What steroid dosage did you start on? Did you find the right dosage?

Posted by abbeyc @abbeyc, Feb 5, 2022

Hello I am wondering what dosage of Prednisone everyone started on and how long (days) did it take to get complete 100% relief (if ever). Or how long did it take to find the right dosage? I have trialed 3 different steroid doses (with help from my doctors) for the past month and no success yet controlling all the pain 100% or determining the right dosage for me. Maybe I'm impatient.

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Started at 15 mg. Been on for two months and going to cut to 14 on July 1


Staeting on 15mg was good for me. One try to lower to 12.5 failed ten days ago so I'm trying again because I've been feeling really good lately. This is day two.


Staeting on 15mg was good for me. One try to lower to 12.5 failed ten days ago so I'm trying again because I've been feeling really good lately. This is day two.

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Good luck!


Am I just being impatient? I was clinging onto the accounts of quick relief when I started 15mg prednisol three days ago. First morning after, no change at all in terrible pain on waking. Second morning, I awoke with noticeably less pain and easier movement, equivalent to what I've been experiencing after being up for 20 minutes - that is, really painful but the edge was off. Pretty much the same today. New in the last two days: Neck and lower jaw feel stiff in the morning, although not hurting.


Am I just being impatient? I was clinging onto the accounts of quick relief when I started 15mg prednisol three days ago. First morning after, no change at all in terrible pain on waking. Second morning, I awoke with noticeably less pain and easier movement, equivalent to what I've been experiencing after being up for 20 minutes - that is, really painful but the edge was off. Pretty much the same today. New in the last two days: Neck and lower jaw feel stiff in the morning, although not hurting.

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@emaureen, I think we are all a little impatient when trying to taper off of prednisone. Maybe the starting dose was too low? I started both of my occurrences of PMR at 20 mg and the pain was gone within an hour or so of taking my morning dose and when I woke up the next morning my pain level was between 0 and 2 on my pain level scale and really more of a body ache vs pain.

My rheumatologist suggested that I keep a daily log. He also explained when it was time to taper to the next lower dose and my pain was too high (higher than 2 on my scale), I should stay at the same level for an additional week or so, or increase my dose by half of what I previously tapered down.

Do you keep a daily log of your pain level when you wake up and the dose of prednisone you take for the day?


I got relief within hours of taking the first dose of 15mg prednisone. It sounds like you need to call your doctor and go up in mg. It's important to get a hold of the inflammation so as to avoid GCA.


We're heading into a long weekend in Canada. I live in a small-ish town. I tried to call my doctor because the Prednisone was only having very slight effect after three days. However, she is away and no other doctor is available to speak to me even on the phone. The receptionist suggested phoning the pharmacy, but the pharmacist said that PMR is complicated and he can't give advice.

I have a doctor appointment for next Wednesday (today is Friday). The prescription is for 15mg per day - three 5mg tablets. Although I've thought of increasing the dosage on my own... this REALLY seems like a poor idea.


Honestly, your doctor shouldd be available after hilours, if not him then someone should be. Try calling the clinic phone number, you may get an answering service, tell them you are in pain and need to talk to the doctor on call. They'll page them to call you back. Good luck!


Honestly, your doctor shouldd be available after hilours, if not him then someone should be. Try calling the clinic phone number, you may get an answering service, tell them you are in pain and need to talk to the doctor on call. They'll page them to call you back. Good luck!

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Thank you, but I'll need to be patient and wait a few days. It's disheartening that the prednisone has had such a slight response, particularly since I have osteoporosis and Prednisone attacks bone mass (I take Alondronate). I am in pain, but it's bearable and I do have a doctor treating me. This isn't a sudden onset situation, or one in which things have worsened.

We're considered to be rural. The local medical clinic (14 doctors total serving the area) has a recording saying that after-hour emergencies should go to the hospital, which is in the next town 15 miles away. Those who go to the Emergency Room tend to have a very long wait - I'm not sure yet what auto-immune means, but it feels like I shouldn't spend hours sitting with sick people. As things stand, I have bloodwork scheduled locally for Tuesday, will see the treating doctor on Wednesday.

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