PTH and Type 1 diabetic

Posted by myqbrook @myqbrook, Aug 29, 2017

I had 2/3 of my pancreas removed two years ago, after which I became a Type 1 diabetic. I recently had to have a PTH test, the results was a reading of 87, which I'm told is very high. Does anyone know if high readings are normal for diabetics?

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Welcome, @myqbrook.
Great question. I'd like to introduce you to @brendisha79 and @2011panc who know first hand what it is like to live with type 1 diabetes. I hope they can help answer your questions as you learn about living with this condition, parathyroid hormone levels and more.

We also look forward to getting to know a bit more about you. May I ask why you had 2/3 of your pancreas removed?


Welcome, @myqbrook.
Great question. I'd like to introduce you to @brendisha79 and @2011panc who know first hand what it is like to live with type 1 diabetes. I hope they can help answer your questions as you learn about living with this condition, parathyroid hormone levels and more.

We also look forward to getting to know a bit more about you. May I ask why you had 2/3 of your pancreas removed?

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There was a tumor in the pancreatic duct that had to come out, thank goodness it wasn't cancer and they were able to save my spleen.


Thank you for mentioning me @colleenyoung. @myqbrook, I have a low-functioning thyroid and do not know if Type I diabetes has anything to do with thyroid function. This would be a good question for your doctor. I am interested in the answer also. Just keep in touch and we will all help each other out. Blessings.


Hi, @myqbrook. You mentioned you had a very high PTH (parathyroid hormone) test reading previously. I'm guessing your test was like this one?

Just wondering if you were able to get your question fully answered about any relationship to the Type I diabetes?

Wondering how you are doing, and, if you are comfortable sharing, what next step your doctor suggested after this high reading?

@2011panc -- how are things going for you and your low- functioning thyroid you told us about?


Hi, @myqbrook. You mentioned you had a very high PTH (parathyroid hormone) test reading previously. I'm guessing your test was like this one?

Just wondering if you were able to get your question fully answered about any relationship to the Type I diabetes?

Wondering how you are doing, and, if you are comfortable sharing, what next step your doctor suggested after this high reading?

@2011panc -- how are things going for you and your low- functioning thyroid you told us about?

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I have had low-functioning thyroid for decades and using levothyroxine for
treatment.  Last year it was necessary to increase my dose for the
first time since being diagnosed.

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