Premarin for older women

Posted by pattitoo @pattitoo, Mar 19, 2017

At 74, yes 74 I still have hot flashes, Premarin now taken occasionally, Ia m trying to wean myself off of this med, however
it works. Medicare does not approved of it and my co-pay using my insurance is $1,000 a year, each 90 day supply is $250.
My drug plan is separate from my Blue Cross Plan F. For now I am getting Premarin from a RELIABLE Canadian Pharmacy,
saving me considerable money.
My question is, how many seniors still have hot flashes and take a hormone?
Because of controversy of hormone meds and older ladies, I have drastically reduced my intake.
Anyone else having hot flashes and needing/wanting help?
You input will be of value to others I am sure.

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Have you had a consult with a functional doctor? Or at the very least a provider who is up on the latest thinking and open to your desires. There is some much new information regarding bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. It might be helpful to do your own research so that you can be the best advocate for your health.

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Why thank you so very much. I will look into that. Much appreciated! Irene5

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