Pruvit diet & PMR

Posted by gmanurse @gmanurse, Jun 5, 2023

I was overweight prior to PMR . Weight gain has continued. Wondering if a ketosis diet like Pruvit would be contraindicated while on Prednisone & Kevzara

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@gmanurse - What a good question. I gained close to 40 pounds during my first experience with PMR and I was already overweight when it started. After the PMR went into remission was about the time I was searching for information to help with my neuropathy and found some keto related nutrition information while reading the story about Dr. Terry Wahls and her book The Wahls Protocol - I ordered her book and tried several of her recommended diets but could never keep on the keto diet very long. It did help me change the way I looked at food and start eating healthier which helped me when my PMR came out of remission the second time. I was able to keep my weight gain to around 5 pounds.

I haven't tried the Pruvit diet but from what I've read it's a supplement tag along for a keto diet. Here's some information on the topic that might provide some help on the question.
--- Do Exogenous Ketone Supplements Work for Weight Loss?:

Since my PMR went into remission the second time about 5 years ago, I learned about intermittent fasting and reducing the amount of carbs I eat. There is another discussion here that might provide some suggestions to help control the weight gain with PMR.
--- Low-carb healthy fat living. Intermittent fasting. What’s your why?:


Thank you John. I read about the wahls diet also and don’t think I can do that. I’ve actually been doing some keto and intermittent fasting without any additional weight gain but have only lost a few pounds. A friend that does not have PMR recently lost 30 pounds on the pruvit diet and sent me the information, My concern would be the supplements and the interaction with the prednisone and the Kevzara I’m considering asking my specialty pharmacy that provides the Kevzara pharmacist about this .


Thank you John. I read about the wahls diet also and don’t think I can do that. I’ve actually been doing some keto and intermittent fasting without any additional weight gain but have only lost a few pounds. A friend that does not have PMR recently lost 30 pounds on the pruvit diet and sent me the information, My concern would be the supplements and the interaction with the prednisone and the Kevzara I’m considering asking my specialty pharmacy that provides the Kevzara pharmacist about this .

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I'm currently listening to a video by Dr. Jason Fung that I think you might find helpful although it's an hour long but has references to studies and the whys and what of eating and burning calories/fat with intermittent fasting.


Have watched him also. But couple years ago. I’m doing intermittent fasting in addition to Keto
Just can’t lose weight while on this steroid I guess until I’m able to reduce dosage


Thank you John. I read about the wahls diet also and don’t think I can do that. I’ve actually been doing some keto and intermittent fasting without any additional weight gain but have only lost a few pounds. A friend that does not have PMR recently lost 30 pounds on the pruvit diet and sent me the information, My concern would be the supplements and the interaction with the prednisone and the Kevzara I’m considering asking my specialty pharmacy that provides the Kevzara pharmacist about this .

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I have GCA. It just so happens that my PCP used to be the same PCP that my rheumy had, so he obviously respects him.
After a few years on steroids, as the pounds added up along with moon face and pockets of PCP was always telling me I'd have more energy if I lost weight. They share the same "My Chart'' and computer-based info. One day, when I had a rheumatological visit, my doctor said..."By the way, no banana splits and cut your carbs...but until we cut the prednisone way down ( I was still on 40 a day) you will not lose a lot of weight." Now that I'm down to 3mg, I'm only 10 pounds short of losing 100 pounds.💞
It has been almost three years, sometimes bumpy and really disappointing to go back up....but it does become managed, that is what we strive for.💞


That’s what I’m praying for. Your experience is encouraging .I feel like the pillsbury dough boy. Lol


I have had most success in weight control with gluten avoidance and
Mediterranean style diet. Less carbs with emphasis on knowing glycemic load. Fiber, fruits and veggies added. No meat days and eating earlier in the day within a 10 hour window all help.Refined and fast foods are not healthy.
Regular mealtimes and healthy snacks all contribute. I couldn’t make this work without a helpful spouse and retirement. Keto diet habits are not sustainable and may not be as helpful for cardiac risk reduction. The healthy
eating plan promotes less inflammation and can result in weight loss.
All this and as many steps daily as you feel you can manage.!


I have GCA. It just so happens that my PCP used to be the same PCP that my rheumy had, so he obviously respects him.
After a few years on steroids, as the pounds added up along with moon face and pockets of PCP was always telling me I'd have more energy if I lost weight. They share the same "My Chart'' and computer-based info. One day, when I had a rheumatological visit, my doctor said..."By the way, no banana splits and cut your carbs...but until we cut the prednisone way down ( I was still on 40 a day) you will not lose a lot of weight." Now that I'm down to 3mg, I'm only 10 pounds short of losing 100 pounds.💞
It has been almost three years, sometimes bumpy and really disappointing to go back up....but it does become managed, that is what we strive for.💞

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So glad to hear of your success in managing your GCA. 8 months ago I ended up in ER unable to use my arms, hands or legs. PMR was my diagnosis. My inflammation markers were off the chart! An injection of cortisteroid and pain Med got me function. My Rheumatologist prescribed 15mg prednisone daily.
But I was determined not to be in that pain again. A low sugar, low carb diet with healthy fats and quality protein, dropped my inflammation markers completely in 3 months. And I lost 10lbs without trying! But this does really require a lifestyle change.
Keep up the good work👍❤️


So glad to hear of your success in managing your GCA. 8 months ago I ended up in ER unable to use my arms, hands or legs. PMR was my diagnosis. My inflammation markers were off the chart! An injection of cortisteroid and pain Med got me function. My Rheumatologist prescribed 15mg prednisone daily.
But I was determined not to be in that pain again. A low sugar, low carb diet with healthy fats and quality protein, dropped my inflammation markers completely in 3 months. And I lost 10lbs without trying! But this does really require a lifestyle change.
Keep up the good work👍❤️

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The low carb, sniff, ice cream and brownies does work! Keep your great attitude and go slowly. Kudos to you too!💞

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