problems after chlamydia

Posted by kas1792 @kas1792, Aug 13, 2016

I contracted Chlamydia from my partner and was treated within the month of getting it. shortly after being treated i noticed i was having discharge and abdominal bloating, cramping, irregular periods, spotting and bleeding during intercourse, pressure in my bladder, urine frequency and burning. i went back to my doctor on base (i am military) and she said it was strange i was having these issues and she sent me for another chlamydia test. it was negative. i went toan urgent care off base because the pain was extremely annoying and i couldn't stand the constant visits to the bathroom. i was treated for a UTI even thought my tests weren't positive for one. i was given cipro and also sent for my second chlamydia test because of my discharge. after a few days of the cipro not working i was able to get an appointment on base. the doctor performed a pelvic exam and got cultures and then diagnosed me with pelvic inflammatory disease and prescribed me levaquin and also flagyl because i had BV....i was sent for std checks again and it was negative as well. and sent for a ultrasound pelvic and trans bag which came back normal. i took the levaquin for two weeks and had absolutely no change in anything. i had seen my OBGYN and she said it wasn't a big deal. the medicine would treat it and off i went... so after i was done the levaquin i had all of the same symptoms so i went back to urgent care and told the woman my problems and she did a pelvic exam.. said my cervix was irritated looking so she gave me a shot and two weeks of doxy. i had noticed myself slowly getting better in this time.. but as soon as medication was done i noticed symptoms came back. so i went back to the base doctor. she was extremely rude to me. yelled at me for having unprotected sex which at the time i had obviously stopped since being diagnosed with pid. my pelvic exam was painful... then she just prescribed me levaquin again....and azithromicin(spelling is suspect) and set me for more labs.... urine tests..uti check etc all negative. within five days of taking the levaquin no change. i decided to go to the ER and tell them my situation. the lady told me because of my past of endometriosis and my surgeries for it that i could possibly just be having a lot going on. so they gave me rosephin through an iv and also gave me doxy cyclone and flagyl.. also performed an ultrasound. ultrasound was normal besides cysts this time. but i have a history of cysts. so while taking this medicine i noticed a difference. i saw my ob again she told me it would just "take time".... i then left my base because i am now stationed in korea. so my time in-between bases i was home on leave. i started experiencing the same issues once again. along with a killer yeast infection. i started taking anti biotics but the pain and urine issues were so annoying i decided to go to the urgent care. they turned me away and told me to go to the er. the doctor told me my ultrasound was okay besides the one large cyst on my left ovary had the possibility to cause pain.. which i feel. and she said right now nothing was an emergency so she could only treat me for the yeast infection and to follow up with an OBGYN. and that there was no way pid was still possible at this point. so then i called my insurance to try to get approval for an OB and they had to give me a primary care provider first, so by the time i saw one she gave me a referral and no OBGYNs would take me in a short time. so i was screwed. i went for a follow up with them and she did a pelvic exam and more tests for chlamydia and all. everything was negative. so nothing i could besides suck it up. i just now get to my base in korea and we have no obgyn readily available. i went to my doctor and gave him this entire same story because now I'm having a lot of discharge and bad cramping spotting and also bloating and urinary issues again and he did cultures and said it looked like some sort of infection.... he told me it was most likely not pid anymore... and also said i probably have interstitial cystitis... he told me to change my diet and come back in two weeks. I'm tired of this. i want to be better but i just don't understand what is going on with me. i asked to be referred to an OB at another base about three hours away but he said it wouldn't do any good. I'm just exhausted and feel helpless and i want this fixed before anything else goes wrong...... so now i have to wait two weeks to be seen again.. i don't understand how i am diagnosed with this when this problem has been happening only since i got chlamydia.. that was back in march. i just need answers or someone with advice who has gone through this that can help me at all..

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I too am having many of these issues (burning or discomfort at the tip of my urethra and frequent urination, occasionally having shooting pains in my groin) after contracting and getting treated for chlamydia however, I believe I’m the first male on this post. I have been to a urologist and had 3 tests all coming back negative. I would love some help as it’s now been over a month since my treatment has finished and still having these issues. Also, have any of you had sexual contact with your partner after negative results came back? Did your partner contract anything?

