Psychiatrist has recommended Cymbalta for depression

Posted by clemsonbabe @clemsonbabe, Oct 24, 2023

My psychiatrist has recommended Cymbalta for depression. I already take Mirtazipine and Xanax for depression and anxiety. I am taking Gabapentin and Hydrocodone and a muscle relaxer for back pain after serious surgery. I am worried about adding one more drug to this mix. Would appreciate any advice. Thank you!

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I am on Cymbalta, for pain, And depression, along with Zanax, I feel the Zanax helps me more then the Cymbalta, both are in low doses, Zanax 2 times a day, Cymbalta once a day.


I am on Cymbalta, for pain, And depression, along with Zanax, I feel the Zanax helps me more then the Cymbalta, both are in low doses, Zanax 2 times a day, Cymbalta once a day.

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Thank you for your response.


I'll respond this way. I can look at all the words like depression, surgery, pain, powerful drugs with a long history of bad things. I've had experience with all of it going back to the mid nineties. Now in my 70's I am realizing how I've been experiencing side effects that I didn't know I was having until I started really looking for them. The first was hoarseness. Very common.
Ive had many surgeries, some life saving. Four years ago I had my second major spine surgery that hasn't worked out. The Oxycodone helps the pain but chips away thinking and feeling. I stopped the Gabapentin after a couple weeks. The side effects were worse than without it. Tomorrow I have my monthly pain management visit. I've cut back on Oxy and I'm having shots in my back. I haven't had any since the last operation but I realize I can't take all this meds shit much longer. It's easy to get lost in the medication world. I've been doing it for decades. I don't know how old you are, but the sooner you don't take things that effect things like sex drive, weight gain, anger, fatigue and more, the sooner your life will begin to feel like it did before you had the pain. As far as depression. I had a therapist for over thirty years and took some pills for that as well. He was the answer for me. The pills I stopped so long ago I can't remember the story. Good luck my friend, it might be a lifelong trip you're on. Just don't give up on reading the side effects and looking at where you are. Be honest to yourself.


I'll respond this way. I can look at all the words like depression, surgery, pain, powerful drugs with a long history of bad things. I've had experience with all of it going back to the mid nineties. Now in my 70's I am realizing how I've been experiencing side effects that I didn't know I was having until I started really looking for them. The first was hoarseness. Very common.
Ive had many surgeries, some life saving. Four years ago I had my second major spine surgery that hasn't worked out. The Oxycodone helps the pain but chips away thinking and feeling. I stopped the Gabapentin after a couple weeks. The side effects were worse than without it. Tomorrow I have my monthly pain management visit. I've cut back on Oxy and I'm having shots in my back. I haven't had any since the last operation but I realize I can't take all this meds shit much longer. It's easy to get lost in the medication world. I've been doing it for decades. I don't know how old you are, but the sooner you don't take things that effect things like sex drive, weight gain, anger, fatigue and more, the sooner your life will begin to feel like it did before you had the pain. As far as depression. I had a therapist for over thirty years and took some pills for that as well. He was the answer for me. The pills I stopped so long ago I can't remember the story. Good luck my friend, it might be a lifelong trip you're on. Just don't give up on reading the side effects and looking at where you are. Be honest to yourself.

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Thanks for your honesty. I am 66 and do not want to live the rest of my life in the kind of pain I currently have, so I will probably be on some type of meds forever unless a miracle occurs. And I pray for that every day.


I understand your pain and acceptance. As I sit back in my recliner, I'm okay with this discomfort. As soon as I stand up, gravity changes everything and pain level goes from 1 to 5. My neighbor got a stimulator in her spine. She's had issues forever since an accident in her twenties. She's 60 now. She's had several surgeries and other procedures and most have worked for a while. I've had Cortisone in knees, elbows and shoulders. I tried it many years ago in my back with no help. But I'm going to try again to cut back on the Oxy. I've come to accept the fact that I might take too much of it and stop breathing. It's taken me since 1996 to come to this realization. I'm down to 10mg a day from 40 last summer. Sometimes I think I get more relief from the 10mg than I was from the 40. Strange stuff opioids.


I have found Cymbalta to be helpful. I am on 20mg daily.


I have found Cymbalta to be helpful. I am on 20mg daily.

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My doctor has prescribed cambalta for me for my nerve pain iam already on proxitine for my depression 10mg is it okay to mix


My doctor has prescribed cambalta 20mg for my nerve pain rediating from behind my legs and I am already on10 mg of proxitine for my depression is it safe?


My doctor has prescribed cambalta 20mg for my nerve pain rediating from behind my legs and I am already on10 mg of proxitine for my depression is it safe?

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Talk to pharmacist who knows more about drug interactions


Hi Friend, thanks for trying to help. I've been on anti-depression and anti-anxiety drugs for 10 years. (Still depressed and anxious.) I've basically have had to learn to live with it. 6 years ago my psychiatrist told me "We've tried everything (drugs) and nothing works). Cymbalta was one that didn't work. I was also at one time taking 9 pills a day of Xanax. With my psychiatrist's permission I have gradually and slowly reduced them. I am currently on 2 a day. I wanted to get off Xanax because I don't believe if ever helped, plus the fact it's addictive and literally sold on the streets. Anyway, I will continue to reduce it to zero a day. On a brighter note, I'm on an anti- depressant that seems to be working. (I'm in my car right now and don't know it's name.) What's worked best for me is my incredible supportive wife and my struggling Christian faith (NOT the right wing kind!!) Anyway, thanks for your post!

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