Psychotherapy advice

Posted by adelheid61 @adelheid61, Aug 13, 2023

I have just started psychotherapy while on 20 mg per day of Lexapro. I have discussed rather intimate/ strange events of my childhood. My mother was mean and the therapist asked me if some things were abuse. I told him that I thought so. The therapist made a special note of telling me that he won’t “judge” me. After the first session he mentioned that I may feel a flooding where I feel bad about sharing my childhood past for 2 to 3 days afterwards. It is a feeling that one gets after just letting a few things out on the table. This may actually make my anxiety worse he said . Well I noticed that it did get a little worse and I actually cried in the car with hubby and pup. After this experience I am a little apprehensive about therapy now. Just wondering how therapy has worked out for anyone? If so, has it helped , and how many sessions did you do before seeing an improvement? Thanks in advance for your help.

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But don’t you feel better ❤️‍🩹 taking and getting everything out instead of keeping it in
Sending hugs Kandi


That is a good point. Thank your for your insight. I guess sometimes these things just get bottled up. I did feel good afterwards after letting it out.


@adelheid61 -

Hi. What you are feeling is common. And therapy is so unique to every individual.

It all depends on why you are going.

In my own personal opinion- I believe the patient has to be very clear and not be lead too much by power of suggestion with a therapist.

I entered therapy only after a medical experience that traumatized me. I have a wonderful family and life. And I felt that the therapist was trying to dig into my childhood for things that just weren’t there and or had no relevance. As humans we all have our life experiences and quirks/things with family and how we progressed through life.

I think some therapists can lead with a power of suggestion and make you feel like you might have had a problem when you truly didn’t.

You also have to be very careful of who you choose for therapy. Some of my experiences were with older women whom seemed to have issues of their own.

So again, it’s all based off personal reasons and preferences.


Thank you. Your comments are very valuable to me.


@adelheid61 -

Hi. What you are feeling is common. And therapy is so unique to every individual.

It all depends on why you are going.

In my own personal opinion- I believe the patient has to be very clear and not be lead too much by power of suggestion with a therapist.

I entered therapy only after a medical experience that traumatized me. I have a wonderful family and life. And I felt that the therapist was trying to dig into my childhood for things that just weren’t there and or had no relevance. As humans we all have our life experiences and quirks/things with family and how we progressed through life.

I think some therapists can lead with a power of suggestion and make you feel like you might have had a problem when you truly didn’t.

You also have to be very careful of who you choose for therapy. Some of my experiences were with older women whom seemed to have issues of their own.

So again, it’s all based off personal reasons and preferences.

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The reason for my therapy is for my high anxiety, which could lead to cognitive problems if I don’t learn how to control it. The therapist (male) will work on my next session on coping skills for anxiety and depression. Sometimes I worry several times a day about my dogs eating/paws etc even though she’s almost three and very healthy. But I just worry and not sure why. Just to give you some insight with the problem. Hey…. Maybe I don’t need a therapist with all your advice. 😊


@adelheid61 -

You’re welcome.
The positive is you can identify that you don’t want to be thinking/feeling the way you are and therapy is a great way to invest in yourself.

Don’t forget the other great ways to give back to yourself as well, through making sure you are doing things you enjoy, staying social, active and getting good sleep and nutrition. These along with a nice therapy session can help with anxiety/depression.

Wish you well on your journey.


Are there "at least" two kinds of therapy... one where the therapist does take you back to your childhood memories etc., and one where the therapist stays in the present and how to cope with current difficulties? A social worker recently did mention to me, for first time ever, about some things I mentioned from my childhood (not too dramatic) and she kindly said this was (in a roundabout way) not so much parental "abuse" but I was left alone a lot when young .. and as said above, hearing things like this has me now wondering if some of my current problems "are" related to childhood - it does get confusing at times doesn't it?


You are in charge what you talk about. Therapists are fixer. Some are good and some suck.


Please be patient with yourself as you will most likely have days that are very good and you will experience “ahah” moments and some days where you may struggle while going through therapy. Please talk with your therapist with how to handle those days that aren’t so great. It’s been suggested to me before to “put it in a box” and address at another time or “never view the experience in movie form but rather snap shots”. I’ve also been told to allow myself to “release the emotion”. However you intend to handle the rougher times, please know the work you do will be so worth it. As a survivor, as long as you have a good therapist, you “click”and you are willing to do the work, it is 💯 worth it!!! Good luck to you!🌺


The nine years that I spent in therapy did more for me than all the drugs and treatments combined.

I was lucky to have found a very gifted psychiatrist who literally saved my life. I love him still and that was almost forty years ago He was my Virgil guiding me through my personal hell.

In therapy, if it is working we fight our demons. It is the hardest work I have ever done. I was born there and it could not have happened without my guide, I would not have survived.

You will know when you have the right one. It’s like finding a partner, you just know. That doesn’t mean others can’t help you. Take what you need, leave what you don’t. Be willing to open up. Nothing can hurt you as much as the trauma that caused the wound and you survived that. That child is waiting for you to come and embrace her. That is what got me through the toughest days. I knew I had survived and I owed it to the little boy who suffered to dress those wounds so they could heal.

Beware of offers of a quick fix, humans don’t heal that way. Medicines can treat symptoms but not the soul.

A good question to ask your therapist is do they have or have they had a therapist themselves. Anything but a yes would concern me.

May your journey take place on warm days and cool nights, never forget you are loved!

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