Quitting BP scripts for all natural beet juice regimen

Posted by tinkerbelltini @tinkerbelltini, Mar 19 1:09pm

My dad has been on metoprolol for some years now and as he's been trying to go more all natural in his medical care, he wants to quit taking his BP medicine and try the beet juice regimen. He's been weaning off of his metropolol for about 2 weeks now and wants to know, if when he finishes his last dose, will it be safe for him to start the beet juice regimen the next day. I'm here to see if, by chance anyone else here has done this and the results you had from doing so.

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I think about getting off BP meds all the time.

Has the cardiologist gone along with this?

How will you know that it is working? BP cuff?

Please keep us posted.


Hello @tinkerbelltini. I'd like to second @timely in wondering if your father has consulted with his cardiologist about the best way to wean off of his medication and supplanting it with a natural approach using beet juice? It is always best to keep your provider informed of medication changes.


What evidence does he have that beet juice, with its high amount of sugar and potassium, is going to be a cure for his heart arrhythmia that the medical community hasn't seemed to have cottoned onto..................all this time later?

If he's unhappy with his cardiologist, he needs to explain that, or find another, or try another drug regimen, or submit to a pulmonary vein isolation (my preferred choice because, after two, I have been in NSR for 13 months now, drug-free).

Honestly, the cardiologist, if he/she isn't inept or unprofessionally unresponsive, would probably like a chance to help your dad, even if it is to try something else. But, the expert should have an opportunity to reason with your dad about why what your dad wants to do is unreasonable, or possibly dangerous.

Just my 2-cents-worth.


Actually, perhaps a new cardiologist would make a world of difference too.


What evidence does he have that beet juice, with its high amount of sugar and potassium, is going to be a cure for his heart arrhythmia that the medical community hasn't seemed to have cottoned onto..................all this time later?

If he's unhappy with his cardiologist, he needs to explain that, or find another, or try another drug regimen, or submit to a pulmonary vein isolation (my preferred choice because, after two, I have been in NSR for 13 months now, drug-free).

Honestly, the cardiologist, if he/she isn't inept or unprofessionally unresponsive, would probably like a chance to help your dad, even if it is to try something else. But, the expert should have an opportunity to reason with your dad about why what your dad wants to do is unreasonable, or possibly dangerous.

Just my 2-cents-worth.

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The OP of this thread was addressing BP and not arrhythmias.
Unless I am missing something here the OP said his Dad wanted to get off BP meds i.e. metropolol and try beet juice. No mention of arrhythmias.


Find a functional medicine doctor - those doctors are trained in both conventional and natural therapies.


My wife's experience does not speak to withdrawing from any BP drugs as she was not taking any for her BP. But she was facing starting BP drug(s) at age 68 with a SYS often above 160 and DIA in the high 80s. So she started beet root POWDER @ 3G a day and saw only a modest improvement. Then her doc suggested adding HTN 180 Px by Restorative Formulations to the beet root power. Within a couple of weeks she had a significant improvement. She is now consistently in the mid/high 120s/low 130s SYS and mid 70s- high 60s DIA. That was last summer some 9 months ago. Her improvements have sustained on these 2 products without any changes. She has no heart issues.


The OP of this thread was addressing BP and not arrhythmias.
Unless I am missing something here the OP said his Dad wanted to get off BP meds i.e. metropolol and try beet juice. No mention of arrhythmias.

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Shucks, you're right. My bad. Must have had another thread in my mind when I encountered this one.

Still, my question stands, but now in relation to BP. The evidence shows a modest reduction in systolic pressure, but almost no improvement in diastolic, which is where most of the danger lies with hypertension. And I still think this needs to be flown past his caregiver for a reasoned and informed look.

Thank-you for pointing out my error, and I hope our asker can forgive my misstep.


I always tell my cardiologist what I’m taking however I listen to my pcp because he believes in natural alternatives; my cardiologist says I shouldn’t take even CoQ10 because if something happens he won’t know how to treat me. I’ve added beet product and once my bp shows sign of decreasing (maybe couple weeks) then my pcp told me which med to cut in half. Am seriously thinking about changing cardio to find someone more open to natural stuff

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