Preparing to Age in Place

Posted by edsutton @edsutton, Apr 23 7:58am

Many of us in the Aging Well Support Group express similar concerns. We are currently doing o.k. in our homes, on our own, but recognize that disabilities may be on our horizons.
Can we be reasonably proactive about this?
What can we do to stay in our homes as long as possible?
What can we do to gracefully reach out for assistance when we need it?
What can we expect the costs will be as we try to imagine the economies of our lives as we age?
What modifications can we make now that will make life easier when we have less strength and energy?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aging Well Support Group.

As the heat dome lingered, I grew more and more worn out and depressed, feeling very old and tired.

Then there was rain Sunday night and much cooler weather Monday and today.
There was a breeze during our morning walks.
Instantly I felt five years younger!

This is something to remember and try to take in stride, as it will surely happen again.


I realize that no matter how long I live, eventually I'll be gone.
I don't want to leave a mess behind me for others to clean up.
This Spring I completed preparations for my farewell, whenever it occurs.

1) Made funeral and cremation arrangements with the Neptune Society. Wherever I am in the world, the process will require one phone call and all will be done as I arranged.
2) Completed "Get It Together" by Nolo Press. All my legal and family documents are organized in a big notebook with instructions for whoever must attend to those matters.
3) Made arrangements with the animal rescue agent who fostered Hazel. If we can't care for her, she'll go back to people who know her and will keep her or find a new home for her.
4) Made sure my doctor knows about all this.
5) Will share all with daughter next month.

There were times I felt a little queasy, but completing these tasks released a lot of joyful energy as I realized how much lighter my life load had become.
I've come to see that "releasing" tasks and things in a loving way can be a very wonderful use of my later years.

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