lidocaine Gel.
I am burnt on my chest after 28 treatments (finished today) and all I can say was that it was so painful and nothing like I had imagined! The fatigue has been overwhelming.


The radiation oncologist I consulted advised using CALENDULA CREAM, which I understand can be found in drug stores.

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My radiation oncologist practically ordered me to use calendula cream. He said studies show it is more effective than aloe vera. I had radiation for breast cancer five days a week for six weeks and had no burns. I realize all radiation is not the same but that is my experience.


I would speak to the radiation team, your oncologist or other physician & definitely would not use over the counter meds. I hope your ordeal with itchiness ends soon.

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Hola ppat4pr,Gracias por las palabras que escribíste sobre mí comentario.
He de decir que mí experiencia fue hace exactamente 20 años y estoy más que feliz con el tratamiento y el trato que recibí en dicho tratamiento. Tanto de la parte técnica como en la relación que han tenido conmigo los miembros de ese equipo.Suelen ser momentos difíciles esas circunstancias y son importantes cada una de las palabras que te dicen y los consejos que te dan quienes te están ayudando a superar el problema.Nadie del equipo,cirujano y radiólogos,me hicieron dudar en algún momento del éxito de la tarea que emprendiamos.Y estoy siempre agradecida al médico cirujano,Dr Eduardo Abalo, que aún hoy sigue controlando mí salud.


MN Mayo proton radiologist recommended Vanicream 2 times each day. I slathered it on quite generously and then loosely wrapped gauze around my chest. Never had itchy, peeling skin or any problems. Use a lot. I had 16 treatments and did extremely well.


I used aloe vera before and after the treatment and before bedtime. It worked for me. The treated area was red but no peeling, blisters or any other severe symptoms.


I just finished 32 Proton Therapy Treatments for my 2nd reoccurrence of TNBC and my skin is completely deteriorated and I am in extreme pain and my oncologist said this is normal. I don’t think my skin will ever heal. I have used lidocaine Hydrochloride Jelly, Silverstat, oxicodone, Xeroforms, ABD pads, Aquaphor and many other treatments but nothing is helping. I have to change my dressings every 2 hours but my skin is still bleeding etc. Can someone help me please. I even have called the Mayo Clinic. Here are some photos of my skin damage.


I just finished 32 Proton Therapy Treatments for my 2nd reoccurrence of TNBC and my skin is completely deteriorated and I am in extreme pain and my oncologist said this is normal. I don’t think my skin will ever heal. I have used lidocaine Hydrochloride Jelly, Silverstat, oxicodone, Xeroforms, ABD pads, Aquaphor and many other treatments but nothing is helping. I have to change my dressings every 2 hours but my skin is still bleeding etc. Can someone help me please. I even have called the Mayo Clinic. Here are some photos of my skin damage.

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I am very sorry for your suffering. Do you feel like it is beyond home care at this point? When was the last time the oncologist took a look, and what does he or she mean by"normal" and how long will it take to heal? I assume you had a radiation oncologist, too, who might be good to consult as well. If it is unendurable, I'd consult with your PCP on an emergency basis or go to the ER to get put on a clearer burn care regime. I hope you can get the help you need.


I am very sorry for your suffering. Do you feel like it is beyond home care at this point? When was the last time the oncologist took a look, and what does he or she mean by"normal" and how long will it take to heal? I assume you had a radiation oncologist, too, who might be good to consult as well. If it is unendurable, I'd consult with your PCP on an emergency basis or go to the ER to get put on a clearer burn care regime. I hope you can get the help you need.

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Yes I believe at home care is not working. Just spoke with the on call radiologist- they said to use Hydrogel and it arrive on Sunday and to use it in place of my Silverstat. Apparently my fiancée’s daughter in law used Mepitel throughout her entire Proton Therapy treatment and it’s probably too late to start it. She had her treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN and that at where I had treatment at the MD Proton Center- they haven’t decided on that avenue of treatment. But it works- even for people who have gotten horrible burns from motorcycle accidents!!! It is horrible pain- 😭 I saw my radiation oncologist yesterday and will see her again on Monday…


Hi, I had a similar reaction. when dealing with burnt area of my underarms following radiation. All the cream medication the oncologist prescribed did not work. I used nothing besides s Tylenol to ease pain. IT really didn't help. My Oncologist finally suggested I. try a teaspoon of the best grade manuka honey from reputable Certified Organic honey growers who do not use any pesticides on their bee harvesting operation.
My oncologist wanted to see if Manuka honey in small amount on one spot of my burnt area would facilitate the beginning of any improvement. We had hope.
Within 2 days I could see remarkable results and this was the beginning of healing . The burnt skin lifted and pealed off. I had new pink healthy skin. Slowly the tenderness on pink. area of my raw skin under my underarm swas not raw. This area was very sensitive an tender yet the goal was to keep it clean at all times. IT worked on me. I don't know if this would be the same reaction on other people. I concluded that the manuka honey worked in my case. My doctor also stated. he was convince that the manuka honey helped a great deal to be because it had properties not harmful to the skin. So, yes this honey is organic and how can that hurt? HONey oh yes was tested before use for bacteria. None was found.
I was so exhausted of being in pain I decided to try this holistic treatment. It worked. The application was however very gradual as not to encourage any kind of infection or bacterial growth. I wish I had filmed the gradual improvement. I was crazy out of my mind with pain and refused narcotics. Training the brain to deal with physical pain is not easy but doable.
By luck, I met a former military vet who showed me different methods to refocus my brain while I was in pain. HE got me to count dots on a ceiling tile over and over again and to calm my thoughts, to focus and concentrate. HE had me repeat I am strong, I am healing and I will grow new skin.
Perhaps this was a form of self hypnosis.? I really don't know.

HE explained that while in capture in Viet Nam he and other captured soldiers were able to deal with some of the inflicted pain from torture and battle injuries. They were not given medical help or any medical treatment.
You may want to ask your dr about using Manuka Honey which I understand is used to treat severe burn patients and infections from different kinds of injuries, insect bites or skin conditions. I learned it is also used on severly burnt patients. Pure 100% Manuka Honey gave me visible improvement. THE burnt area lifted an later pealed off When skin was pink and healing , antibiotic cream combinded with the honey made a visible difference. As I mention little at a time was applied.
Best of Luck, Did radiologist perhaps give you strong radiation treatment? I would inquire or ask another radiologist as a second opinion for my own peace of mind. Best of Luck

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