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Any update??


Hey man. Did you ever get this resolved. Same issue. Don’t know what to do

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Any update??


Hey man. Did you ever get this resolved. Same issue. Don’t know what to do

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Did you ever get this resolved??


i have
experienced still some symptoms even after being cured from chlamydia, still having burning sensations randomly and always before and after my period starts/ends. i also feel soreness immediately if i hold my pee for not that long. Why are we all experiencing this?


I contracted chlamydia when I was 17yrs old. I'm now In my 50is.
I remember it so well the aftermath of the situation. I ended up being diagnosed with everything and more than you are mentioning. I ended up with blood poisoning in the end. I was taken into hospital and was diagnosed with Appendicitis! I was about to go to Theatre to have my appendices out when a specialist came flying through the ward, spoke to the Doctor, next minute being taken back to my bay in the hospital. At that point they didn't realise I had blood poisoning due to the chlamydia. It took around 6 weeks to manifest from start to finish. I also had at that point, told I didn't have pid. Coming back negative. So basically, I would if I was you, get tested again until they find the cause. I nearly died that day through negative testing. Hopefully you will get to the bottom of it as its not sound normal to me. Like myself, you are having negative test. Good Luck 🤞


I contracted chlamydia when I was 17yrs old. I'm now In my 50is.
I remember it so well the aftermath of the situation. I ended up being diagnosed with everything and more than you are mentioning. I ended up with blood poisoning in the end. I was taken into hospital and was diagnosed with Appendicitis! I was about to go to Theatre to have my appendices out when a specialist came flying through the ward, spoke to the Doctor, next minute being taken back to my bay in the hospital. At that point they didn't realise I had blood poisoning due to the chlamydia. It took around 6 weeks to manifest from start to finish. I also had at that point, told I didn't have pid. Coming back negative. So basically, I would if I was you, get tested again until they find the cause. I nearly died that day through negative testing. Hopefully you will get to the bottom of it as its not sound normal to me. Like myself, you are having negative test. Good Luck 🤞

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Hi @audreajay111 may I ask how did they conclude you had blood poisoning and what did you do treat it? I’m just like everyone one here still suffering from symptoms post chlamydia treatment and don’t know what to do at this point. I just want to feel normal again. I’m a male and get these constant hot flash feelings and still have this pressure in my pelvis area but no discharge or anything of that sort and all my urine tests came back negative. I have constant fast heart rate and anxiety attacks ever since all of this. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.


kas1792 (@kas1792) Did you find anything to help get rid of the discharge?


Hi @lisalucier , thank you for getting back to me. Yes it has been a challenging and stressful situation for me as I wasn't experiencing any issues at all until I contracted chlamydia, and it's all been a bit of a downward spiral from there really. It's also been difficult considering all my tests results are negative yet I'm still having unexplained symptoms.

My doctor diagnosed me with PID although no actual cause was found, but she couldn't see any other explanation for my symptoms. I have completed my course of antibiotics and the discharge has gone, my pelvic pain has almost completely subsided although I'm still slightly tender and uncomfortable, is this normal? However I'm still experiencing discomfort in my urethra (more my urethra rather than bladder) which gets worse as my bladder fills and is causing frequent urination, this wasn't happening until all of this although the doctor told me frequent urination probably wasn't related to the PID. I've been tested for a UTI which came back negative, so I'm not really sure where to go with that now.

I have discussed my concerns with my doctor and she has arranged for me to have a pelvic ultrasound scan at the hospital in two weeks to check everything is as it should be which I'm glad about as hopefully it will put my mind at ease.

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@xopinkchampagne Hey did your discharge stop completely? What did the doctor give you to stop your constant discharge?


@xopinkchampagne Hey did your discharge stop completely? What did the doctor give you to stop your constant discharge?

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is anyone negative but still passing whatever this is on to their partner?


is anyone negative but still passing whatever this is on to their partner?

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