Problems walking after covid

Posted by hopefuliny @hopefuliny, Apr 27 8:49am

My mother caught covid for the first time in the hospital after surgery a couple of months ago (don’t get me started on how lax hospitals are with covid protocols) and since that time she has problems walking. She either has to use a Walker or wheelchair depending on the day. Her legs will suddenly feel heavy or like “jelly legs” and give out on her. Has anyone else had this reaction. She had the same reaction after the first couple of moderna vaccines but they went away after a day.

Thank you all.

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I am praying for your mom. I am so sorry she is going through this.
I have Long COVID the brain fog is so bad I can’t remember what I did a few seconds later. Does anyone else have brain fog? Please help!

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My myriad Long Covid symptoms onset in September 2020 included Brain Fog which led me to continually make costly errors in our business operations. While I have seen great improvement in the majority of the cardiopulmonary symptoms, Brain Fog remains the most debilitating. Yesterday, I couldn't even remember what 9 x 7 equals nor the process to figure it out. (It was the unlock to parental controls for YouTubeKids :/ ) Everyone advises me to "write things down so you won't forget". The problem is, in the time it would take to find something to write "it" down, "it" is long forgotten. Literally seconds from thought in and out. My husband may ask me what I'm doing, and my response is often, "I'm wandering". I can't count the times in a day I'm staring into the refrigerator or cabinet trying to figure out why. I eventually do, but the process takes up so much time, my days are far from efficient or productive. I struggle to have an intelligent conversation because I'm always searching for the proper words. IE:"You know, that actor who was in that movie about, you know. He was also in that movie with that actress, you know, who was in that show..." And so it goes. Every time I turn around another week [month, year] has passed, in which I rarely knew what day it was. I have absolutely no concept of time. In general, thinking is exhausting. I have a referral from the Post Covid Recovery Clinic for speech therapy which some have said has improved the severity of their Brain Fog. Life is busy and takes so long to live, if you know what I mean, I have a hard time committing to 6-12 consecutive weeks for the sessions. So, yes, I believe I understand your experience, and pray for us all.


I know exactly how your mom feels, re jelly legs. Since having Covid in 12/2020, I too have experienced jelly legs. Never had this before. I stand and have to wait a few second before walking because my legs simply won’t go. Similarly, I experience very lightheadedness (and pounding in my head/ears) upon standing, feeling as if I might pass out upon standing. It’s as if I can feel the blood pulsing thru my head. No suggestions on how to manage it other than just living with the sensations.

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