Post hip replacement problems

Posted by hipgranny1956 @hipgranny1956, Jun 20, 2023

I had hip replacement 6 days ago and the first two days went according to everything I was told but on the third day I tried to walk around and I had excruciating pain in my lower leg down the tibia or shin bone and my knee and the side of my knee was horrible burning pressure tingling just a deep deep ache. I kept trying to walk but it would make me cry out. Went back to orthopedics they did an x-ray and there was no fracture. But they really don't know what's wrong he put me on gabapentin for possible nerve damage somewhere and this is my first day taking it I'm not feeling great on it in fact I feel like I couldn't even get up and try to walk for feeling a little unstable. I just wondered if anyone else had that problem and did it resolve on its own or did they find the right solution? I go back next week for my first visit and I'm praying for some progress as I take these pills and get through the next days of hopefully being a little active.

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I am 54 and have had both hips and both knees replaced ( 3 weeks post op on my left knee replacement). I just would like to let you know that the first two weeks you're going to have all kinds of different pain. Actually you're going to probably have it occasionally after a certain time, but the first two weeks are the toughest weeks. You' going to have to be patient. Do a lot of icing and rest and good luck to you.


I had a complex hip replacement at the end of January. I had soft bones and I now have a cable and a screw showing up on my hip x-rays. I had to use a walker for the first six weeks and then afterwards I found it too painful to walk so I ordered a cane from Amazon and I used that for another six weeks. I have only started to walk normally after almost 4 month post op. Who told you that you should feel hunky dory after only six days? I do recall meeting a few people in the past year or two who said that right after surgery they were able to walk right up the stairs. Well, yay for them. This is considered major surgery and everyone will have different outcomes. My thigh still hurts on occasion as does my knee but I am so grateful that I do not wake up every night in pain like I used to. I no longer obsess about chronic pain and if this is as good as it gets for me, then I am OK with that. You need to give it time. Three days after surgery it took me 22 minutes round trip to get out of bed and make it to the bathroom which was less than 15 feet away. If your x-rays are good then you are most likely going to get OK. All my x-rays have been good for the past 5 months. My surgeon told me that it would take 18-24 months before I am fully recovered.


@hipgranny1956 Welcome to Mayo Connect - you have come to the right place to talk about your experience. Many of us have been through this - sometimes, more than once.
The others who responded are right -everyone has a different experience. And after 5 hip surgeries, I can tell you that no two are the same, even on the same body!

Six days out from surgery is VERY early - remember, they cut you open, sawed your bones, drilled or reamed, hammered and glued. No matter how much sunshine they try to throw on you, your body is MAD! Bone, muscle, tissue & skin all need to heal. Nerves are often either irritated or injured in the course of a hip replacement, and the mend very slowly.

So take your time healing. Are you icing several times every day?


Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m under the impression the surgeon puts a bolus injection of lidocaine (a painkiller) into the joint they operate on towards the end of the hip replacement procedure which may wear off after approximately 2 to 3 days which may account for the timing of when your severe pain initially kicked in.


Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m under the impression the surgeon puts a bolus injection of lidocaine (a painkiller) into the joint they operate on towards the end of the hip replacement procedure which may wear off after approximately 2 to 3 days which may account for the timing of when your severe pain initially kicked in.

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Sue, thank you for responding to my post. Yes I am still icing several times a day as well as elevating today is day 8 and I woke up with pain and numbness in a little tingling feeling in my thigh mostly on top and to the outside and of course my knee still hurts but not quite as bad as it did in my earlier post. So thank you for encouragement I know things are bound to be different day to day cuz this is a big shock to your body and your bones . My left leg was a little shorter to begin with so I attribute some of this pain to my right side getting adjusted hopefully not to too much of a longer leg after the surgery! day by day !! thank you


I had a complex hip replacement at the end of January. I had soft bones and I now have a cable and a screw showing up on my hip x-rays. I had to use a walker for the first six weeks and then afterwards I found it too painful to walk so I ordered a cane from Amazon and I used that for another six weeks. I have only started to walk normally after almost 4 month post op. Who told you that you should feel hunky dory after only six days? I do recall meeting a few people in the past year or two who said that right after surgery they were able to walk right up the stairs. Well, yay for them. This is considered major surgery and everyone will have different outcomes. My thigh still hurts on occasion as does my knee but I am so grateful that I do not wake up every night in pain like I used to. I no longer obsess about chronic pain and if this is as good as it gets for me, then I am OK with that. You need to give it time. Three days after surgery it took me 22 minutes round trip to get out of bed and make it to the bathroom which was less than 15 feet away. If your x-rays are good then you are most likely going to get OK. All my x-rays have been good for the past 5 months. My surgeon told me that it would take 18-24 months before I am fully recovered.

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I didn't mean to sound like I expected sunshine and roses! Ha I was so happy that for the first two days I was on par and then that horrible pain like someone slammed my shin bone with a bat started every time I tried to do what I Had been doing. It scared me and since my daughter is a nurse, she insisted she help me with a gait belt. (she worked in a nursing home) and she did most of the work with me crying out every step. I'm not one to panic but I am glad to know it isn't fractured. Since a few days ago it is little better to walk and exercise. Now I have little twingys once in awhile in my thigh and if I let my arm rest lightly on my hip on the socket it feels odd. I like this sight for the fact that you can send a detailed text. Haha Thanks!


Let us know what your next set of x-rays show. My doctor told me mid May that I exceeded his expectations. I still have pain in my thigh and knee but it’s manageable which is saying a lot. I’ve also had three dvt’s in both legs and I consider myself a walking miracle. On a blood thinner for life which is something I have to live with along with everything else. I am grateful for every day now.


I'm beginning to believe my Dr didn't give me as much information as he should've or I wouldn't be seeking answers. I think we are sent home too soon and expected to have the knowledge to care for ourselves while in pain and nervous about not making profound mistakes!!


Somewhere hidden in all the paperwork and appointments prior to surgery was a link regarding everything I needed to know about hip replacement surgery and what would follow. I did not read it! I should have because it was many pages long and I thought I knew it all. Yes I am little miss know it all. Not! My surgeon did his job but the rest was up to me. I am almost five months out and I’m going out to lunch tomorrow. That is a big deal. I can finally walk almost normally. Can go with my husband now to walk the dog. Can walk in the park by myself. Christmas Eve I was so nervous about having to walk from the living room in my daughters house to the dining room for dinner and I wasn’t sure that I could make it a mere 10 feet or so. That’s how bad things were before surgery. Getting better every day. I am 75 years old and not sure what normal is anymore at this age but I keep on as best I can.


Yes, paperwork helps, but some of us need more hands on. I read and re-read everything and still when Im in so much pain, I think what did it say about this or that? :/

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